Europe in 2022.
You know its true.
Europe in 2022
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l o l
PLEASE stop including norway in your unions. thank you
>Including France
Nobody likes Germany and Merkel, down there
>sleepy hollow
>the vatican
>catalan empire
Over my dead body
stop with the curvy text holy shit
>The buffer zone
funny cuz its true
I really hope we ally with russia and when they invade southern europe we take the north and show the scandinavians what vikings faced trying to raid us.
There are way more things wrong than right with this so I'm just going go call you a fucking leaf and peace out.
That'd be scary as fuck for me, pham.
I hope we have acquired nuclear warheads.
>EU candidate
Do many people like Hollande? He's your president.
That Bulgarian fairy is indeed retarded.
>Merkel anywhere in 2022
>France and Germany is one state
>Balkanized Spain
>Independent Scotland
>Ukraine in the EU
>Nordic superstate
It's a joke, dumbass.
What's with Russians and not understanding jokes, satire, sarcasm, etc?
Well fuck you too russia.
That EU would last 30 min. Functioning Intermarium is a meme.
12% popularity
It's an improvement at least
>Latin America
Vatican States should be:
Post template, motherfucker.
How does Iceland end up as being Alaska?
Also, Nexit, 2k17 (because it will end up being this year).
you seem to miss that most Pedos are in fact Gay...
Anyone have those Chinese internet searches about the countries?
Shit was pretty funny.
A more realistic map.
>Albanian federation not owning Kosovo and Switzerland.
This map is unrealistic. Delete this!
>the netherland
Are you a moron?
>Theres more muslims in Germany and France than in the Netherlands.
>england white
>scotland muslims
>Highlighting a 96% white country with Asians as the biggest minority called Scotland.
Froggy please.
The muslims are everywhere in these countries, unlike Germany, France, and Britain where muslims are only in the cities, also these people are far too cucked to even restrict the niqab and there is no islamophobia , they will submit without fighting.
But i was wrong about you Netherlands, you seem to still have hope
pick one Jaque
I think Nederlands has one of the highest percentages of muslims in Europe. Even more than France
>catalan empire
You are retarded
This is the most accurate one.
>in Europe
May as well call the UK a continental European nation because of Gibraltar.
That's accurate
>being able to form something else then debts and faggotry
Hm.... No.
If the Turks never came and Anatolia was still white and Greek would it be considered Europe?
"_F A L S E __ F L A G _"
well damn, never expected flattery, honestly.
>fruit salad
Kek! Parli Italiano?
Where is Romania?
They're in the EU in the meme image
>Kalmar union
maybe but Russia will shatter in to little pieces, trust me
When a Bulgar says something retarded, you are never sure if he is just being himself or trying to be funny.
See filename, anyway:
Sir, I have bad news for you.
>not Russia
Americucks pls
t. non-white slav
>You are now aware whenever a burger posts something like this he is subtly heritagefagging
>Czechia and Hungary
>not in Visegrad Union
retarded map
the era of unions is coming to an end; localism will overcome globalism (in politics, not trade) and we shall have many sovereign nation states once again
Macedonia ain't a muslim nation tho
The places with money are muslims, huh?
that's an interesting way of putting it
No, but it got caught in the bunch
For every set there ought to be some exceptions.
I left out Bulgaria... but I forgot to make a hole for Macedonia.
Macedonia should go in the "ambiguity" group.
kek what
fuck off
- we banned minarets
- we banned face concealment in one canton, the first of many I am sure
- this was all voted by the people
again, fuck off and inform yourself next time you make a shitty map about countries you clearly know nothing about.
The world in 2040
Damnnn nigga this plus sign madd a f
Keep it ==100==
>our former colonies
Sure, Poland, sure.
Remember the VETOs?
>EU candidäte
>Belarus in cycked union with kurwa capital
soon we will be independent inshallah so die in your rage
fucking poles, i liked everything about them till now
Just cleanse yourself from gypsies and all will be right.
[citation required]
The country will still be a shithole though
from 2011 numbers: 3.3% officially registered, probably ~4.x% today since many of them left since the UK immigration policies in 2012. I doubt they will come back to romania though, there are still countries for better welfare seeking.
Also we can't cleanse them off because muh EU policies to be "tolerant" and shit, that's the price we payed to join the union i guess
Even if you werent in the EU you still wouldnt be allowed to cleanse them tbqh.
We feel your pain, because we have the same problem here - and cant do a single thing about it because muh hoooman rites
See He's not completely wrong, nor totally right.
no, you're right
But at least before the EU they were discriminated as fuck.We are still discriminating them now, even more if you really think about it, since the majority blame them for the bad reputation we got in EU.
After we joined EU i can't really tell if so many of them left the country or they just started to behave more civilized ( i know it sounds retarded) since the police seems to do it's job better overall.
Many gyppo heads of different mafias got arrested ( one of them bribed like 300k euro to ex-president's brother and both got in jail)
It's surely getting better but while the scums are in other countries making us look like shit it only changes our image into worse.
Good news is, more people seem to be turning hostile to islam (we have a party for the animals an animal rights thing 'partij voor de Dieren', even they're against islam, feels good).
Still, kicks you in the groin when someone says "you have as many as France". That sort of insult hurts.
>Good news is, more people seem to be turning hostile to islam
Since I hate Netherlands, I'll tell you why this is not good news.
This is not good news because it is too late.
Best case scenario you will have a politically divided country for the next 100 years.
But it is already the case with the Netherlands, is it?
Worst case scenario you will have riots, Nazism, and God knows what sorts of political and social upheavals tearing your country apart (both financially and physically).
Now it is too late to respond to a wake up call. You just have to accept it is already over. Better convert and keep things quiet otherwise things might reach a boiling point and shitstorm may occur.
>a threat in the 21st century
remove gypsies, send them to cucks
>saviours of christianity
Praise Ukko
Muslims used to only be in the cities until last year. When the """"refugees"""" came in they started systematically spreading the mudslimes all over germany in every single little village.
And the politicians are fighting hard to make islam the dominant religion and culture in germany, I see no hope for my country unless a far-right party wins the next election
there is no template, there is a guy who makes theese
I was referring broadly to the situation in which your country gets so redpilled it actually receives bans and sanctions, so it starts invading other countries to ethnically cleanse them.
That's something you don't want to happen because it is a no win situation.
And especially in the case of the Netherlands, to go Nazi is the best way to invite other countries to "have a say" -- either officially (e.g. sanctions) or unofficially (by fostering revolt Syria-like).
So fuck no. 100% Netherlands shouldn't go Nazi. It would be suicide.
>tfw "?"
I dont wanna be grouped with them, the only countries i want in my group is the v4
See Of course there are bound to be exceptions.
As I wrote, it's a bad edit
I wish germany had democracy
a clueless little kid could make a more accurate map than this shit