Are girls naturally predisposed to be dumb and degenerate? Was the equal rights act a mistake?
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benny boy is killing niggers?
baka desu lads
is that ben shapiro?
yeah, he is being used by KEK to become Moonman.
>not surprising
That he's Cuban?
Take a look at /dev/ (at 2ch) - russian females board. Use Google translate and check out.
whoah easy there ben
H-hey ben, put that gun down, I won't question the holocaust! I'll even give you all my shekels! I'll be a good goy! Ben please sto
clearly women are generally stupid, but there are plenty of stupid males as well. The difference is that a stupid male is capable of being employed in a productive tangible fashion so it hasn't been an issue until relatively recently
Dude, you are dumb as fuck. She's wearing trump gear. It's obviously a joke, like the Sam Hyde meme. Unless you just mean women in general. Women are a little dumb and irrational. It helps you to stay on your toes and be great to her, your children, and yourself. Your woman makes you stronger, Thank her. This isn't regarding whores, by the way. But think about what makes a whore. Think about how a whore becomes one.
when white American girls done peeing they think its finish pull their panties up zip the jeans and leave the toilet later some pee start leaking purring in their undies and also reaches their jeans if its very little pee leaks then its just one or few drops drops or touched their undies if its a alot of pee leaks then its pour like water and reaches their undies..the left out pee which leaks later is mostly leaks in those situations when these white American girls does physical work or pushing something this puts pressure on their privates bushy thing ng and then pee start leaking
Benji finally left his cocoon and became the renegade Jew he naturally is.
stop spreading dis-info, this is the man
the retarded Jews really fell for that right?
>Are girls naturally predisposed to be dumb and degenerate?
They're naturally predisposed to conformity and to not stray from the pack; if a culture is degenerate, the women found in it will also be. They also, on average, score 4 points lower on IQ tests than men.
>1 post by this ID
Giving women the vote was a mistake.
Here's why:
People are influenced by their biology and typically, people will vote their biology because most people aren't aware that they are doing it.
Women are sexually and biologically predisposed to finding a man who is a STRONG PROVIDER.
So every decision that they make that involves choosing a man - even if it is not as a mate - will result in them naturally choosing a strong provider. Where no strong provider is available, they will choose another woman because there is strength in numbers to protect them from men that they consider sub-par. The women they vote for will naturally want to provide for and 'mother' their constituents.
This means that Women vote for big spending governments that want to provide lots of social programs.
In addition, men are naturally predisposed to conquering and expanding, and providing for their family. So women are choosing men who want to provide, and the men they elect are wanting to expand government and provide more services and gain more power and control.
Over time, you just end up with massive amounts of Socialism, huge government debt and the societal degradation because social policies will eventually be aimed at equal outcome, rather than equal opportunity because the government cannot favor one group over another.
Giving women the vote was the single biggest mistake of the 20th Century. If I could undo just one thing in history, it would be this.
No we don't. I don't go for a strong provider. I don't like rich guys. I don't want a lot of social programs.
I hates the womens to user!11! there all stupid and dumb!1!
You're what's called the exception to the rule.
I really think media is the real problem here. If we owned the media we would own culture, pop history, myth and really the entire zeitgeist.
>I'm different from all the other girls
retards fall for this every time
anoounciing the he-man woman-haters club!1!
come on guys we don't need no girls! we got this!1
ok who broght the baby oil?
benny finally lost it
he did it, the absolute madman
Why is Ben Shapiro in the picture, and what does he have to do with this case?
if i post here will a girl tolk to me?
Im so lonely
girls are stoopid!11!
I'm not different from normal girls. Most girls I know don't like rich guys because they are usually twats and we are able to stand on our own two feet. I find it embarrassing to go on benefits/welfare and have never been on it.
His partner robert kinnison will testify against sam hyde!
Welcome to Sup Forums where your average poster is a mid twenties angsty beta turbo-nerd.
I've been lurking for a long time, I have witnessed the angst.
Fuck off yank.
He can't keep getting away with it
Recognises to angst, but doesn't see shame in it.
Unhealthy relationship with father predisposes her to sympathise with pathetic men.
I'm sure whipping yourself for m'lady on Sup will surely result in sex.
Now tip your fedora elsewhere, you virgin white knight beta.
It's not that simple. In human beings these urges are sublimated. I can guarantee you if I could observe your daily life for a week I would be able to come up with the aspects of it in which these things are manifesting for you.
You are not a special snowflake. Nobody is.
Height chart made by females on 2chan.
Is this what people refer to as "summerfags"? This board is going to shit fast.
What percentage is over 1.85? I'm 1.85 and taller than 95%+ of people.
It's not men who have high expectations, it's women who are brainwashed into thinking they can get a Chris Hemsworth that's 2m+ tall.
Manlet detected.
youre still an animal, on subconscious level. stupid bong
>im a special snowflake
Isnt there a pic of Milo in a cop uniform on his TL?
No, all white people are vulnerable to Jews. Weimar republic Berlin wasn't created by women, although it was eradicated by a man.
Our only true defense is keeping Jews away before we get pozzed. If not things have to get awfully bad before we fix things.
I don't really understand all of it, but red is shit, yellow is acceptable and green is perfect.
Rare shitposter
It's unrealistic, It wouldn't suprise me if 2chan was fat feminists with unreal expectations.
Found the Josh shills..
How much is he paying you?
Probably! I'm also 185 masterrace, btw!
I am sure being an angsty turbo-nerd who keeps falling for Sup Forums maymays will get you everywhere in life.
>beta virgin calling someone else a beta virgin
I gaggled.
Im very bottom 170 5'7 WHATS IT SAY?
>this thread
>"I hate women because no one wants to be my gf because I'm incredibly ugly"
Yeah he's pulling crazy stunts to try and win Sup Forums's favor back.
I am fluent in Russian, but holy shit, deciphering this is fucking tedious. Russians love to use English internet slang, but they write it in Cyrillic and essentially butcher the shit out of the English word.
Basically you are the manlet of manlets.
>Rich guys = strong provider.
>Social benefits/welfare = strong provider.
Public schools.
Remaining in the EU.
These are big government projects/ideas.
And politicians don't have to be rich to be providers. They're not spending their own money.
Politicians that promise to 'do more', politicians that want to be part of the EU, politicians that promise to increase the NHS... this is all women being attracted to power and being provided for.
With rare exception will a woman NOT vote for bigger government, and when they don't it is because they personally can benefit MORE from voting against it.
It is universal, in every country in the world, that more female voters = bigger, socialist governments.
Does it say to kill myself
If your height is not on the graph - consider killing yourself.
I live to see another day
I don't think I've ever heard of a single women who was a natural conservative and pro small government.
If you can't accept this basic truth about women, you need to open your eyes.
I don't know. I am 25 and got this 18 year old on the hook. She's willing to do A LOT for me. Her mind seem clean, non-materialistic, she's devoted, got her feet on the earth and got a traditionalistic mindset. I am starting to believe that there are real women out there.
Had a few bitches earlier who was absolutely terrible partners. Looking for the big career, go around miserable because they live in a world where females are competing against males. And as we all know that men is the strong sex. Bitches tend to always analyze people around them, specially MEN - who are obviously stupid, sexist etc.
>got her feet on the earth
I don't you can translate that phrase to english. It's like the swedish "har fötterna på jorden". What is it in norwegian? It's probably a scandinavic phrase.
I don't think*
Get her feet on the ground makes sense
Itd be more like ''shes very grounded'' though
means, that se is down to earth
Oh shit, you're right! Down to earth is the correct phrase!
Guess the translation was a bit too direct, heh. Down to earth it is.
>as well as non-Turkroach.
>High expectations.
>not simply basic standards.
Sounds like the Lithuanian flag, who are huge people, by the way.