Faggot Head Cuckservative at it again
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>this man is the leader of the republican party
what a cuck
When Trump wins,he needs to fuck this dude right out of office
He just doesn't know when to shut his mouth does he?
Whats this guys deal? Why does he "endorse Trump" then bitch out so much?
>Trump says something not 100% politically correct
>Paul Ryan is asked a question about it at his weekly press conference
>Ryan answers the question diplomatically, but of course rejects whatever horrible strawman is in the question
>Ryan's statements are taken out of context and portrayed as attacks on Trump
Every. Week.
>"I know what we'll do to save Consevatism, Inc. We'll get hysterically upset about claims of racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism that the Left makes about other conservatives"
Good god what a faggot
Paul Nehlen needs to win Ryan's seat
The current president pandering to a presidential candidate during an election shouldn't be happening, but I don't hear this cuck ever mention that
Its pretty clear trump will ask him to step down and ryan has already said he will agree to step down if trump ask. That's why he's making such a fool of himself now
He said on the Kelly File that he 'didnt see it (star of david)', meaning he didnt see the star of david in the image NOT that he didnt see the image.
It's hilarious how both the neckbeard right (aka the "alt right") and SJWs have deluded themselves into thinking Trump is anti-semitic. The former to support him, the latter to defame him (while they ignore real anti-semites in their camp like Jeremy Corbyn).
There is no bigger Jew/Israel shill in a US election than Trump. He wants to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and says he hopes Israel builds more settlements. He has vowed to negate the Iran deal his first day into office and wants his daughter to have more "beautiful Jewish babies". He surrounds himself with Jews and Zionists.
And yet despite being Israel's BFF, he still gets called anti-semitic by his beard necked supporters and the fat SJWs. It's all so ridiculous, and demonstrates that Horseshoe theory is real.
>beta nu-male cuck beard
it's amazing how many faggots are so eager to out themselves like this
seth rogan lost a lot of weight
it's funny when people say "he wan'ts to move the US embassy to jerusalem" as a bad thing, because they don't realize that there is a us embassy in every country and that's just some tiny pandering thing that doesnt matter
Wrong. He said he'd step down as the head of the Convention NOT speaker of the house.
Anti-semitic dictatorships are welcomed by him though?
>Sup Forums is a one guy
lol, who cares?
It looks like an edited JUST image but isn't...
why is his fuckin head so small
So all the Trump supporters also support Israel?
Everybody who is redpilled about the Jews knows that Trump is a sham?
All he has to do is stop regurgitating MSM drivel and back Trump. It's not rocket science.
This faggot needs to just shut his fucking mouth. God damn, easiest thing in the world. Shut the fuck up.
This fucking guy needs to go
>my based fellow wisconsin bro
Gotta love this man. Sticks to his principles and calls out bullshit when he sees it.
>It's hilarious how both the neckbeard right (aka the "alt right") and SJWs have deluded themselves into thinking Trump is anti-semitic. The former to support him, the latter to defame him (while they ignore real anti-semites in their camp like Jeremy Corbyn).
The lunatic anti-semitic fringe are become an extreme annoyance, they are basically Hillary's best ally, everytime they misbehave the chances of her winning increase.
They lack any self awareness or ability to make strategic choices.
Does this dude want Hillary to win?
it's not so easy when people are interviewing you and you love the spotlight
This little cuck is getting primaried right?
SJWs/liberals would FREAK if Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. The UN/EU would also meltdown, because "muh palestine and muh occupation"
No US Presidental candidate ever advocated it until Romney in 2012. Trump took it a step further and said not only does he want to move the embassy, but he also wants Israel to build MORE settlements. Not even Romney went that far.
Go curd some milk, fucking dairy fairy.
I've seen this before
Don't make the mistake Farage did, he needs to be purged before the damage is done
It's not hard to defend Trump on this or the Judge thing
Fuck off kike. Everyone here knows the Jews end game. Trump is helping Israel so he can get elected. Unfortunately our country is so influenced by foreign money that our politicians have to make promises to foreign entities.
>Oy vey, only good goy should be involved in this election
For Trump's own sake, he needs to be pragmatic and keep his mouth and twitter account under control. He's won the primary, his supporters don't need any more convincing. He needs to just focus on attacking Hillary, which isn't very hard.
>politics are an all or nothing game
He straight up called Trump a racist two weeks ago.
He has called out trump on numerous other occasions too.
This isnt out of context at all
why do you think I care about a sovereign nation that is literally across the world?
are you seriously trying to shill for hillary right now?
please, rationalize to me why I should be voting for Hillary, as an anti semite
also, btw, palestinians are semites as well
He also flat out said he would sue Trump if he enacted his temporary ban of Muslims during his presidency
for your guys information, it's the same reason that FBI did nothing to Clinton; all of the political class is basically thinking Clinton will definitely win
they also probably have kind of good intentions in wanting someone who isn't Trump, because they feel that only a different republican will get approved by their jewish overlords
but when it comes down to it; these people ALL think Trump will lose, and they don't want ot get caught with their pants down when Clinton gets in. I don't blame them either; Clinton will attempt a purge of all right wingers
How are pictures of the reality of the migrant crisis indefensible?
Because Carswell is a slimy shit with 0 backbone
Muh racism
>Fuck off kike. Everyone here knows the Jews end game. Trump is helping Israel so he can get elected. Unfortunately our country is so influenced by foreign money that our politicians have to make promises to foreign entities.
And? So you will help get Hillary elected? How will that further your cause?
Much like SJWs, BLM and BAMN you cannot do anything because you will sacrifice any long term goal just to indulge in emotion fueled outbursts that damage your own cause.
Silly stormfag untermensch.
It would certainly help if Trump actually did something inline with Republican platform so he could praise Trump for it.
this is a face of a cocaine abuser.
isn't this the guy that was elected by the tea party movement then went and back stabbed everyone and went back on his words?
So where do they have place? Because i really really like those anti-jewmitic images.
you are thinking of Cruz.
"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director
Related video that I really recommend listening to when you get the chance:
establishment republicans want Hillary
shave you nasty fuck
you represent congress