Ok so a fuck ton of you guys hate Jews, fair enough. However a fuck ton of you faggots also believe in Christ. WTF? So you believe in God but you hate his chosen people? Why is Sup Forums so stupid?
Sup Forums is full of shit
Christians are the real jews.
You dont really understand the new testament do you?
One must become the Jew to defeat the Jew.
Your thoughts and actions are only valid in context with others.
You seem to confuse love with lust like everyone else.
True love is god and the only temple is our bodys, real love can only be experienced on the individual perspective and alot of miscommunication comes from us trying to express it to others when love is unique to each of us.
Respect, consideration and closeness for other is all good and all but so few of us show it to ourselves so very few people truly know themselves, test themselves and love themselves that is what causes so much strife in the world today.
When we truly worship our temple then we will truly worship god, we have to be the best we can, humble, wise, strong, kind these aspects flow into all life
whats higher then relationships? the SELF because we're the most complex, most important, most valuable thing in the entire universe.
To truly love YOURSELF is to love god
god is love, love is god
>Sup Forums is one person
hmmm made me think !
Didn't say it was dumbass. Are you telling me there is no overlap here? If you're this stupid perhaps you belong on Sup Forums.
No, you don't understand. The modern jews are not the descendants of the ancient Israelites, the white British are.
Then what are the Jew of today?
>So you believe in God but you hate his chosen people?
>Chosen people
They chose not to follow the son of god. The real chosen people followed.
Jews != Hebrews
I was going to respond to what you said but then I noticed you're Australian.
>can't handle the fact
Mediocre user.
Literally words of Jesus. OP gets BTFO.
Liv 4chin fo'eva cuz you are disgrace to yo senpai brah.
>denounce Christ our Lord and Savior
Gods chosen
pick one faggit
It's embarrassing how christians stole jewish lore to invent their bullshit stories. That's why jews can tell exactly why christianity is false.
talking about the bible...
>Implying christians don't hate the murderers of christ
Also christians are the true chosen people, jews are khazars and sinners.
>>Christians are the real jews.
Christians are gentiles.
right so check this out
right now, sitting in a car, probably stuck in a bit of traffic, you know big city living and all that
He has just finished work at a office or warehouse or supermarket it dont really make much fucking difference just trading time for money
On his way out of work he says goodbye to sara working at the front desk (a spicy little number)
he jokingly asks if shes got any plans for the weekend "oh not much just hang with the boyfriend i guess"
A slight chuckle is all he can mange as he turns to the exit , a rage so pure and intense like gouts of flame spike into his soul all he can think about as he walks to his car is violently beating and raping the stupid whore sara fucking dumb bitch ill fuck the life out of her he thinks has he brings his 1993 honda civic to life
he is on his way home now where soon he will lock all the doors, close all the blinds then put on his $10,000 usd pink and blue wolf furrie costume
and spend the rest of the night shoving bigger and more complex looking dildos up his arse, stretching out his urethra with a ballpoint pen and masterbating to child porn all live on webcam
this is the real world, people like that exist and worse they vote for hillary
all interpretation is lost just under the surface, can you tell the difference between a smile and a crocodile? are you sure? am not.
this is the real world, a world of illusions
Many that post on Sup Forums have no spirituality or wisdom and are the children of the lost people that are heartless. A lost generation.
>Still using the old testament
OP is a jew
Oy Gevalt!
Fuck this thread I'm fucked up on ketamine and it's REAL NIGGA HOURS
In the memetical dialectical materialism unity of opposites is possible.
nice argument faggot kike
>mfw people unironically believe in deities besides Kek
Kek is the only God I've legitimately seen contact from. The judeo-christian God is all but absent in this world.
economy, you fool!
and sex
Kikes of the Khazarian Empire aren't the Chosen Ones from God in the Old Testament.
See? Proof right fucking there.
Kek is the only god you should direct your praise towards.
Not an argument faggot
>his chosen
Judaism ended with Christ's resurrection. All Jews now are cultural Jews.
chosen for hell
god sent jesus to earth to right humanities of its wrongs, by killing jesus the jews rejected god
>american education
Also Jesus was a Jew so, according to another fuck ton of guys, should have been gassed