Is Dunkey redpilled?
Do you think he browses pol?
Is Dunkey redpilled?
Do you think he browses pol?
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I think this is actually the stupidest idea for a thread I have ever seen
no, of course not. He's a neet who made a an anti-Trump joke in his The Division video. #triggered
He's a fat youtube slave, he probably doesn't care about politics
Jesus, I thought pol was getting spam fucked before.......
You bumped your own thread? The shills are here in full force tonight lads.
are you that insecure of your decisions that you need validation from other anonymous people on whether the choice of watching/liking dunkey is a valid one? FFS grow the fuck up and realize the truest redpill is forming your own ideology and your own parameters on whether something is degenerate or not. Why the fuck do people post the most retarded shit asking if someone is redpilled or not. It hurts twice as much because you even bumped it.
this tbqh
most celebs are not openly red-pilled as it's career suicide anyway
Not even close, Baybee.
most youtube vidya channels could care less about politics.
he hangs out with black gays so I doubt it
Haha you all just got trolled!
Yep. Being redpilled should come naturally. Truth is self-evident once you know it, so if it's truthful and right, you'll know. Dunkey's the one gaming channel I watch, and I don't watch him often. I don't think he's "red pilled". He's just a normal nerd.
>plays video games
hes an annoying faggot, you have to be a child or have a sub 100 iq to find him funny
rocket league is super fun though
No leaf faggot. He's a fat fuck who is mildly funny now that he stopped making LOL videos. Now fuck off.
Who gives a shit?
Nah I saw him once and he wasn't finally. Can't stop to think about the donkeys have to film and then he did. Not really
>Not realizing the redpill is a meme made by the jewish media to ruin your social life
>Not being redpilled
also sage
>being redpilled
>posts arthur reaction images
Does anyone have the link to that gif?
I'd take Dunkey over any of the 2016 candidates DESU.
He'd build a wall made entirely out of unsold copies of Knack.
What's the deal with this guy anyway? Every underage edgy memer seems to be subscribed to him. What's so good about obnoxious, unfunny video game commentary? Am I missing something?