What was this expression trying to convey?

What was this expression trying to convey?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I wish I could get a script that utilizes the high energy I put into my concerts or the comedy I put into my Spoken Word tours

His name is Henry, and you're with him now.



The glint in his eyes makes me kek so much, It reminds me of something but I don't know what

life-long inferiority complex and repressed homosexuality

That he's a faggot clown.

Henry Rollins was the best Black Flag vocalist and every single reworked version of the old stuff done with him as lead is superior to their respective original versions.
Come at me.

>molested as a child and born the size of a circus midget

This look implies disassociation as in Henry is going blank and imagining naked dudes in his head.


He's so dead on the inside..


How does Sup Forums know who this guy is? I know none of them listened to Black Flag and his role in Sons of Anarchy was like 6 scenes where he only said 5 words.


whos them?



>I don't have a life outside Sup Forums so no one else does either

>My legacy has faded and now I'm just a washed up caricature if what I once was. I should have OD'd and died before the turn of the millenium and cemented myself as a musical legend.

Same thing as he always thinks.

He's starved.


he looks like the manga character who was based off him


>always talks about how modern woman are boring trash and he's right
>that iranian(?) qt was actually interesting to him, perhaps the only time I've seen him display real and deep respect for someone
>dumbass trustfund hipsters had to come and ruin the moment
I don't give a fuck if he has obvious behavioral flaws or shitty political opinions and tv hates him, he will always be /my guy/

yeah he has nihilistic, hedonistic and antisocial tendencies which he doesn't hide
and that riles normies up

Was it autism?

Is he autistic? Seriously after his appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast I think he probably is to a degree.

hes thinking about all the niggers he is going to hang later

100% he has to be, I think the specific video was deleted but there's a part on Rogan's podcast where he's talking about how he interacts with friends and that he can't explain it, but he just can't bring himself to care about social norms and just other people beyond a surface level

It's kinda sad in a way, he's only happy when he's working.

>I'm really that old now

Is Moonman a pseudonym he uses?



In a Spoken Word or something similar your guy said there was nothing wrong about the fact that he could hear his mommy getting fucked by strange men through his bedroom wall. "she's having a good time good for her!"

I don't think it's autism, but I think he's very damaged (not a pun) from being sexually abused as a child, emotionally abused by his father, bullied by his black-majority school for being white and stuck on ritalin to decrease his hyperactivity. I know a lot of people think he's a fuckbert, and he is sometimes, but I just feel bad for him because he seems so much to just be trying to do what's best for him to get through it all.

there is nothing wrong with your mother fucking other guys

Someone was touching his soupcan

Yeah I remember that, he said something like he often does bother saying goodbye to people which is very autistic. Also he spends all his free time sitting in front of two gigantic sets of speakers listening to records for hours at a time.

*doesn't bother

Why would anyone come at you for having an objectively correct opinion?

>get in the van? are they calling me old making fun of me?? I'm sad

It would be funnier if he autistically had to have a big farewell every time, but the idea of him just randomly standing up and walking away is also good

Yeah, sounds like some serious tism but it's amazing what that obsession can do for your success. It's undeniable the guy's got some insane work ethic that I'm honestly pretty envious of.

Here I am a 23 yo struggling to stick with a decent career path and floundering with a part time job, so what the fuck do I know?

You're literally the first person who's ever agreed with me on this, both here and on Sup Forums. Don't get me wrong, I'm able to enjoy the pre-Damaged stuff greatly, but both that album and My War are the best things Black Flag's ever done and Henry's energy was fucking incredible.

watching this again he really did blow them the fuck out

an emotional moment of clarity where he realizes that ron, dez, and keith were actually better



Who was in the wrong here?

[not the guy your replying to] Yeah rollins is by far the best singer, he is the quintessential black flag singer, whenever I watch decline of western civilization I get bummed out Rollins aint there. But I cant agree that my war is anywhere near as good as damaged. imo jealous again is way better than my war, its just pure energy.

He's pretty honest about that, though. Not long ago, I heard an interview with him where he said "I only have a high school diploma, and I've never really had a real job. It is wasn't for all this stuff I do, I would only be qualified to serve you fast food. I know that, it bugs me, and I try as much as I can to stay relevant and stay where I am."



What about here?

because Henry's tenure is synonymous with Black Flag's slow descent into a self-indulgent mess and the fact that there were two decent albums from that time doesn't erase that stink. For all the times he brings great energy there are just as many (if not more) times he just comes across as a try-hard manchild

QUOTSA have always been underrated as fuck.

So Henry Rollins is secretly gay right?

He sounds so disingenuous here. I wouldn't be scared. I'd be more worried about one of his bumboys in the crowd attacking me.

Rollins, 100%. Handled it well desu.

Watch the first minute of this and you tell me


>being so insecure that you have to take a MAN TEST

I'm not into men

You wanna know whyyyy?!