rev up those meme's boys
>alphabet agencies edition
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rev up those meme's boys
>alphabet agencies edition
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looks like this is going to die in the ass lol
Flag of the revolution? The star represents one united American populace, and the wreath represents the peace and purity of liberty.
I actually really like it.
hmmm i like it but the others weren't bad either
will i get land if i come and fight for you guys?
Jesus Christ will you faggots never learn. Worry about fighting your little revolution. When the movement needs a flag, people more important than you will have designed it. The time for a flag is not now.
user, this Definitely must have at least 13 stars for the original 13 colonies
I will personally grant you 13 acres of land, a purebred horse, and a southern-bell qt3.14 virgin.
ok lads from what i learnt in the last post when your fucking with electronics trying to take down a cities power plant
unless you like getting electrocuted
We would need a new name. Most Americans would be instantly off put by the word Confederacy. They would instantly assume slavery. I love confederacies. They're one of my favorite forms of government as a matter of fact. But it's current year so we have to rebrand everything because of how retarded our countrymen are.
Also fighting under a single flag and uniform opens you up to conventional warfare under Geneva and Hague Conventions
Fighting under no uniform or flag gives you the protection of the Geneva and Hague conventions with a much more limited ROE that will fuck the US Gov't
OIF/OEF vs. OP Desert Storm/Desert Shield
Last for years or get crushed in under a week?
wow i just wanted some land but a horse a nd a qt virgin what more can a man want
This. I consider myself a confederate, but if we called ourselves a confederacy, we would instantly lose a massive amount of support
Welcome to America, friend.
you have to think of something catchy
Uhh I personally don't give a fuck about the Feely feels shit.
Seen too many buddies shot or blown up to care about these nu-male faggots who vet-shame us and their faggots feelings, I mean, I know gay men who are less faggots than these leftist hippy fucks.
Define it in every mention of it.
Re-educate people on what confederacy is and how it empowers the people and the states and fends of tyrannical governments.
And last but not least. Be ruthless and savage. Psychological warfare will defeat morale. Morale and full stomachs win wars. Broken minds lose them.
unless Trump is elected and we somehow land with Hillary for the next 4 years, I would love a Texit.
Yeah it might be against what we signed and all that shit, but look at what the damn Clintons are doing. If Hillary gets away with endangering all of our lives just for some fucking money, who could stop us?
>not rubber mallet
never gonna make it
Code words and other subtle forms of communication would be best. It also likely wouldn't be posted on websites like Sup Forums because OPSEC and such. Instead it would probably be communicated by word of mouth in homes, taverns, and meetings within houses of worship.
oh i need about 30 guns though will that be a problem?
and 10k rounds of ammunition.... for stuff
If confederacy turns out to be absolutely undoable, then just call it the Nation State Union of America (NSUA)
How about "The Militia"
The liberals are always whining about how you need to be in one to own a gun anyway right?
the wood is harder than rubber
the whole idea is you want to bash the circuit boards you break into
if your mallet is rubber it will be harder to do
unless your a electrician/technician and know what your doing
It's not just for money and power. She's part of the New World Order.
Hillary would not be the damning factor of our nation, but it would be a leap in the very wrongest of wrong directions
I've got a baseball bat and a couple of empty bottles ready to clang together menacingly. I am ready.
We just need a few thousand protesters to occupy a building in Washington D.C. If there's anything we should learn from the left, it's that a street protest can easily be broken up, but once you take over a building, you gain a lot more time and exposure to spread your message.
BTW does anyone have more info on Guccifer? Christian times made an article today about him being found dead hanged by a rope in his prison cell.
Can't find anything else on it, just all the rumors of him disappearing and that it was a false claim.
Supposedly he was found hanged this afternoon
Only 30? What are you some kind of liberal faggot?
The problem is that the United States as it currently exists in size, population, role in the world...basically everything that makes the United States is not compatible with Confederacy. This means that we couldn't even get people to accept the concept of a Confederation until the country is already Balkanizing. And trying to re-educate people mid-Balkanization doesn't seem like the most efficient use of resources at the time.
Why do you want American uprising?
You don't even live here.
Unless you're in the process of moving here, fuck off
Do this every day in different buildings. Make it an absolute fucking nightmare to work for the federal government, and you win support from the inside
n-no no i'm just a minimalist you understand
i just want a happening friend and some free land if i fight for the right side you see
I know what you're saying, she's completely controlled by foreign influences from who-knows-where, I just think that if she were elected, things would get out too out of control
I2P user.
Also encrypted radios with keys shared via I2P changed monthly.
Biggest issue is agent sabateurs/provacateurs inserted by 3 letter agencies to attempt to cause it to self destruct. There would need to be an extremely thorough vetting process.
Also extremely distributed network of cells. Isolated and daughter ed to each other with each cell only knowing of its parent cell etc isolating the network to the best possible to keep the ability to aggregate data and Intel and identities difficult
I really want that 1911
>Lives in America
Guess I will go buy one.
Hell even the Bundy protest in Oregon received massive amounts of national news coverage and they were in the middle of nowhere.
What we should really be focusing on in these threads is cultivating the message. Almost everyone on Sup Forums is some flavor of right wing and a nationalist. Certainly Trump and Brexit built strong coalitions on rising resentment in the right, and more specifically the white, working class. What could be our unifying message?
Fucking this. Hell, 99% of the troops on a base aren't even armed. All the weapons are locked in a Battery/Company/Troop's armory, and the ammunition is typically kept in an isolated part of the base in a depot that issues it out to units for range time.
The actual response time to any sort of real aggression that they don't see coming is absolutely abyssmal. Hell, even the base I was stationed at in KUWAIT was a complete fucking joke, and there's a sound argument to be made that we could have potentially been attacked at any time before we shipped to Iraq. The bases there were nowhere remotely near as guarded as Iraq despite the asymmetric nature of the war. If someone wanted to they could have easily drove a suicide truck right in at top speed and crashed right into a line of tents and killed hundreds.
And the base I was garrisoned at in Germany? Complete joke. Same for the bases I've seen stateside, including really fucking important ones like NAS Jax.
For the lulz of course. What the fuck is your problem?
You know what, go back to my ducking brick suggestion damn it.
Pop it open and throw a few bricks at its insides.
Post your SHTF happening kit
ok done lad
>t. not an electrician forget the wooden mallet idea lads i don't know what i'm doing
Why is California standing on an electrified rail(s)?
Probably not going full Sup Forumstard and alienating large swaths of the population by making it some race war meme is a good start. If you really care about the country you'll focus on actual issues, and not edgy neo-nazi shit that would repel the vast majority of people.
natsoc stormfags need to fuck off back to their general and stop ruining good threads by turning it into a highschooler angst fest.
Free American Republic is my personal choice. It's simple and FAR is any easy enough codeword to use. Personally, I am also in favor of a seal of sorts that has the combined appearance of both the Byzantine double eagle and the Great Seal
"America First"
"Out of many, One"
"Our Land, Our People"
"For Life, For Family, For Country"
I don't see how were too large for a confederacy. It's essentially nation states functioning in their own sovereignty with the Confederate government running the national representation to the outside world behest the will of the nation states it is comprised of formed off of direct democracy.
Or am I all fucked up here?
hey I like this
like i said a lot of these alphabet agencies that have man power to respond to any kind of issue have one entrance and one exit
get a big truck park it length ways in front of the base and light it on fire and slash the tires
it will take ours for them to sort out the mess
while you go and fuck about doing your insurgency thing
I dislike the concept of a modern American armed revolution. It's crazy talk, and only serves to further vilify our chance at democratic reform of the U.S. Government via Donald Trump.
I would encourage those of you with fantasies about overthrowing the U.S. government to drop those and focus on persuading your fellow citizens to vote correctly, and helping elect state and local officials that better represent your views. That is how we change America for the better, not with talk like this, which will only end up as another Waco/Bundy fiasco.
That being said, does anybody have any more posts like pic related? They're kind of neat in an "Oh, I didn't know that," kind of way.
Well the entire OPEC/UAE, several of the EU nations as well as the EU itself and China and the Russian Federation (which is fucking confounding with all the US RF stupidity)
The North American Union
Actually no, I take that back, the Columbus Dominion sounds badass as fuck
Absolutely. We need to focus on taking our country back from the political establishment who have sold out our country to banks and professional victims. No one has made the defense of the white working class their political mission. The message certainly doesn't have to be racialized (even though the media will certainly portray it as so as they've done with Trump and Brexit). It should primarily be about the struggle between globalist elites against the patriotic working class.
>What could be our unifying message?
The fact that the American public is obviously being screwed, everyone knows, but we will fix it
"Die on your feet or live on your knees."
A quote by George Washington.
>People get mad over Columbus Day and celebrating Columbus
>Name their country after him
>democratic reform of the U.S. Government via Donald Trump.
nobody is saying don't give the system a chance but its obvious you guys are going to get bullshitted
even if trump was leading significantly i would expect some form of voting fraud to get hillary rotten in and for them to laugh in your faces if you suggested something suspect had happened
the whole system though is rotten and corrupt like most countries
democracy doesn't really exist its just puppets being pulled by globalist strings
this is why i'm in this thread to fight those guys
>That being said, does anybody have any more posts like pic related? They're kind of neat in an "Oh, I didn't know that," kind of way.
go see the previous thread
>He still thinks we can change the system from within
If nothing else, this election cycle was the final big, blaring wake up call that our system doesn't work in it's current form. People have no voice anymore, and voting doesn't matter. Trump is a fucking meme, Don't be retarded. A game show host whom has made a brand out of flagrant displays of foolishness for entertainment isn't going to fix shit. The fact that anyone unironically thinks Trump is anything more than an entertainment spectacle is ridiculous.
Who wins the election is irrelevant. The system we have isn't one where a president is going to be the one changing shit anyway. The people that matter are the ones that most people don't even know the names of, Their own damn state senators and representatives. They're all bought and there is no oversight, No accountability, and no recourse for the common man. We've been effectively locked out of the governing process.
We're an oligarchy now.
>but we will fix it
this you have to offer hope
but not in the form of obongo, 'yes we can' bullshit
real change, real freedom
I guess it's a culture thing. I just feel that the diversity and and the expectations of the federal government of most people isn't capable of accepting such a drastic change. I also think that it would cause a lot of changes that I'm unsure about in the role of the US in the global community.
I mean most countries in the world might hate us but it wouldn't take them long to cry uncle when we start twisting their arms and I rather enjoy being big dog on the block.
Sua Sponte, Fortior Simul Quam Seorsum.
(Of Their Own Accord, Stronger Together Than Apart)
That should be the slogan. Signify purpose drive and unity for Americans and strength for the people.
I'd like to be optimistic and think Americans could follow along the line of the British with their referendum, but I feel like the establishment has made such democratic avenues impossible (as the FBI decision on Clinton's emails shows). Certainly we should wait until after the election to take action, but if events like the assaults at Trump rallies inhibit our ability to peacefully participate in the democratic process, then we should also be prepared for more direct action.
We agreed earlier that we needed to keep it simple. It would need to be something we could spray-paint on a wall, for example
Hey guys, when you're doner over there in america, can you come over to good 'ol germany and bring some automatic weapons with ya?
I'm stuck with a Five-Seven and can't start a fucking revolution with that.
this guy gets it
and its the same for the whole western world just in different forms
nobody represents the common man anymore its all about how much money i can get from so and so lobyist who represents so and so oil company or how can i sell out the privacy of my fellow citizens so i can get money from so and so cyber security firm etc....
politicians only care about themselves and none of them give a shit about the people
I actually really like that.
Is there any way to make a single star, with 10 stars in each leg of it with a blank pentagon space in the center to the right of the eagle and make the stars red?
I'd do it myself but... y'know, phone
A wreath is pretty difficult to spray paint on a wall
>real change, real freedom
Isn't that why we're here?
will the din din be good? I'm in bed by 6:00 so?
I understand how you feel, America. Yes, your government is betraying you at the hands of the deluded and evil liberals, and the voting masses are brainwashed with white guilt and the niggers are only emboldened by this perceived weakness and division. But even so, you are the last bastion of the white race. That may sound funny for a country that gets meme'd upon for >60%, but I truly believe this. Europe is falling apart, Islam and immigration will undoubtedly end them or at least change them irrevocably within our lifetime. You can already see that young Europeans are outnumbered by immigrants in their age groups, and these people are weakened and censured by their government from even speaking out. The USA is the last stand.
There is nothing worse than seeing your home country given to chimpanzees and other subhumans. Believe me, I know. Watching them slowly burn everything to the ground your ancestors built and your people spilled blood fighting for, then spitting on the ashes and the very memory of it kills you on the inside. Nothing will ever come close to making you feel as empty and hopeless and broken as seeing that happen.
But please, don't give up, America. Don't lose hope. Don't let those useful idiots and god damn indoctrinated liberals win. The fate of your people, the world, and the white race depends on it.
Thanks user,
With regard to your post, though. I disagree.
Yes, there's an extraordinary amount of corruption in our government, like: said, our senators and congressmen all too often aren't held accountable for their actions. I'm not defending a broken system, I just believe reform is possible.
I was absolutely certain that the Brits were going to get POSTAL'd, like the Austrians did, regarding the Brexit decision. Now, as far as I know, they've yet to invoke Article 50; however, Brexit did win.
The banks, media and government were against it and it won. Unlike the process of an EU member state leaving, the U.S. Presidential election has no such measure to stall with.
Do I expect Trump to win in a landslide? No, it'll be an uphill battle, it's always been an uphill battle. The only hope we've ever had is a fool's hope. But it's still something, and it worked for the Brits.
It's best to keep it centered on something much more tangible and objective like economic class and it's impact on the country, Yeah. The Sup Forumstard racial slant shit is stupid as fuck because some people have totally convinced themselves of this 'image' for what a 'real' American is. Usually that image boils down to childish 'muh master race' memes because of ridiculous preconceptions spawned by backlash against tumblrinas; As if they somehow spoke for all(or even the majority) of black people, or other kinds of people. What makes America strong is the idea that we are past all that Yuropoor bullshit about ancestries and race and all that stupid shit. In America, what unites us is a core belief that every man is his own master, and subject to their character being judged by their deeds, not their creed/race/lineage.
>what are stencils for $5 Alex
Seriously, you could easily make it into a two stencil set
Spray white down, then lay stencil 1 on and lay blue, then stencil 2 and spray red.
Simple quick and easy, could make it smaller than an 8x11 sheet of paper and make it out of card-stock or even plexiglass so it's strong and easy to hold in place.
Matte spray paint and a can of air to dry between layers of color so the stencils don't duck up each layer of paint
Exactly. Low-level agitators such as youthful vandals are a great propaganda tool. They work better if they can be made without stencils and can be drawn by a retard. K.I.S.S.
>and it worked for the Brits.
the brits aren't out of the mire just yet lad and you know it they may have voted for brexit but i would bet in a month or so everything will somehow be legally reversed and they rejoin the EU in some form or another
you sure?
No problem, you can buy them at the grocery store
I personally support having racial diversity.
I also require cultural assimilation to the American culture
And lastly I prefer Aryanism - sticking to only reproducing with your own kind and lifting each other upeople and supporting each other (not fucking financially or via welfare damnit) and helping each race to achieve their true potential.
Those who can't dig it I believe should leave, but I don't personally voice my opinion in that outside of these boards and with close family.
You realize that if the occupying forces catch you with stencils that you're liable to get the same kind of treatment as they would with the Taliban.
I know. I'd hope they don't get screwed. Granted, our elections can't be treated the same way, regardless.
Daily reminder, literally every American in this thread
powerful words
lads the aussie neets just woke up
God bless you, user
Thanks mate. Were going to need all the support we can possible get. If this were to happen we wouldn't just be fighting liberals. This would be a declaration of war on the jews themselves.
Why not just go back to Betty Ross?
To represent the old, beautiful, patriotic America as the founding fathers created it.
Then make them out of regular college ruled paper and cut them with a razor blade.
Roll them bitches up, if you're about to get inspected ball that shit up and either toss it or eat it.
You'd be just as ducked carrying spray paint that matches the colors of the stencils.
And if it ever came to street inspections, it's time for armed revolution
You have to accept that the media will inevitably label any nationalist movement as "racist" and be targeted by groups like BLM and La Raza. Our message should be "you're an American first, your race comes after that."
Please go sleep in for a bit claudia
He is just storing food...
I like good old betty
i thought we agreed we would just draw dicks on everything?
At which point we cleanse America of BLM and La Raza for the domestic terrorist organizations that they are though the FBI refuses to officially and overtly address that issue.
I mean I'm down red white and blue cocks my dude
Make dicks, not war
The first two sentences are sensible and already more or less the current state of affairs.
The rest really has no place in a system of government. What's the point in fighting for freedom, only to turn around and instigate divisive 'muh master race' shit? It's never worked once in the history of our species, and it never will. The sort of ego that would perputuate that line of thought is bound to only instigate senseless bloodshed and disorder.
I believe that to truly succeed, We need to be united by tearing down what divides us socially to be unified under a common goal and culture. Economic empowerment through opportunity and 'fair play' through modest equity to uplift the financially disenfranchised through things like subsidized education and healthcare(Indirectly aiding them, rather than directly through welfare, for instance).
It's time for a new age. Not the age of 'whites' or 'blacks', but for the new 'American Man'. Defined not by his appearance or past, (1/2)
Niggers are a drag on our society and have been since they were freed from chains. Do you think the founding fathers envisioned niggers and spics raping white women when they thought of America. This is just more of that bullshit revisionist history that you're spewing out your mouth. America was never about diversity. Thats is a jewish lie. We didn't fuck natives, we killed them. We didn't like the Irish coming here. We didn't like slavs coming here. However this was a time when white people were not facing extinction. This was when we your wife was either raped by one white or another. We must only unite now because its not fellow white sub races fucking our society its non whites.
And like I said before, if you're off to fight the redcoats and you're too afraid to leave the house until your outfit is fabulous, maybe you don't need to be contribiting to a revolutionary thread (or happening circlejerk depending on how you view it)
Do you view the revolutionaries to be so stupid that they can't pick up a rifle (or a rubber mallet with a wood handle) until they have a flag to wave?
Sorry guys. Stop the war. I think we should move this star over here. Phew...that could have just lost us the war. Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your flagophilia.