>The Red Pill
>meme commonly used on Sup Forums, signifies seeing the truth and freeing yourself from media indoctrination, including LGBT propaganda
>originates from a movie made by two trannies
Explain yourselves goyim.
>The Red Pill
>meme commonly used on Sup Forums, signifies seeing the truth and freeing yourself from media indoctrination, including LGBT propaganda
>originates from a movie made by two trannies
Explain yourselves goyim.
Other urls found in this thread:
They weren't trannies when they wrote the script.
>1 post by this ID
The film was not made by two trannies you stupid fuck
We appropriate and defile the opposition's culture just like you now.
I bet their mother dressed them up as children.
they took the blue pill
now they have to take them 9 times a day for the rest of their lives
They overdosed on the redpill, found out life is much easier if you're a woman and doubly easier if you're a tranny
Everything in moderation lads. You don't want to go insane
those fags took the blue pill
They basically rewrote Dark City
Red pill predates the matrix
i dont get this meme
Low effort hit and run troling, post a bait OP and bail out
I thought the redpill blue pill thing was just a phrase that has always existed
idk nigga
Well technically the red pill is a reference to going down the rabbit hole, which from another movie/book Alice and wonder land.
You could make the argument that subconsciously people who take the red pill have a sexual dire to become trans, but then again Jew came up with that theory...So yea.
>look boss i posted it again
Sup Forums also seems to forget the red pill was offered to them by a black guy they didn't know wearing sunglasses (indoors) and all leather. No wonder there are so many self hating gays here.
yea and i don't consider them tranies in the convention sense, they have a Russia mistress who fucks them if they do everything she says
even on the set larry was led around on a leash
Basically any man deciding to "become" a woman is doing so at least on some subconscious level because they realize how much easier life is as one and have decided they can no longer handle the pressure of being a man.
They have essentially decided to become Cypher and forced themselves into what they perceive as an easier life by denying the reality of what they are, its quite ironic.
Lana and Lilly are self-proclaimed gamers. As teens they spent their weekends in the attic playing Dungeons & Dragons.[2] They liken the process of the playing parties that imagined the same virtual space to the process of filmmaking. Along with some of their friends, they wrote a 350-page role-playing game of their own, called High Adventure. The rights to it are available for publishing.[99]
On the video game front, they had been exchanging letters with Hideo Kojima and met him during a Famitsu interview in late 1999.[100] Metal Gear Solid was the first video game they played after finishing work on The Matrix. Candidates for an adaptation of the first Matrix movie to video game form included Kojima, Bungie and Shiny Entertainment, whose Messiah PC game impressed them.[101][102] Shiny's David Perry, who ultimately had his company develop and collaborate with them on the Enter the Matrix and The Matrix: Path of Neo video games, was impressed with their familiarity with the medium; this proved helpful during development.[103] The Wachowskis owned both a PlayStation 2 and Xbox video game console and played several games such as Splinter Cell and Halo 2.[104] They reportedly destroyed their Xbox during a Halo deathmatch.[101] Actor Collin Chou recounts an instance of visiting their office and finding them playing video games on the floor.[105] Lilly is a fan of the Death Jr. PlayStation Portable game.[106]
Source of degeneracy? Status: found.
Red pill is not from the matrix it is from total recall noob
Im sorry for telling the moonman thread OP to enjoy his wig.
My apologies.
Oh yeah
Its not like they wrote, directed, and produced it
Stupid gentile
It's just a different way to portray the allegory of the cave. The matrix just replaces the shadows cast on the cave wall, and the red pill is simply the act of escaping the chains and seeing the reality behind then. Basically they didn't invent shit, they just took somebody else's idea and repackaged it. Same as every single romantic comedy being the same but with much ado about nothing as the source material instead.
>aussie shitpost bants
>true yet witty bants
USA wins again
I don't remember Kant being a tranny
Alice in Wonderland
People so young in this thread they've not seen the original total recall.
if you switch everytime they say the matrix in the matrix series with gender binary, it all makes much more sense
The first one was because he was dating a dominatrix
Did they fugg?
>dating a dominatrix
that's not how it works
They were men at the time, made a decent movie and then went insane and decided to become women. OP is just some kike faggot trying to be a dickhead.