Books that redpilled you? Money, women, history, self help, doesn't matter the genre
Books that redpilled you? Money, women, history, self help, doesn't matter the genre
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It's literally "what if white people didn't exist": the novel.
Guns, Germs, and Steel
Quit Triggering Muh Dick
by Charles Dickens
history of western philosophy - bertrand russell
You have to go back, Muhammed
Cash Flow Quadrant
"Why Evolution Is True"
I don't read books. I watch anime instead.
The Art of the Deal
What manga red pilled you?
same bitch?
who is she?
>Implying a random faggot on an anime messageboard is more credible than a Pulitzer-winning book
guns germs and gold is pretty based
Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs goes too tinfoil sometimes but has great information
Thus Spoke Zarathustra seems to be a meme book now but it'll help you find strength if God isn't working for you anymore
Great Grandfather being in the Kriegsmarine, grandfather being in the HJ and my other grandfather being a member of the BUF.
I have a degree in memenomics and I can't even understand this.
I'm an atheist who think religious people and conservatives are retarded.
After reading history...
Still atheist, still think think religious people and conservatives are retarded. But now I think liberals and 99% of atheist are suicidaly retarded. Their vision of society is simply not sustainable.
Same bitch
No clue but would berry
and for me
48 Laws of Power is a good read, good to reference frequently for your personal/business life.
>Muh zebra's have never been domesticated
search on Goygle
"Domesticated Zebras"
blows this faggot's trash book out of the water
Once you understand it fully it will change how you look at everything.
The Giver, back in the 6th grade. Ended up setting a lot of wheels in motion.
the Christian Bible
Probably pretty pleb response but I read "Animal Farm" when I was 15 and it was probably my first lick at the redpill.
explain, thanks :)
Agree but that's pretty basic
Watership Down.
>that degenerate burrow full of "artists"
your balance sheet on the left is wrong
if you have a mortgage then automatically you have a house in your assets, same for car loan
I'm always surprised how few people on this board have read Culture of Critique. It should be a requirement to post here. You cannot call yourself redpilled if you haven't read it, and you can't be my friend
Irrelevant. That Africa has a dearth of resources is the only explanation for African populations achieving less than others (other than the brutalities of European colonization, of course). There's no reason a population that was building pyramids thousands of years ago should be in the position it is today.
I can't do that. You have to read the book.
Stolen Apples, by Yevtushenko
Anything by Eric Hoffer, pic related, quote related
"People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them. "
the road to serfdom
the law by bastiat
the god delusion
the blind watchmaker
the selfish gene
a short history of nearly everything
a brief history of time
brave new world
crash proof
how an economy grows and why it crashes
"Hehe everyone is stupid and wrong but me" fucking kill yourself
Nothing to say about it?
Greek philosophy is good in general
How can you be this retarded. It literally says stop living off a wage and start living off your assets while getting rid of liabilities.
>48 laws of power
Teaches you how to manipulate people and become powerful.
>10X rule
Demonstrates how average thinking is ruining your life
>The Natural: How to effortlessly attract the women you want
A lot of PUA is garbage but this book was useful. Has conversation techniques and techniques to relax yourself in social situations
>Nikki Heat series
Kind of pandering to feminists with the superhero female detective but a good read if you want something light and entertaining
>Art of war
Basic strategies and pieces of advice that can help you in many different situations
Read those 4 books this year and I'm glad I did.
You are so blue pill it isn't even funny. It isn't an accounting balance sheet. It is truth. Your mortgage is your bankers asset and your liability.
She's cute
Post-scarcity space hippies fucking with anything different/less advanced than they are.
Written by a Scot. Is a pretty good look into the psyche of a Globalist Utopianist.
Oh also, the Blank Slate. Pinker systematically destroys social constructivist theories.
Albigen papers
art of war was so bad i didn't bother to include it in my list
it says shit like "don't attack your enemy when he is strong" like really dude, thanks for the advice
it's written so long ago that it's not even relevant anymore
>feminist detective book
>self help books
yeah either you're too young to post here or you should kill yourself. or both
Mein kamf
Anarchists cookbook
Damn I'd love to be in that ass
W-why is one of her anus cheeks considerably larger than the other?
Objectivism as a ideology isn't that great, but this book has lots of good shit like this.
>what is depth perception?
>what is perspective?
everyone here should read this desu
sun tzu isn't something you're suppose to take in literally.
It speaks on behalf of pro and cons of tactics so that officers from the top down accept the fact that an order is legit
Think of it as the 10 commandments of war
shits common but when you refer it to the 10 commandments it have validity (although circular logic)
>anus cheeks
>Self help
That´s trash
didnt see what book he was referring too :)
i will read looks good
>Perspective shapes reality
C-can I use this technique on my d-dick?
i've met him. pretty nice guy
Ugly as fuck..
But what a nice ass..
You are all dumb niggers
Stop with your bullshit and read a real fucking book instead of this god damn website without context or meaning
Mathematics is the one true redpill
actually you can
You're really fucking stupid aren't you
This post is really bad. Why did you save it?
>Eurasia has relatively amiable transportation between cultures
>WRONG! It's got mountains and stuff. The section of Africa that is literally defined by it being bellow hundreds of miles of uninhabitable dessert was just as close if you look at the map, which I just told you not to do.
>Europe had more domesticated animals than subsahara Africa
>WRONG! The crescent belt and South America had a couple.
Not even vary many people replied to it. I'm going to guess you saved your own post. Next time use PNG, by the way.
Fahrenheit 451
Animal Farm
Grapes of Wrath
The Scarlet Letter
Not as hot as I thought she would be, but man I would fuck her so hard if given the chance
fair enough. it's a quick read anyway but it felt like a waste of time
First off, the detective book is entertaining. Not valuable at all but fun to read. Also there is nothing wrong with reading self help books if they are well written. I guess I should just become a nigger and not try to improve myself. :^)
Samefagging; quote makes me think of all these dead eyed liberals who don't know why they're yelling.
nothing wrong with reading detective books or self help books but how exactly did these books red pill you, in the Sup Forums sense of the word
Yep thats a paper-bagger
mein kamph
The Creature from Jeykll Island
>obvious pic related
Everyone should read it.
Loads of studies have come out "debunking" a lot of it though.
>do what everybody already knows you're supposed to do
So what novel things does the book say
The republic says a lot of shit that is frankly completely contradictory to 'american values' like individualism, democracy, personal freedoms, etc
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra seems to be a meme book
Ehhhhhh, I mean, it IS, but it isn't your average read - you have to go into it with some knowledge of Nietzsche and some time. He does call it "a book for all and a book for none" after all.. I haven't gotten through it all, but recently I was able to compare the opening lines of the first part "how the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child" comparable to Herman Hesse's Sidhartha's progress.
The Giver, Brave New World, 1984, all the different sci fi series I've read (Starfist, wh40k, the first and only non shit halo books, etc).
Start reading this stuff in 5th grade and it's entrenched my inner redpill ever since.
However I've always had a somewhat contrarian/anti authority attitude and when I was younger I was super anti religious but now SJWs and feminists/progressives are where my ire is directed.
Also I find it interesting that sci fi stuff tends to be pretty redpill.
i'll take whore for 420 bob
Fishing for (you)s in norway is incredibly easy these days.
The only proper answer.
Oh wait this is a retarded kike bait thread
ignore any relevant posts
Objectivism is pretty based in my opinion. I personally follow it these days- coming from a liberal past.
Also if Ayn Rand's writing style suits you, Atlas Shrugged is pretty great. I was recently rereading it, actually.
>fucking looters
>the road to serfdom
>the law by bastiat
>the god delusion
shit I even have a signed copy
>the blind watchmaker
>the selfish gene
>a short history of nearly everything
>a brief history of time
>brave new world
both suck balls but are required red pill reading
>crash proof
>how an economy grows and why it crashes
LMFAO le gold man
The real crash was better by Schiff.
Also you would like the book Currency Wars.
This is great Blue Pill reading for when you're Red Pilled and discovering just how leftists handle the cognitive dissonance behind their beliefs.
Shut the fuck up beaner, you will never get a girl like her
>Atlas Shrugged
>What Liberals, Black Rednecks
My god. I would berry muh face in that for days.