Is joining the Military worth it? Which branch do you think is best: Navy, Army, Marines or Air Force? I'm completely undecided and still relatively ignorant on how it works mind you I'm 19 yrs old. Though I will most definitely NOT sign up if Hillary is president which is why I'm waiting for the elections first before making my mind up. Would you gift and die for your country under the leadership of (hopefully) President Trump?
Also, Do you get paid a lot of money? Do they cover your housing and healthcare as well?
As a 21 yo still thinking about it
My regret is not joining out of high school. I am so close to a 2 year degree it wouldn't make sense to join now. Its better to go with a 4 year and go OTS than enlisting.
If your asking questions like this you need to do A LOT more research. Check out all the youtube videos on experiences BMT, tech school etc
The military pay scale is easily searchable on the internet and is the same for all branches. E1 makes ~17k. That is below the poverty line but
>DECAF (Food)
>Dorm/BAH which pays the majority of your housing (Depends on where you set up and COLA cost of living allowance)
So nearly all of that money is liquid, which is how you get the meme of the guy who gets out of the mil and buys an expensive car with all his savings because hes been living it up so long. Or worse they leave with no savings because they spent all their money on shoes in tech school, or lived the life style of eating out every day
Parting words
>Find your job from now
>Take the ASVAB and retake it if you didnt score high enough
>Do not sign an open/general contract
>Do not go in for 6 years ONLY SIGN 4!!!
>Read that contract front to back its the next 4 years of your life
>Do you get paid a lot of money?
>Do they cover your housing and healthcare as well?
You want to join the US armed forces to fight for Israel goy
If you want a GI bill yeah it's pretty nice but no I didn't make much money at any point. This country isn't worth your life at this point
Same shoes OP, 19 as well and joining the Navy. All my buddies went Navy, one of them is Army.
Everybody says Marines sucks, I disregard them entirely. I have great respect for them but we're in peacetime right now, no point in joining unless you want to paint rocks or hang out in the desert for 5 years occasionally shooting religious farmers and getting your legs blown off.
Army buddy says he is treated like dirt and is bored as hell all day but there is a lot of opportunity for the future and he is more proud of himself then I have ever seen him, I think that's just military mentality.
Air Force seems to treat their personell the best by far, most funding and comfy life. My buddy in the Air Force is an aviation mechanic I believe and I don't know what the fuck he does, he is literally playing video games almost all day. Battlefield 4 non stop.
Navy seems to have the best opportunity for adventure, mostly the travel potential. Both my parents were in and most of my buddies, nothing but positive reviews. I have never met an angry Navy vet, they all seem content and talk fondly of their service, so I'm going into it for those reasons. I will either be a Seabee (construction crew, not sure which rate (job) yet) or I will be a corpsman (doctor).
Good luck to you either way, I suppose I would recommend Navy from what I know, but that's not much. Talk to a recruiter but don't let them bullshit you, do research before hand and online.
Airforce is the way to go. Get into a nice cushy comm job and get certifications for free that you can actually use on their outside. The pay is decent and you have a lot of benefits that are commonly overlooked.
Don't join yet. just wait until Trump win then you will able to serve the country with a honor to fight against globalists.
>The pay is decent
The pay is based on rank and it's the same in all branches. The Air Force is harder to rank up in.
>Enlisted at 17 (7th generation soldier)
>In 8 years
>Army, Intelligence
If you join the military you get back out what you put in.
What I mean is if you just want a job and experience, you'll get it. If you just have no idea what you want, you'll get almost nothing.
If you want to push yourself to do amazing things, you'll get a shitload.
I traveled all over the world, saved a lot of money, got the GI Bill, met 2 presidents, 2 kings, and had dinner with a real princess; I learned a foreign language and got a ton of computer training; I got into pro athlete shape; and I learned how to ignore things like self-doubt, fear, and pain.
>Air Force
some technical jobs, but not as many as you think. Infamous for being like a corporate job where they fuck with you because they can. If you aren't a pilot, why the fuck are you there?
Many technical jobs, lots of training, and LOTS of being away, nothing to do, and no women
Unless you think shooting people is a skilled trade, least technical jobs, least training valuable in the civilian world, and hardest to really get to high rank. You get to say you were a marine, but other vets don't give a shit
Most jobs, most opportunity, most bullshit by far.
If you enlist, make fucking sure you allocate pay FROM YOUR CHECK to savings and investments. I know a fuckton of guys who enlisted for 2-4 years to 'save some money' that were flat broke when they got out because they spent every nickel on food, beer, smokes, and bar girls. Or they buy a flashy sports car, have to insure it and put gas in it, and eat chow hall food every day and leave - flat broke, and with a 3 year old car that's worth shit.
On the other hand, I knew a guy that put 50% of every check into T-bills and had that roll into blue chips and he left with a real bankroll.
Yes OP, only a real man will die for Israel. Make sure to go fight in the middle east so when you come home people can spit on you for being a straight white male.
>Best Branch
Marine Corps
>Best branch to join
Probably the Air Force. Those fucks always had it nice. When I was in Jordan those guys were willing to trade their bad ass meals with soda cans for a fucking MRE. They're spoiled, but their women are sexy.
If all your interested in is banging people within your branch it goes
And it's a tie between the USA and USMC because the Army is full of niggers, but the wooks in the Marines are fugly.
If you want to bang the most women
>If you want to bang the most women
Chicks in the Corps come in two flavors: hideous beasts that look like Ernest Borgnine got burned, or hot chicks. No in-between.
But, the hot chicks are chased by everyone.
Also, Marines are so far away from real life that if they aren't at sea (no chicks) they are places like Lejeune, where toothless fat chicks are choosy.
tl;dr - this guy is smoking dope
Coast Guard is the best branch and also the most selective.
Yo, is it better to finish 2 years I have left in uni and get in debt?
Or, join military get GI bill to pay the 2 years?
Thinking of joining Airforce.
22 years old, studying CIS with GIS minor
why never sign a general contract or a 6 year contract?
>be stationed at Lejeune and not going to Raleigh or other surrounding cities and banging qt southern girls.
Besides 29 stumps there are other bases in Cali where there are qt Cali girls.
Also not going to Japan to rape and pillage Japanese sluts.
i go to a military college and it's very competitive to have a 4 year degree paid for by the army ect
might be thoughts of grandeur but if something did break out in the middle east i'd rather enlist with a college degree than be an officer.
the military is receding heavily with a lot of o1-3 getting the short end of the stick and realizing they're looking over a peacetime complex that isn't all that it is chalked up to be.
i'm probably gonna go civilian and thankfully don't have to worry about student loans because of scholarships and great fiscal planning on my dad's part (former marine) yet i still long for being in something greater than myself
Only if there is a war. Never join military during peacetime. Wait for the next war.
Here's some help:
Are you poor?
Do you have opportunities in life that are achievable for you personally?
If you answered yes to both of these, then the armed forces are for you!
any military bros; I want your advice, I'm thinking very seriously of enlisting.
He's not talking about the women in the Corps, he's talking about all the other women in the world.
There's a good chance you won't like military life or your MOS. Waiting an additional two years for your sweet DD 214 will be hell.
Because an open contract basically gives you a job that Uncle Sam is in need of filling. Therefore you'll get faggy jobs that no one wants to do
And the 6 year thing is self explanatory. You don't know if you'll like it so why would you sign up for 6 years. Just do the minimum to see if it's your cup of tea and then reenlist from there
Please for the love of god stop doing shit things at oki. Fucking 2/3s the time I was there there was no fun allowed because you dumb mongrel fucks kept raping the locals and driving drunk.
peacetime and being a boot seems like a waste of time to me, join if shit gets real but otherwise try and get a job (i know it's hard and easier said then done)
I was at Bragg, and I've seen that
>marines roll into Raleigh
>Start hitting on girls
>jarhead haircuts + BCGs = the pretty girls know they have no money
I was at DLI
>Go into a real town
>haircuts, etc., make it obvious
>Liberal tree hugger cali girls want nothing to do with babykillers
I am in the same position. I am 1 year away from getting my AS in EE. I am probably going to have to go into debt for dorm fees though. so its a toss up
>Go on to the 4 year degree and deal with whatever debt I have at the end of this
>Join and get the benefits of whatever debt I gather from getting a 2 year degree then enjoying the GI bill of worry free college
I don't know I am just riding the tiger right now
With a general contract they can put you anywhere. You more than likely will hate the job. The recruiter will also get you with a "You can get A1C by signing up now for 6 years" which is a few extra 100$'s a month. Its now worth it though. And one example I got was one guy signed a 6 year and missed a 50k reenlistment bonus by 3 months. And ended up getting nothing to sign back up again. Just don't do it.
Idk about the other branches, but DO NOT join the Marine Corps during peace time. Being a Marine in Garrison is the fucking worst thing. The only time you'll have a good time is deployed
high and tights, the biggest cockblock known to men
>not going to Wilmington
There's a UNC campus there, it was the only thing that made being stationed in Lejeune not suicide-worthy.
It's never a bad idea, you learn a ton of shit than will look very good on your resume, the army is a good mean to climb the social ladder if you are smart enough.
Do you honestly think 100% of the Marines have high and tights + BCGs?
That's retarded dude.
>What are Low regs and not needing glasses?
Enlisting into Marine intel, hopefully HUMINT one day. If I'm good at it then I could also see an alphabet agency or private contracting work afterwards.
Join AF and get into finance. That's the place to be. Every other job will fuck you. If you like working 12s, dealing with patients, or being locked up behind a desk all day, do anything other than finance.
I'm feeling that airforce; I'm just wondering if I walk up to a recruiter office and just say, "Hey man I'm ready. Where do I sign?"
I'm thinking NAVY or Airforce, my cousin's husband is recruiter for NAVY and my supervisor at my job is ex airforce.
I also know an Army guy at my work place, he's our Sr. Security Analyst, might have to talk to him.
Is anyone Navy here that would recommend either a corpsman or Seabee rate? I'm colorblind so I'm about restricted between the two, I don't care for the others.
AF recruiter will say tell you he has open jobs for maintenance because that's where we're hurting right now. He'll probably get you a crew chief job. You won't have a life if you become a crew chief.
Why is that guy wearing green camo in the desert?
he's a interpretor
>Become a Corpsman
>Get your FMF badge
>Get assigned to a POG Marine unit
>Become untouchable and loved by all
Seriously, every Marine loves their Corpsman.
My biggest fear of joining the military is that I have a small flaccid penis (average when erect though) and I am worried about showering/going to the bathroom in front of other guys
I am a nervous pee-er at the best of times.
What should I do?
also are all Us military recruits circumcised still?
Boat life is fucking terrible. I was on ship for 9 months on a MEU and I wanted to die every day.
Thanks, great info man. Couldn't have anyone answer NY questions better. Great insight.
How do they dispose of human waste at sea? is it just ejected or kept in tanks?
Because Afghanis are fucking stupid
Couldn't have said it better myself. I always wondered why the afghan army had green uniforms. Probably because its a Low IQ region.
Its always worth it. You dont join for a person you join for the values, the rigts and dutys the flag stands for.
You join because of the person in charge you doing the wrong thing. Its as bad as burning your flag.
Your military is a force for racial mongrelization and Jewish interests. Joining the US military is treason against the White Race.
Kek has spoken
peace time marine corps is trying not to get a dui and seeing who can draw the best dicks
SO2 In the Navy. Everything depends on what you want, people told me I was retarded for going this route because if I failed selection I'd basically be scraping paint chips unlike in the army where id have a bunch of different chances to fuck shit up. Its pretty nice here though, the bases aren't as shitty as army or marine ones.
>1 post by this id
I have no idea, I know we just threw the garbage overboard tho. That was always funny to me
Look at your fucking numbers.
What are the showers like onboard? is it communal as in one big shower? individual stalls? much privacy?
That's what I've been hearing, I really want to go with Marines but how can I avoid all the other bullshit within the rate like mental health, physical therapist, radiologist, etc? Can I go straight to a marine unit?
Considering joining the Navy or Air Force to become a linguist, but I know that I'd probably be railroaded into 80-hour weeks for a year to learn Arabic when I have no interest in Arabic. If I don't burn out, that is. I tried some advanced linguistic puzzles and they made sense to me, so the test doesn't scare me. Just the thought that I'd end up as a janitor if I burned out of linguistic school.
if you are lucky enough to get stationed at camp pend its pretty chill
On my submarine you had individual stalls for showers.
Might luck out and get Mandarin, end up flying on rivet joints and p-8s gettign harassed by chink fighter pilots.
Any opportunity for meat gazing?
its the navy thats their favorite pastime
Is there anything wrong with gazing at a bit of meat?
You're packed like sardines and have to wash the guy in front of you.
Unless you have a hard on for being a soldier and are willing to go infantry or some sort of combat position do not join.
Or if you have no other options
if you have ANY other options you'll be much happier doing almost anything else
Every non combat job is the shittest of shit tier and you will be the lowliest of scum for as long as you are enlisted and most likely become suicidal due to no way out.
You will have no freedom, and be forced to be with people you hate day in and day out
you'll be doing meaningless jobs like moving furniture around, picking up cigarette butts or just warming a seat
and you'll have almost no way to actually find a girl sans online
I'll answer questions if they're not personal; I'm trying to repress the memories of my time in.
You are all fucking retards that deserve the abuse you beg for
It depends on the ship. One ship I was on had a designated shower room with just curtains as privacy. On the other ship I was on there were 4 showers where the toilets were, but they were stalls with locking doors.
No matter what someone is going to see you in your towel.
The coast guard is the best branch, and hardest, to join.
Most people forget it exists, but it's fuckin' great.
>No way to find a girl sans online
Bro you don't like those skanks hanging out at base bars who weigh 800 lbs and have fucked everyone on base twice?
Hnggg my dream
Do you get to wash his crack/taint?
It's all depending on your unit. I'm sure there are a shit load of shitty units on Pendleton.
no. I found my fiance online
Genius, US military in Europe has to be fucking mauled in the most savage manner. Can't wait to see corpses of Marines hanging alongside the Autobahnen.
> Can't wait to see corpses of Marines hanging alongside the Autobahnen.
No one in the other branches gives a fuck.
Edgy, go to bed Russki. I respect your country and your leader, but only like a master respects a worthy hound, our military would destroy yours if it came down to it.
It's not fucking edgy. All European Nationalists want you dead. Almost all Muslims world wants you dead. Maybe killing US servicemen and Jews is what will be a uniting factor for temporary alliance.
>european nationalists
you're not even a part of Europe.
>American education
Not if you intend to serve that kike occupied federal government
understand that by signing that contract you are handing the rights of your body over to a bunch of secularist and satanic war mongers.
sorry, buddy, you're geographically a part of asia.
I guess Putin removed that one from the curriculum there eh Ivan?
If any of you guys are actually about to make a serious life decision, go to /meg/ on /k/. They've got an FAQ and there's a bunch of vets on there.
Are you trolling? I feel like you're trolling. Bro, someone will be yelling at you to move while you have like a minute to shower. No one is taking the time to check you out.
kek, he is being serious too