I will happily do this because I am a REAL AMERCAN!
I will happily do this because I am a REAL AMERCAN!
Other urls found in this thread:
>if the massive multi-billion dollar corporations can afford it then who gives a fuck about the rest amiright?
Ask this same person if they'd pay another $100 for their iPhone to have it made in the USA.
> complain about low wages for burger flippers
> import millions of foreigners who keep burger flipping wage down
Fucking bleeding heart liberal hippies trying to be smug about fixing problems they themselves caused.
They already balked at Trump trying to make that happen so I doubt it.
It's called price flexibility OP
After your raise the price to a certain point there will be dramatically less of it bought
anyone in a minimum wage job brought it on themselves by being too lazy to try to get a better one
I too think the middle class should take an economic hit to uplift the lower class so the upper class doesn't have to
#feelthebern #communismwins #blacklinesmatter
It's called tipping.
The fry cost won't go up.
The companies will fire employees to keep costs down.
The remaining worker will be overworked to keep productivity up.
It will be harder for the laid off people to find jobs.
I won't feel it.
You won't feel it.
Only the most vulnerable will feel it.
holy shit wtf
How about no minimum Wage?
if you don't want to work for bad wages don't work that job....
Whatever the amount someone is willing to slave away for a set earning is exactly what the job should pay
I agree bud.
This is why im for a 20 dollar minimum wage.
>implying the fast food corporations wouldn't rather invest in automation and lay off 90% of their workforce
Maybe if those employees would spend their money wisely instead of wasting it on retarded shit like the retarded poorfags that they are, they could live comfortably off the minimum wage.
Poorfags are poor and remain poor for a reason.
No wage or price increase will change a thing.
> a thing of fries
> thing
This generation's inspirational writing.
This is kind of goofy desu, there are plenty good burger and chicken joints with a drive thru in most cities in the US run by locals where the average meal is a few dollars more and the employees are taken care of. Usually owned by middle class Americans who take little profit from income and instead keep operating costs normal. Why don't these people eat there instead? Are McNuggets that much better?
Wages should be negotiated between employees and their employers. thank the illegals for making that impossible.
If you were happy to pay 0.50$ extra they would already be charging it and pocketing the extra profit.
Can't you just tip more?
That's what is hilarious about libshits. They really think they're doing niggers a favor by letting them fight over a shitty fast food job for kids instead of tackling the real problem of good jobs being shipped overseas. The service based economy offers nothing but shit jobs, but hey, cheap Facebook machines for everyone, right?
You never should overpay for anything.
If workers are exploited it's the whole society being robed no matter the price of the product.
>I may be a bleeding heart liberal but I don't mind buying unhealthy food from an anticompetitive hypercapitalist megacorporation which practices global cultural imperialism which I supposedly despise for dirt cheap because some idiot I don't know and pretend to care about purely for moral posturing is too entirely fucking stupid to move out of New York City to somewhere cheaper that they can afford in any sense of the word wants $15 per hour to do a job that will be entirely automated in a decade at the latest because it is the lowest form of unskilled labor outside of digging a trench for shitting into
The people with the money to influence policy use illegals as a proxy to make it impossible.
I have a great idea, make the rich faggots pay their taxes instead so our entire society is better off instead of making people working hard to just live pay more so you can make way more at your mcjob than you deserve
>be american
>tips McDonalds staff
>I think people should be paid more!!!
>What? start a business and do it myself? na to much work
Explains everything
>the same exact meal is the same price at chili's
Holy fuck guys how did this happen?
Libtardism, where virtue signalling and bad economics collide.
26th post best post
That's cute and all, but then the dynamics of keynesian economics will devalue the spending power of that .50 to keep the slave class slaves.
How about going after the real problem?
This is what Bernie people don't understand.
It's the irony with liberals, they're all cheap fucks and shit tippers. But they love to spend other people's money though.
Honestly Bernie Sander's vision of America is a nation of white collar service career and state workers alongside millions of burger flippers and a mass of brown fruit pickers and meat packers.
One of the cornerstones of true capitalism is voting with your dollar instead of trusting politicians to make things "fair". If a business acts in a way you don't agree with don't buy their product. McDonald's has also seen 9 straight quarters of financial decline iirc so that's working to an extent. But that could have something to do with Chipotle going independent.
There's no tipping at fast food chains here. Closest I've seen is some small town locations (really small, less than 5,000 people) have a tip jar you put your change in by the register.
Why don't you just give people some more of your own money and leave me the fuck out if it? Like go adopt a nigger, or something.
Capitalism is destroying cultures, eroding borders and national identity, promoting social ills and ruining this fucking world.
Yet you still have these retarded capitalist cocksucking 12 year old Ayn Rand fanboys who tell us how great it is.
Yeah, if you feel that goddamn strongly about the minimum wage, off set that by tipping your fast food workers a couple bucks. Get a hashtag going: #tipyourfastfoodworker. Or next year, when you mail in your 1040, just send in an extra check to the IRS for a couple thousand.
>Capitalism is destroying cultures, eroding borders and national identity, promoting social ills and ruining this fucking world.
>privately selling goods to another person who wants them is destroying things
yeah, no.
You're probably talking about banking and corporatism. Neither of which have anything to do with capitalism.
A company that can't pay its employees a living wage should not exist.
>these people think they represent the American working class
whoa dude
They are the natural result of unrestricted capitalism.
>I'd be happy to pay an extra 50 cents!
No, you wouldn't, you bitch about it.
When you consider how successful that boycott campaign against Israel has been (you can tell from how much people are bitching about it now) it's pretty depressing that all these bleeding hearts aren't capable of doing the same thing. If they hate the fact so many companies pay their workers so little then don't give them your business and encourage others to do the same, it's not like they have to pay their workers that little they just choose to, why do you have to wait for the government to force them when you can just do that yourself directly?
Pretty much politics for stupid... I mean mases. Create nonexistent problem to distract people from the real one.
It's even better here because it will hurt small business so it's useful idiots at their best.
Wish we had stuff that price in Aus.
mfw that is cheap
>Democrats vote to increase taxes on everything
>Zoning commissions fly out of control, additional housing construction costs triple
>Cost of living skyrockets in their shitty states
>Suddenly everyone needs to work 3 jobs to live because a 1-room apartment costs $800/month
A better question is why Liberals feel the need to ruin peoples' lives, and then demand that someone else fix it.
Daily reminder that if you are a Leftist, you are an enemy of the working man and have done more to destroy him than any corporation or clique of bankers in this country.
The same person who posts this kind of shit probably shares posts about how people used to be able to buy a Burger and Coke for 10 cents and cries about it.
200, if apple wants to keep its profit margins. Also TFW apple brings manufacturing back to the states but it will all be robotic.
Right now the only thing holding them back is the lack of precision when connecting small electronics. It's literally a "when" situation at this point.
>McKinley Mac
>holy shit
>point at this guy and laugh
AHAHAHA!! They're the natural result of government intervention.
>why do you have to wait for the government to force them when you can just do that yourself directly?
And don't forget, these are the same people who crybabby about "too much money in politics", "wall street controls DC", "politicians are corrupt but Bernie Sanders will fix it". They're asking for the same people they slander to fix problems their own policies created.
It's a shame nobody with big media attention points that out, and like you said there are many examples of that actually working.
I wouldn't mind paying more for fast food if it were made by robots so I wouldn't have to interact with minorities to get my food.
Look at that burger. I've never seen a fast food burger that good-looking. I hope they do increase the minimum wage just so we get burger robots faster.
So you would willingly ignore inflation and economy as long as we all live in communist government?
We are talking about people who bitch about capitalism from an IPhone sitting at Starbucks.
You have to design everything around them. It's the same reason why you program error for calculators so people can't loop it by diving with 0.
Capitalism - Dildos with flashing lights
Communism - Gang rape
I know which one you would prefer but I'll take the dildo thanks.
>They are the natural result of unrestricted capitalism.
No they're not. They're the natural result of socialism. When the government has to borrow money from big banks, and has to engage big corporations to help it provide services, it gives preferential treatment to those companies.
Those companies can then Lobby governments to introduce regulations that make it difficult - if not impossible - for new entrants and startups to enter the market. Kind of like the protectionist, socialist EUSSR that you currently live in.
Corporatism is the natural result of government replacing private enterprise. Limiting government power is the only way to ensure that private companies have no interest in lobbying/corrupting that government.
What should I have for tea tonight
>Macdonalds meal or kilo of high quality steak?
Living wage is a meme. It means nothing.
I didn't understand anything you just said.
Aussie thinks that tea is some kind of meal like lunch or breakfast
What caused your McDonald's to cost so much? Shipping to an island?
Can you get me a number 5 with no mustard pls? :3
Calling Australia an island is like saying that the Americas are an island. They are a continent after all.
Fucking this. Bring on the basic income while you're at it.
Pretty much.
How many cattle ranches do you see in australia?
get them fired?
Feel good?
this please
can't wait for serfdom
I'm sure they won't kill us off once we are completely dependent on them and aren't needed
Look at single item price vs meal price
They pay too much for fries or cola
>Yeah can I get a Vanilla Milkshake
>Vanilla Milkshake.
>Okah sir I got cha
>End up with parfait
>Waddle to bathroom
>Smash it against ceiling.
God help those that attempt to do drive through.
People who say this are always the faggots who will eat at fast food like, once or twice a year, or go in drunk off their face for some 'cheat food' or whatever.
Poor cunts and homeless people survive off this shit too and either way someones getting fucked.
I just got back from Aus
McDonalds is the same price over there
It's that price for a reason tho
That's a good point, you barely missed digit confirmation. But from what their climate and fishing area tells me they probably have to import at least a few ingredients.
Australia actually has a decent beef industry, they build literal cruise ships for cattle. Check out the MV Becrux, Aussies are one of Jakarta's largest beef suppliers.
It means a wage that allows a person to afford the necessities of life such as food, shelter, clothing, and heating.
lets make it $20/hr
because Loreal knows You are worth it ;)
I thought socialized programs took care of all that
lets pray that poor people will spend wisely and won't beg for welfare plus living wage
>I thought socialized programs took care of all that
They might subsidise things but let's not pretend the person who isn't leeching off the system, the person who genuinely needs the safety net, is somehow living the good life.
>lets pray that poor people will spend wisely and won't beg for welfare plus living wage
If you think paying the employees more is a working market strategy, go start a fast food restaurant.
Ignorant fucking shitlords
I know one guy who is like that. He openly admits that he is a bleeding heart lib and thinks that every person who wants to enter the country should be allowed to do so because surely they wouldn't have left their own without a reason.
He also thinks that low wages are unacceptable.
I managed to convince him that uncontrolled immigration will always dump the wages of the lower class and keep them poor, but he still didn't change his mind. He acknowledged that obviously he can't have both, but he said he still feels that it is "the right thing to do" and in the end it will somehow work out because our leaders are smart and they will find a way.
He also despises our leaders.
Fucking liberals man. Even when they recognize that their wishes are impossible to fulfill they still insist on them.
All of those things can be got for free. Thats why Living wage is a meme.
Also pretty much this. There is nothing stopping them from overpaying apart from themselves.
They don't actually want to pay more, otherwise they would. They either want everyone else to pay more or just wanted some Normie (You)s on Twitter for writing that.
>.50 increase
Citation fucking needed
50 cents would be like 25-33% increase. Are you willing to pay that across the board?
>tipping is still a thing in America
just end my life
Lotta places forbid accepting tips.
Good idea tho, incorporate a 1$ extra charge that customer can add to any item that goes straight to the employees. Noone would pay it though, and the employees would start punishing anyone who didn't by doing shit to their food. But yeah, if you had quality employees tipping would work.
Its nearly impossible when a multinational corporation who monopolizes several markets larger than my small market undercuts the local market because it can outsource its losses even while siphoning off 90% of its profit to .1% of its high level executive employees.
a company with dying employees can't exist. wages are "livable" by necessity.
>minimum wage worker
>good life
'Good' is a relative descriptor.
>eating at mcdonalds
People who want a $15 per hour minimum wage do not understand the free market, or basic economics.
A simple way to visualize this is by instead of proposing a little 15 dollar minimum wage, lets go balls deep! Lets call it a 1 million dollar per hour minimum wage instead!
Would poverty instantly go away... and everyone live in mansions, work very few hours, live a life of luxury, and drive around in fancy cars? If you think so you are an idiot...
All that would happen is hyperinflation. A loaf of bread is about 3.5 bucks now. So with a million dollar an hour minimum wage...
You would not be getting a few hundred thousand magical loaves of bread for an hours work... Instead that loaf of bread would be in the 500,000 dollar range... That 15 dollar shirt... you wouldn't be getting a massive room full of them with many tens of thousands of them... no no no, you would be paying 2 million dollars for that same shirt.
Increasing money without increasing goods and services respectively does nothing productive.
Monetary reform is instead needed because the system is broken. It's a debt based currency where principle is created and not interest and the government sells bonds to the fed instead of printing the money itself...
You want to help the minimum wage people?
Raising that wage does nothing. Get rid of the usury class... That's what hitler did, and his country went from a depression to a golden age... Jews wouldn't have that though nope nope nope... They are top cuck now, but back in the day they were a shining beacon of freedom.
I already pay more for goods made in first world countries by unionized labor.
Because that stuff is better quality and lasts longer.
Why stop there?
Why not $50/hr?
I mean, they're human beings, for fucks sake. They need some quality of life.