>Thirty "drug dealers" have been killed since Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as Philippine president on Thursday, police said, announcing the seizure of nearly $20 million worth of narcotics but sparking anger from a lawyers' group.
>Thirty "drug dealers" have been killed since Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as Philippine president on Thursday, police said, announcing the seizure of nearly $20 million worth of narcotics but sparking anger from a lawyers' group.
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Duterte kills 30 political oppone- uhh I mean...drug dealers heh yeah... in 30 days
Fact: Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world.
The Most Powerful Man In The World
Impressive digits
I'm curious as to how this plays out. This could either go really well or really poorly, but it sounds like he at least had practice in his time as mayor of Davao.
As an aside, remember that Goatfucker camp we found in the southern Philippines? Would he do the same shit on those guys?
Now kill the globalists
>sparking anger from a (((lawyers group))).
How about he dispenses a little onto those yutzes who are beheading westerner hostages? Then I'm impressed.
Do you imagine politics is any different from your typical mafias and cartels?
A government is just a cartel that has killed off all of it's competition and calls itself a State.
Spain really was dumb
Based. Keep up the good work Rodrigo.
Hope the people he killed were actual drug dealers and not some poor schmuck who was accused of being a drug dealer by someone who wanted him dead for other reasons...
Are drugs that big of a problem over there? Don't they have human trafficking problems that are worse?
To be fair, the homefront is to take priority. Can't be everywhere at once. But I do stand by your statement.
You know drugs are evil man, it's a good way to sway the public away from real problems.
This is exactly what this loony is.
Oh no, not anger
This has been in the US for decades, but it's just blacks killing other blacks
Hillary Clinton is a degenerate treasonous whore
Hm, agreed. This is also how private property works, and both the state & private property should be entirely abolished. I'm with you, my dude.
That's how he got elected. Shouting about killing druggies while appeasing communist parties and Islamic insurgents in the southern provinces. He's just as worthless as any other south Asian politician.
>The Western media has more sympathy for drug dealers killed in extrajudicial killings than the lives they destroy through violence or drug addiction
Wonder if he accepts vigilante immigrants.
>but sparking anger from a lawyers' group
Kill them too.
First he gonna weaken who serves and protect
He's gonna kill our cops now.
He's turning the people against the people in uniform without decisive evidence
Then his gommie friends will now be taking over soon.
no its that the media is completely controlled and the ones who control it aren't benefiting from his actions
This. They need to wipe out those kidnap-for-ransom gangs and anti-West Muslims so they could begin raking in tourism dollars again. Western tourists are afraid to go there, it seems, because they don't want to be kidnapped for ransom or just captured on video being decapitated.
I've been to the Philippines. They are obsessed with drugs and stopping their prevalence. However, all the evidence we have from policy in the West is that prevention works better than police intervention. If Duterte wants to start and American style drug war he is doing a disservice to his country, all for the sake of improving his public image.
Killing drug dealers has no real impact, because dealers are the lowest peons on the chain of the drug trade; they are lowlifes with few prospects and are rapidly replaced by new ones.
Seizing stashes of drugs also has no real positive impact: you reduce the supply of drugs on the marketplace, which the law of supply & demand dictates will imply an increase in their cost (this means greater cost for the already struggling drug addict and greater profit for the criminal drug producers/barons).
None of this has any negative repercussions on the producers of the drugs at the top of the pyramid. None of it in any way hampers the drug trade or prevents more people from becoming addicts. People consistently warn about this, but nobody listens. Too bad. The Philippines are fucked anyway. I don't know why I even bother...
Can't muerte the Duterte
Can't poo the loo
>we are a Christian nation
Read up on below, you shitposting "straya"
>hates victimless crimes
>refuses to even consider speaking out against the Chinese who claim Philipino waters and is making deals with them
Obama lite.
Who will want to sell drugs if it's basically a death sentence?
Then again, who wants to use drugs if they're basically a death sentence
>However, all the evidence we have from policy in the West is that prevention works better than police intervention
Yes, the best way to combat drug addiction is a slap on the wrist "Oh golly gee, who could've known that trying heroin was a bad idea? Oh well, can't blame the victim, here's your state-funded treatment plan so you don't go full parasite and rob your friends and family to support your lifestyle"
In terms of the drug war, the best approach is complete legalization or hardcore deathsquads.
Full legalization takes all business from dealers. Death squads make it literally not worth it if they do their job.
apparently if your a user you can give your self up or go to rehab.
I'll take deathsquads, thank you.
These degenerates will not win.
Lawyers are pissed because he is simply killing their endless money making schemes/ drug dealer clients lel
This might be best for the addicts. As an ex addict myself I had to hit rock bottom to recover. I think being killed or under threat of being killed for doing drugs is rock bottom.
Trial by publicity. Guilty until proven innocent.
It's kind of like this: literally any person can be named by Duterte and they'll be assumed guilty. Anybody. Without even showing evidence. In the eyes of the public that person is a drug pusher.
>victimless crimes
better read up on the atrocities committed by drug addicts here. imagine having your 2-year old daughter getting raped and killed by five adults and their excuse is that they can't remember what happened because they were high.
The mentality of "the end justifies the means" and instant gratification are the foundations to our new admin.
>It's kind of like this: literally any person can be named by Duterte and they'll be assumed guilty. Anybody. Without even showing evidence.
In the eyes of the public that person is a drug pusher.
That's hardcore stalinism.
>legal to buy a 12 year old sex slave then torture it to death
>cannot buy drugs
Shit man, stay strong bro.
Most powerful race in the world, we can't lose you.
how is that legal at all?
>tfw Red terrorists will kill everyone who are against them while tagging them as drug lords and drug pushers
Don't worry, The reactionaries won't allow 'em gommies to have their own way. Can't wait for a military coup and, eventually, a full-scale civil war where gommies can be legally killed.
>Not realizing he's only targetting the Mexican cartels and their philipino associates for trying to get a piece of the drug pie and cucking himself to the Chinese drug producers.
You idiots.
drug prices already increased by about half in my city, i'd say his shit is working
>person voluntarily chooses to buy something from you
>get killed for it
Should we start executing all the bartenders too? That stuff kills people.
>it's the drug dealers fault that I'm an addict!
So should we hold alcohol companies responsible for the existence of alcoholics? Tobacco companies for the existence of smokers? Your logic is bullshit.
Also there wouldn't be all that violence if it wasn't for the fact it was illegal.
>Who will want to sell drugs if it's basically a death sentence?
Lots of people, they give the death sentence for drug dealing in plenty of asian countries and yet they still have roaring drug trades, worse even then countries who'll just give you a slap on the wrist for dealing. Harsh punishments as a deterrent don't work because criminals don't plan on getting caught, why would they ever do the crime if they did?
drug dealer detected
Nope just not a retard like you, stop swallowing this propaganda bullshit so readily it's just so fucking embarrassing.
Explain to me in the simplest terms possible why it is drug dealers are expected to take responsibility for the actions of drug users but alcohol companies don't have to take responsibility for what alcohol users do, why? Just explain that to me, I've never understood this chain of logic and how inconsistently it's applied.
Countries like Singapore, Japan, and Korea is pretty drug free despite their non-limp wristed drug policy.
Not every country is wealthy enough to enable druggies with wrist-slaps.
Oh fuck off druggie sympathizer
How would you know?
To the firing squad with you!
The violence kills less than the drugs do.
Legalize them and more deaths.
It is very simple. Alcohol too widespread to forbid.
Still no one has answered.
legalize them and edgy kids who do drugs because they're forbidden are going to stop using them
Drugs are legal now?! Wtf makes me wanna get a job
Yes, and it's apparently the government's fault that drug dealers are dealing drugs.
They can say no to the market, but they insist, so they can face the consequences like the addicts they peddle to
Your remark has literally nothing to do with prevention. Drug treatment centres aren't prevention. That's called welfare. Prevention is when you bring crack whores and junkies to school and have them give lectures to the classroom. Prevention is when your teacher in science class spends a few hours covering the scientific consensus about why smoking is harmful to your health, using all manner of props and media to show what damage it does. The threat of prison or a death sentence doesn't work well, because the people who are most receptive to those kinds of threats are the ones who are already addicted (children are not receptive to legal threats of that kind).
>Singapore, Japan, Korea
East Asians have a lower probability of developing addictive behaviour (the exception is gambling) than all other races. Policy (including proper prevention education) and social decorum certainly play a role in that, but so does genetics.
the system is rigged, applause assie, you realized it.
>but sparking anger from a lawyers' group
guess who's next
Who the fuck are you.
Are flips not east asian? They're also Catholic as fuck so they should have the social pressure element going for them a well.
southeast asian
No they are not. There is a ruling elite in the Philippines that is of Chinese origin, but the majority of the population are a race of mixed peoples, Austronesians, Hispanics (colonisers) and indigenous people.
My understanding is that there are a fuck ton of different denominations and churches in the Philippines. There are loads of Jehovah's witnesses there as well.
Its going to be great when those cops also start getting bumped off and the others go into hiding.
Anyways, reminder this guy is still a commie, and you shouldnt be surprised communists are killing those who are getting ahead of everyone else.
He doesnt care about the drugs, he cares about people being richer than others. All communists need to eat dirt, if you eat grass, youre bourgeois scum and need to be liquidated.
You do know he don't only target drug dealers but junkies as well?
Well good, that will teach those fucking junkies! As I wash down my 3 30mg oxy and 2 xanax bars with a coca-light....
hows about you pick a different countries proxy you faggot shill.
Duterte's proof that his policies work, is that it ALREADY WORKS IN HIS HOME CITY, his city is likely the safest in the whole nation, the people are happy, the cops are happy, everyone there who isnt a degenerate is happy. If people wanna have fun, prostitution is legalised so the uneducated whores have a safe way to make money.
Extending it to the rest of the nation makes sense, giving the muslims a handful of islands and letting them live there makes sense, instead of an endless civil war in southern Philippines. When you got hardcore catholic and christian sects AGREEING with duterte that drug dealers need to be killed and he will save the country, you know he's right.
by hook or by crook, people who want gear and can function on it are going to get it.
The rarest
as a nazi larper, i dont know wtf you are talking about, if he had an ounce of commie in him, i'd have noticed, i think he's great, and you're a faggot.
Not an argument. You have proven nothing. kill yourself.
>this definition of prevention
Holy shit you are retarded
>East Asians have a lower probability of developing addictive behaviour
Gee, I guess these opiade addicts in China weren't addicted after all, and was just forced to inhale opium from the britbongs
Wait, so you don't have property rights your own body? Are you justifying slavery?
>I dont know what his political platform is or any of his rhetoric outside of anti-drug dealing
I just linked 4 websites but they got blocked as spam.
He put communist rebels in his cabinet, and invited a communist leader back to the country etc etc.
One he defends himself saying "Im a socialist, not a communist!"
>mfw someone finally offers a deterrent
>my feels are greater than research
Do the country a favour and never vote.
MANILA, Philippines – To curb criticism and speculation over his professed ties with the Reds, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte clarified he is in fact a socialist and not a communist.
As proof, the mayor even recounted the days when Davao was a hotbed of communist activity.
“Davao was at the crossroads at the time,” the Philippine Star quoted him as saying. “The NPA (New People’s Army) were on their way out because we were talking. And I said, ‘Look, if you’re here, we will just fight. I am a socialist but I am not a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines. That is so far left. I do not go around killing my own countrymen.”
>That is so far left. I do not go around killing my own countrymen.”
>That is so far left. I do not go around killing my own countrymen.”
>That is so far left. I do not go around killing my own countrymen.”
He doesnt go around killing his countrymen, hes not a communist.
Oh... wait...
Pete will be proud
Let's send Russell Brand there
Everyone who judges this should really read up on the current situation in flipistan.
Also all these drug dealers are chinese scumbags who shouldn't be there in the first place.
All Blairites and bourgeois bohemians must be DETERRED tbqh, I welcome this deliberate act of policy.
Research shows it worked well in China and Singapore to purge the junkies
It's sort of like eugenics
Killing dealers is fine, but hes not Sup Forums's hero, hes a communist.
if you need a flip refugee, i'll give you my number.
I thank you for understanding med kit.
you make so much more sense than 75% of the deluded flips on here.
we are indeed hopeless and seeing how people on Sup Forums truly oppose taking in immigrants, it would take a massive amount of being thick skinned for a sensible flip to consider immigrating.