Finally got around to re-installing Coincidence Detector, and this is the shit that I see later this day?

How is Stef a Jew? The guy literally does nothing but tear apart globalists, lefties, and commies all day.


Other urls found in this thread:



He's controlled opposition at it's finest. He's actively trying to push the goyim from seeing the nose. I never even liked him

That shit slowed my browser to a crawl.

He's not. But he is a fraud that seeks to separate his impressionable listeners from their families. He's an anarcho-capitalist who filed DCMA claims on those who showcased his backpeddling and contradictions. His UPB is a total failure and it seems (I don't follow his releases) that he's moving away from anarcho-capitalism and towards whatever Sup Forums is doing.

The last part is a plus in his favor but it calls into question whether he is really just THAT impressionable or if he's just exploiting (a la Milo) this 'alt-right' (stupid term) niche.

I have a cheap Chinkpad that I got for $50 and it works pretty smooth

Nevermind, he is. Guess I don't know enough about him to speak on it.

>He's not.
He mentioned multiple that he's one
see this for example

Denouncing Molyneux as a Jew is actually a subversive Jewish trick. When your opposition hates you, the best way to discredit the opposition's champion is to make him seem like a traitor or a double agent.

muh kike blood is not an argument. His ideas are solid. Ignore the man and his heritage, look at the facts.

Then once you're done look at the man again because he's funny to look at.

His mother was Jewish but he despises her beyond anything you could believe.

Goys of TRS, Enoch, whoever, if you see this: Moly is one of us. Take him off

I think his mom was Jewish. To be fair, he has a deep-seated hatred for his mother, so maybe he's a self hating Jew like Brother Nathaniel

Who the fuck cares if his parents were jewish? He is an atheist, and literally all of his videos are anti-globalist, and are against the international jew.

>redpilled jews don't exist
Pretty sure it was a jew who was the first one to be redpilled in all history.

Ideas have to drip down to the goyim animals somehow.

It's not like they'd think for themselves or anything.








He barely talks about the jew and even when he does it's only the mock those anti-semitic bastids. Jesus why are goyim so retarded

>I don't like therefore it's controlled opposition
He has a Jewish background. And you havent read any of his books, or follow his show so you dont know what his principles are

Jesus was a jew.
He was the first one to say fuck the kikes :^)


>Jesus was a jew. He was the first one to say fuck the kikes
Then I'm glad to say that Molyneoux isn't one of them


Does that change the truth in anything he says? For fucks sake, he literally just did a video on Race Realism called "Race, Genetics and Intelligence". Really fucking Jewish right?

Nice Lenin quote. Off to

He's called out the double standard on Israel before and regularly talks about race realism. That's good enough for me. If you can't see how he's useful despite not being Sup Forums-incarnate, you're autisic

He's libertarian and that's a jewish ideology anyway.

There are so many people that Sup Forums can use as it's figures, but for some reason, every single one of them has to be jews like Milo and Mlyneux. A pure coincidence, if you ask me

Wow, never knew you could be Christian and Jewish at the same time.

>born by a kike mother
you have no idea

Jew wanna know where to get your car fixed Carmencita?

Stefo got a ting 'bout middle age Latinas he fix you good

wew lad

Dude will say anything for those sweet sweet youtube views and defoo donations.

>He's actively trying to push the goyim from seeing the nose.
he literally called feminism a Soviet Jewish conspiracy like 3 days ago

>The guy literally does nothing but tear apart globalists, lefties, and commies all day.
lmao I do this and look at my flag
He's a Jew by his own admission

>inb4 muh proxies
>inb4 Sup Forums is nothing but white supremacist besement neckbeards
Howcome they don't call jews neckbeards anyway.

you're that retarded, aren't you?

This doesn't mean anything.
Problem Jews talk like the SPLC or MSNBC.
Molyneux is the polar opposite.

right so check this out
right now, sitting in a car, probably stuck in a bit of traffic, you know big city living and all that

He has just finished work at a office or warehouse or supermarket it dont really make much fucking difference just trading time for money

On his way out of work he says goodbye to sara working at the front desk (a spicy little number)
he jokingly asks if shes got any plans for the weekend "oh not much just hang with the boyfriend i guess"

A slight chuckle is all he can mange as he turns to the exit , a rage so pure and intense like gouts of flame spike into his soul all he can think about as he walks to his car is violently beating and raping the stupid whore sara fucking dumb bitch ill fuck the life out of her he thinks has he brings his 1993 honda civic to life

he is on his way home now where soon he will lock all the doors, close all the blinds then put on his $10,000 usd pink and blue wolf furrie costume

and spend the rest of the night shoving bigger and more complex looking dildos up his arse, stretching out his urethra with a ballpoint pen and masterbating to child porn all live on webcam

this is the real world, people like that exist and worse they vote for hillary

all interpretation is lost just under the surface, can you tell the difference between a smile and a crocodile? are you sure? am not.

this is the real world, a world of illusions


Does the Coincidence Detector flag Ivanka? Or does she not count because she's only a convert?

Ivanka is as much a Jew as Milo is a Catholic

Is that a yes or a no regarding the detector tho senpai

(((JIDF))) detected

you happy now Chaim?

>Can't separate secular jews from the boogeyman people they think control the world


What gave me away, is it the the flag right next to my ID? Nothing escapes you leafs.

Yes, thanks

"Secular" jews are the ones we should be worried about you retard. The religious ones are just harmless autists


She's not actually jewish until she has a jewish mother. You ought to know this.

>Can't separate secular jews from the boogeyman people they think control the world
"not all muslims are terrorists, we need muslim immigration!"

That's why I asked whether she counts or not.

You are just now being exposed to the coincidences, soon you will start making your own connections and drawing your own conclusions.

>He can only run doom 2 on his pc

So you think some teenage girl in Israel who is 100% non-religious or a US secular jewish physicist are less harmless than hardline zionists who build and move onto settlements?

He's a Jew like most of the characters in Jersey shore are """""""Italian"""""""". He has some distant ancestry like one Jewish great grandparent. Real jews look almost exactly like the merchant meme.

He was a Hebrew, not a Jew.

>Ovadia Yosef
If I didn't know you were seriously considering him to be a representation of Israelis this would be the finest satire.
And nobody is asking you to accept Jews into your country or even tolerate them so your comparison is not valid

He's Jewish.
His Podcast is pretty good, his political views are pretty good.
Praised by Lolbertarians and Sup Forums.

Milo Yianoppoulus is Jewish.
A front runner of the alt-right movement.

Ben Shapiro is Jewish.
He's just fucking based.

Face it. A political movement is nothing without Jews and the answer is not always
>da joos

We have been proven wrong, when will you accept it?

>Naming the Jew
>on YouTube

This would literally get you v&


Would the Talmud be a fair representation of Israelis?
That's right Hans. The world has been complete shit until the enlightened Shlomos came to lead us goyim

He also offered you an ideology where you bow and scrape instead of stand tall and fight. A religion for slaves is what he brought, whereas Judaism is a religion for masters (the chosen people).

>literally thinking that having Jewish blood makes you a deceptive person
You don't really understand genetics or evolutionary principles, do you?

Sup Forums believes that Jews are some sort of hivemind race that can communicate telepathically and are all purely focused on genociding the white race.

I guess this includes people with 1/8th Jewish heritage who were raised Christian.

If you think that most people genuinely believe that every Jew is going to get 800 or whatever goyim slaves like it says in the talmud, they don't.

If you think that those idiots who actually do believe that are more likely to be secular like Molyneux and not hardcore Yiddish rabbis, then you're just making things up.

Ask yourself this, are you criticizing what he says or him? Because the latter is the identity politics the left loves to use.

Those are the reptilians.

Stop lying, you are the direct equivalent of muslims just more sneaky and with higher intelligence. What you are doing is like the jew version of Taqiyya, stop shilling.

No, that's the point, Talmudism is pretty fringe here and the people who would be following it are the ultra orthodox welfare queens that nobody here likes anyway.
Representation of Israelis would be either western secular traditionalism, meaning they believe in god, might not eat pork but mostly believe in classic liberal freedom values, or not ultra orthodox Judaism, meaning that they follow the laws but they aren't zealots, those are mostly the settlers and so on so they are very patriotic and right wing.
Talmudism is Satanic I agree.
Seriously though, your Jews are tenfold worse than Israelis, regarding the hating of Goyim and the promotion of degeneracy.
Everyone who believes in Talmudism deserves to be killed, no question.

>Both Presidential candidates have daughters that converted and married into Judaism.

All is lost, goy.

>He's controlled opposition at it's finest.
And what would you consider not to be controlled opposition? He's one of the better red pillers out there right now.

His mother's jewish. He's openly said he would've killed her if she wasn't his mother though, so I don't think he follows her philosophies.


I see JIDF are super active in this thread protecting their controlled opposition. Name the kike and he doth appear.

What's even more worrying is that even on Sup Forums of all places this is justified. JUST

This. Never thought I'd see the day when pol would support a candidate with a jewish daughter.

>its impossible for jews to hate other jews
ah yes

That's why I've been saying that Trump is no different from any other candidate aside from being a bit more brash. If and when he comes to power, he'll still be on a kike leash.

Not everyone can be a pure blooded nordic...Canadian.

Even in the chance that he wasn't a subversive kike, why would anyone respect someone self-hating? Do you respect whites who complain about white privilege?

What does Sup Forums think of based Bill Whittle? Is he red pilled?

>implying most of Sup Forums don't have jewish mothers
>implying we dont hate her for divorcing our fathers and breaking our families up
>Implying we don't project our fear of our mothers onto the jews.

I don't get it, why would trump take commands from his son in law? Serious question

Jews are as much white as niggers and are by far the biggest threat to the white race. Ivanka might as well be a coalburner

Literally cucks for Israel and niggers, does not shut up about having a pilot's license.
Panders to the lowest common denominator, i.e. "football is actually povertyball and our "football" is the greatest game ever!", and other such musings.

An absolutely interesting fact also is Stalins daughter was also involved with a jew.

Hitler called u.s.a * The american union * to regard it similar to the soviet union- The similarities are evident.

This secret back door society of the ultra elite in this plutocracy is jewish, and the leader goyims always have to have their family intertwined with the jew- the same was for Stalin and the same remains to this day for U.S.A.


>jewish milf asking for grandchildren role play

I'm a Catholic you filthy hethen

Why would you even say that? You realize religion is irrelevant in the question of who is jewish or not, correct?

whites need a molyjew to backup their belief.

Milo please we know your mom is Jewish.

Can I get the Coincidence Detector for Firefox?



how the fuck did you install that? I've been trying to ages but since firefox/google chrome took it off their store or blocked it I cant

TRS reuploaded here


He doesn't really shy away from the Jews, he just doesn't blame them for everything like you brain dead conspiracy faggots do. Watch his video on circumcision.

>watching his "Where Social Justice Warriors Come From" video
>he says Jewish Marxism is responsible for feminists and thus women that are married to the state

Daily reminder that anti-molymemes are Jewish tricks or literal retards

>If I didn't know you were seriously considering him to be a representation of Israelis this would be the finest satire.

>Ovadia Yosef was [...]
>a Talmudic scholar
>an authority on Jewish religious law
>and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party
>Born in Iraq, he was the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983.
>Yosef's religious law rulings were highly regarded within Haredi circles, particularly among Mizrahi communities, among whom he was regarded as "the most important living halakhic authority
>a notable figure in Israel’s politics

Netanyahu is representative of Israelis, and he had high regard for both Yosef and his beliefs.

it's super easy to tell who controlled opposition is

they will go on ALL FUCKING DAY about the "elite", the "corporations" the "1%" the "globalists" the "satanists" etc. etc. etc

but they will never name just WHO, just what DEMOGRAPHIC these people are. 95% of them are jews, the rest shabbos goy like the bushes and clintons

notice how stefan and alex jones will bring you close to the truth but never tell you who the nose behind the curtain is

He was a judean, not a jew

He's a good guy - for now. He is on our side, has made very helpful videos in debunking pure lies about Trump, etc.

>Open Borders Advocate Struggles on Israel Question.webm


You're so fucking retarded, although watching your flag doesn't surprise me.

Every time we got someone denouncing this kind stuff it's called controlled opposition, jew,etc.

Keep lurking here, watching porn and call everyone shill, you're helping a lot.


He admitted he was part Jew already.