They're making a movie about us guys
They're making a movie about us guys
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The goyim are starting to figure out so the jews have to pump out another 6 gorilion movie to subdue them
Writer and director of the movie pictured here
>Guess my ethnicity
uncommon flag
Coolest flag desu
I was expecting him to hang out with fat virgins who never leave their rooms
These guys are actually out marching and being active. Totally irrelevant to this board
So are we legitimizing Thought Crimes now or what's the deal?
How dare they name such propaganda after the glory if the Imperium
>literally hitler memes not working against trump
>days of media spent on a star posted on twitter
>media shilling shoah memes 24/7
>o-oy vey goyim!
>jews make "muh six million" holocaust denial movie
>jews make "muh ebil nazis" movie
it's afraid
They might be stupid inbred fucks but they aren't nor have they ever been terrorists
This stinks of Jewish propaganda.
>Antifa attacking anyone
What an unrealistic movie.
Macedonia copied ours
>watching hollywood past 2005
>[Meeting in Venice intensifies]
You're right, Argentina. Come to think of it I can't remember the last time I read a book, even though I have nearly 400 of the "banned" and recommended ones on this site.
I haven't watched TV in about 10 years, but I still watch movies.
I think I'll stop and simply read books instead.
Can't believe I fell for the Jewish meme.
Why am i not surprised of this shit anymore
Skinheads and neo-nazis could never preform a terrorist attack top kek.
Also love the polish flags in the movie. Real original.
Anyone here watch Hail, Caesar? The coens basically called out the Marxist Jews and how shitty Hollywood really is
It was pretty great
will pirate
The sailor scene was pretty amazing
tfw you will never be polish
>domestic terrorists
>forming cells dozens of people
Unrealistic as fuck. There's a good reason all the effective attacks are done by just 1 or 2 people.
Is that why that movie scored so low on imdb and rottentomatoes?
>"You're a Nazi double agent, Harry."
Worth it just for that
>polish flags
Fucking racist neonazi xenophobes
>You look to the left, you look to the right. One of these people is a snitch.
They actually know Sup Forums.
That movie was a narrative mess.
The kikes are going overdrive with the nazi stuff lately in Hollywood. Are they scared?
That movie was great
One of my best friends is Polish-American. Great family, traditional values, they're all very successful and happy. Also happen to be blonde haired and blue eyed...
>tfw all the blatant anti-white propaganda has made me sympathize with skinheads
Ahm a what?