If you had a time machine, what would you do?

If you had a time machine, what would you do?

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I'd rape and murder Dakota Fanning when she was still young and desirable

Dakota got them nice titties now though.

I would literally take Hitler and showed him contemporary Germany.

Kill baby Hitler
Maybe not even baby Hitler.. he was a Manley, I could kill adult Hitler (pun intended) with my bare hands like it was a piece of cake

>not going on a rollicking time travel adventure collecting a harem of lolis from different time periods
>not gently loving all of them

Never even knew I had a fetish for her. Shit, now to convince my wife.

wtf i love anne frank now

You can just get him through art school
No need to get violent

But did you see his art? It was terrible

Would you be living in Israel if not for him?

I'm out of my mind on lsd and I can answer that

Go back to Sup Forums, Jeff.

Kill Marx

>tfw you'll never play hide n seek with Anne Frank

Go back in time and edit the bible and fill it with retarded commandments like telling parents to fart in their children's faces every sunday and then come back to the present and see if people are obeying them.

Hmm... bad art.... Shoah.... can I have some more time to decide?

kill nelson and karl marx

This, or Muhammed

anal rape

Tell Mary and Joseph to rename Jesus to Shrek.

I'd go back in time, buy a lottery ticket which I know I'll win. Invest it all into stock. I'd be a billionaire. Then I'd fund right wing and Jew the Jews.

Go back in time and prevent my parents from getting married thereby ending my miserable existence and creating a paradox just to fuck with the physicists of the future. I am fucking piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be happy.

This photo quality is pretty good.

I can't imagine the average school girl in 1940 being able to get photos like this often.

>inb4 that Anne Frank fapfic
>not adding rules for incest
Poor showing Japan.

I'd do Anne to be frank.

Kill Muhammad.

>making taboo things not taboo
Then it's no longer a curiosity that titillates because it's mainstream. You ruin all those hundreds of thousands of delicious dojins and you take away from Sup Forums the Oreimob owl.

I would kill Abraham so monotheism wouldn't exist. No (((JEWS))), no Christcucks, no Mudslimes. Also I guess I'd tell them about the Norse gods to take Yahweh's place. So then way in the future when they meet the Nords who already know about the Norse gods, they would be like, "This HAS to be the correct religion!!!"

Make sure Hitler got the nuke first

Go back and live a pure life with a beautiful girl.

I honestly don't know. But I think that if this was the price to pay for a piece of land it wasn't worth I

Nice repeating integers paki

Watch 9/11 in person

>end result: Germanics remain savages without Christian influence

Hug my dad.


Probaby Kill Marx, or influence Hitler to win the war.

If neither will work, apply for the Wehrmacht Heer and fight the glorious battles of Europe and die serving the most beautiful Empire to ever exist.

>go to the future
>obtain immortality
>go back to the beginning of civilization
>"invent" and construct computers and the internet
>create Sup Forums
>shitpost on Sup Forums during all historical events
>when civilization is about to end, go back to the beginning and make a small change to the world so that the happenings are different this time
>repeat for eternity
Remember: you're here forever.

Americans only fought Hitler because he was cutting into our "thing" the killing of colored people.

Nobody better threaten our monopoly on that!

I'm on mobile please for the love of G_D someone tell me what flag that is.

suffocate in the vacuum of space after using it since it's not a time-space machine

Bring manufacturing to ancient Asia, through metallurgy and mathematics.

I'm okay, I was just being honest. People die all the time.

Cherish the ones you love - you never know when it'll be the last time you see them.

I love this meme

clone baby hitler

Incest isn't great because it's taboo, it's because it is the purest form of love. A man and his daughter have a special bond. He made her, he loves her like nobody else can.


Is this when Frank was demon possessed?


This one time

at my school camp a bunch of kids shoved a broomstick up this other kids arsehole

we joked that he would enjoy it cause he's a faggot

the joke turn serious quickly when i realized

3 kids were holding down this little fuckboi who is screaming for his life while another kid slowly shoved the stick deeper and deeper inside him

the moment lingered in space and time

there was a collective shock into another stream of consciousness

we all stared at each other with almost disbelief, why were we doing this again?

he ended up in hospital with internal bleeding, and we all got expelled and put in juvie hall
to this day i still don't know what possessed us us, it was a such a giggling high when we started planing it

so yeah i would probely not do that

Okay, change of plans then! First, kill Ishmael (the son of Abraham whose lineage leads to Muhammad). Then, when Jesus comes around, I kill Judas and take his place as an Apostle. From that point on I'll help protect Jesus from Jews trying to kill him, then influence Jesus to take on a more radical tone and we can stomp out Judaism that way. Thoughts?

So mongolia?

Ah how I envy the finns with their love of rhe open steppe.

Kill you so that you stop reposting this thread every day.

Stay outta Caulfield cunt

>kill mao
>Support National movement
>Capitalist China and America become best friends
>generations of artifacts and culture are saved from commie burnings

>influence the son of god
>kill judas without Christ knowing

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.
I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.
Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.
Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you two, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

>implying anyone wants to live with australians



move to spain and play pianos filled with flames

There would be no holocaust survivors.

I try to post different pics of anne. And I only start one of these every so often. But yea I do repost this basic thread because changing history is a cool political thought. In my opinion it is better than most of the shillary/drumpf threads.

Personally, I would go back to 1780 with modern tactics and conquer all of the hemisphere for motherfucking freedom.


I hope you use your powers for good.

Okay, okay, this time I've got it! Keep the part about killing Ishmael, but instead of meddling with Jesus' followers while he is alive, I'll let him die as the story goes. THEN, when he isn't around to tell me I'm a bad person or whatever, influence the Apostles to convince the early Christians that Jews are evil and must be killed. OR EVEN, whatever stupid Roman city that got burned down, and that one guy blamed it on the Christians, I'LL TELL HIM THE JEWS DID IT!!!

I would buy a complete encyclopedia about WW2 and deliver it to Hitler.

someone realizes the complexities

I wanna puke right now.
Are you guys so eternal or do you occasionally kys?


Kill Hitler in 1938. Or just kill the Bolsheviks.

Take him the blueprints for the Stg44 in 1930 too. That gun could have legit won him the war if it were introduced much earlier on.

Yeah especially conservative Jewish ones amirite? Haartez Jewish voice for peace dog!

Sounds good, except for the heresy

Indict Hillary

Buy bitcoin in 2009.

1. I'd rethink my choice of uni
2. I'd propose to her
3. I'd party less
4. I'd start stacking gold 10 years earlier

First travel to the future and get myself life extension procedure for biological immortality and anything else I can get to greatly descrease my chances of dying from anything.

Then travel back to the present, and get a book with the results of all major horse races/sports/etc for the last 50 years.

Travel to 60/70s

Become richfag

Find traditional wife in a time where they still existed. Live an idyllic life and treat her well. Then, 20 years later If she is good to me I take her to the future and give her the same life extension. If she fucks up I leave her without a trace then travel back to the same point and do it all again until I find a women worth living with for eternity.

Who wouldn't?

It's not that much of a heresy tho. The gospel of John is pretty brutally honest about Jews, so I would give the rest of the Church that same vibe but leave everything else the same. That also gives me another idea:

>The Gospel of user

I'd go back with multiple history books and help Hitler win the war but personally I'd go back to 2013 and unfuck my life.

What went wrong, user?

Id go back in time find myself and rape myself then kill myself

I would change nothing.

While tragic, Anne Frank's death was a necessary sacrifice for the creation of the greatest indie album of all time.

He became aware of his Australian shitposting genes.

I've been looking for your flag, second time I've seen it.

Go back in time and kick one of those giant sloths in the balls.

I think you're on to something here.


you'd obv do anne frank so she'd write about you in her diaries you saucy madman

>ctrl F
>molest Hitler
>zero results

Seriously guys? I'd go back and molest a young Hitler

also, i would go forward in time and become valuable. wars will be fought over me.

Not sure you want to do that


Yup. This. Marxism fucked so much shit up.

Doctors told my mother to stop taking her hormone tablets which was stopping the cancer growth in her lymph nodes (my mother previously had breast cancer) and I was cheating on my missus with her best friend.

I would go back in time and murder Napoleon. His actions caused the World Wars, which in turn caused the rise of Liberalism.

Skip college
buy a lot more LSD
Not screw several women.




Join the Nazi party and become Hitler's closest compatriot

Moderate his antisemitism and desire for Eastward expansion and have a more sensible economic plan

Build a coalition of the west and Germany to destroy the young Soviet Union, no ww2

No mass immigration for USA or Europe, no decolonization, no iron curtain hellholes, all due to no Soviet Union

Glorious Europe of nation states builds coalition to go to space

Space empire by 2016

>that picture
really makes you think