>free healthcare
>free education
>minimum wage
>only 35 hours of work per week
>5 weeks of paid vacation
>liberty, equality and fraternity is the motto
Socialism works in France, why don't you try it?
>free healthcare
>free education
>minimum wage
>only 35 hours of work per week
>5 weeks of paid vacation
>liberty, equality and fraternity is the motto
Socialism works in France, why don't you try it?
It works in France? I thought France was falling to bits.
There are problems everywhere but life is still good. I have food on my plate 3 times a day, I earn money and can buy stuff I like, all thanks to socialism.
It is, but they're in denial like the Swedes.
>youth unemployment at ~20%
Nah I take my chances here.
>socialism is treating people decently
Come on frogbro you know better than to use American definitions.
Nothing is free, Pierre
France is greatly in debt and it's streets are with riots every day.
What do you mean with "it works"?
>I have food on my plate 3 times a day, I earn money and can buy stuff I like
So do I, you fucking autist. Non of this is thanks to socialism. And if you're a NEET, you deserve to fucking rot, you fucking parasite.
Enjoying that waiting period for any mental health, specialist or surgery?
Little work meaning kids will have time to fuck around, especially "youths"
"Liberty". That's a good one.
>country that routinely sets its cars on fire
Why would I want my country to be like that?
If France is an example of socialism, it's exactly what western countries shouldn't want. Your economy is absolutely dismal
ofc mutumbo, ofc.
wtf I hate america now
>buy stuff I like
>socialism works in France/Germany/Sweden/EU meme
it's already failing and everyone knows it, why do you think he UK left the EU? Decades of unsustainable social spending is crushing Europe, millions of uneducated and unskilled migrants flood in every year to leach off of big brother with no intention of putting anything into the system. European socialism is unsustainable and people are finally waking up to that fact.
Your government recently tried to institute a policy that allows businesses to hire employees without full commitment and your people rioted in the streets and burned cars
When Spain is outperforming you,there is something wrong in your economy.
Maybe letting themselves become Africa was not such a good idea after all.
>Lives in France
>Enjoys living
I've seen your art films, don't you lie to me.
People wait for the doctor where you live, too even though you might not be.
>no work means the youth is able to fuck around
Literally retarded
Your country is being raped by refugees, can you tell me again how good France is going?
So what do young people do in France then?
Don't believe him, these fuckers trasnformed our 100% rich, white and racist country into a 80% white shithole fileld with terrorism and niggers, also french with enough money all flee this shithole, and the french who are obligated(because they don't have enough money) to stay in this shithole all wear knifes or tear gas bomb.
>Socialism works in France
im 22 yo NEET and cant find a job
HOW THE FUCK its fucking work ?
Also the whole middle class is sucked dry of his money to allow niggers on welfare to make kids to colonize our country.
Thankfully the republic is slowly falling apart, and these fuckers will soon be raped and killed.
>our unemployment rate is 2x time bigger than Germany or Britain
>it's still getting worse
See your gf this summer.
>There are problems everywhere but life is still good
just like communistic country, until it collapses
>itt, amerifags falling for the foxnews meme "France is on fire"
I live in the constant fear of not getting my baguette warm enough in the morning
Me too m8 and my country is falling apart. Im considered poor as fuck but never went without food, electricity and such. Bought a ford tudor sunday I'm fixing up and selling, fucking frog.
I get more disposable income and fewer rapefugees in the US.
stop lying to yourself
Paris is a shithole, your entire country was a let down to visit.
>thankfully everyone will soon be raped and killed
Stay classy France
>blaming Fox News for the disconnect you have with your own working class
This is why right wing populists keep rising. Listen to your fucking working class before you have Marine Le Pen pull you out of the EU
Wow the Jews have got you trained good.
A indoor cat lives longer than a outdoor cat, but the cost is his balls.
Pic is France in a few years when every weakling comes seeking their free shit.
>Socialism works in France
It doesn't, we're going to bankrupcy for neets, single mothers, niggers and north-africans welfare buddy.
The working class is almost dead and the bourgeoisie is flying overseas, I give us a maximum of five years before an economic collapse and a 5845th civil war.
>ITT people think anything to the left of feudalism is socialism.
Are more and more French people coming to Australia? I swear I've seen more and more of you lot lately.
>implying it is any better in the US
france is europeans pissvoir an shithole nr.1
If indian peoples someone want to use a toilett, they would go to paris...
Spain is not outperforming France in any regard. Moderate growth after a severe recession isnt even worth mentioning.
getting a job is easy as fuck in the US. Just get an engineering or math degree and companies literally fight over you for a secure, decently paying job.
Of coarse it's only easy because no one does it
They don't deserve pity, you don't know how does it feel to see your country being invaded, and demonized if your against the invasion, i'm not the only to hate them, and i will not be the only to make suffer them hell when the police cease to work.
A shit hole filled with north africans and albanese, you're worse than us, since 30% of your pop is composed of niggers
In fact you're just a bunch of cowards you have guns yet niggers behave worse in your country than in France, you should hand over your guns to us, at least we would use them unlike you.
Most of them are moving to NZ and Australia because all the western countries are fucked up. Lots of weebs dreaming about going to Japan also.
Be happy you get the top of the educated and hard working french people while we have to bear the gypsies, the goatfuckers and the niggers.
africans are only in french part of switzerland, also the danger places, where whites not should be...
>no work means the youth is able to fuck around
>Literally retarded
But that's fucking, exactly, literally, unopposedly, what they do, god damn it. Kill yourself.
Capitalism doesn't prevent for degeneratie.
Socialism is full a shit, for exemple I have a coworker (a sandnigger) who stay home 9 month per year for medical reason, even he don't have any problem but he know the doctor very well. Then came back to the office just one month before taking holydays and then back home with healthcare benefit.
If you compare both system it's the same, nigger parasiting, debt growing, degeneratie and shit.
But how many in western country would fight for a nationalist revolution?
>Not enough for now
>free healthcare
They take money from your salary every month, it's not free.
>free education
Shit education, infested with niggers and muslims.
it's better to pay to go in a private school.
>minimum wage
you can't do a single shit with 1400€, if you live near Paris it's just the rent and the food.
Not everyone get the minimum wage by the way.
>only 35 hours of work per week
bullshit, I work 39 hours per week and I work for the state
>5 weeks of paid vacation
I give you that
Welfare statism is not socialism.
>M-muh the wet dream of the socialists isn't socialism
>socialism breeds laziness...boredom and degeneracy eventually set in especially among the youth......humans are hard wired to achieve something in life and they need an environment in which to thrive...capitalism is the greatest motivator.
Trust me you don't want to be richer, the more GDP you have the more third worlders you will attract. And there are 4 billion africans incoming.
>free healthcare
"free", don't make me laugh. It's free for fucking foreigners who go to france to be taking cared of. And I don't talk about refugees but white rich fuckers.
>free education
even white want to act like niggers thank to that
>minimum wage
that only permit to eat and work, welcome to slavery
>only 35 hours of work per week
>5 weeks of paid vacation
>liberty, equality and fraternity is the motto
>Socialism works in France, why don't you try it?
I'm not Muslim.
and racial tension is the highest in the world.
our people are fuckin stupid af
if only the problem was only racial
learning Quran
know that feel
Welfare is not socialism you dumb fuck. Kill yourself.
Socialism= state ownership of the means of production.
If we had the same amount of young people, niggers and employee protection laws, we would have the same unemployment as you.
The problem is structural, not limitted to some regions. Everywhere around the globe, youth unemployment will be a major issue.
France is bankrupt.
France is falling apart socially.
France's education system has fallen to shit.
France is so cucked it makes the guys following feminists around seem alpha.
Try again, Kermit.
>greeks education
You might want to read Marx, Engels and Hess again.
Greeks are actually voting for neocommunists, don’t expect too much from them.
Kill yourself Ahmed.
Socialism = state ownership of the means of production. That's the accepted definition.
Having 5 weeks of paid vacation vs 3 weeks or getting unemployment benefits for 2 years instead of 1 does not make one country "socialist".
If welfare = socialism then America is socialist too
The government literally gives you money to buy food if you make less than an x amount of money every year
France Works?
Oh look a Greek who's a Statist, colour me surprised.
You lazy fucks need another bailout?
>but life is still good
For now. Until you run out of other peoples money
Finally, someone who agrees. I don't get it when people go there and say "oh it was so lovely", basically every continental European city I've been to has been a shithole with graffiti all over the shutters.
>Free healtcare failing
>Free éducation becoming worse and worse as time pas
>35 hours only to get minimum wage which is stole by taxes
>Sundays off count as vacation
>Motto who isn't revelant anymore
>no freedom of speech
>no freedom to own guns
>can't criticize the government
>can't criticize foreigners/muslims/jews/blacks/feminists/homosexuals/trans
>massive unemployment
>low standard of living
>worthless education
>worthless healthcare
>half of your pay is taxed
>20% VAT
Yeah, socialism works... For those in power.
This motto was never relevant, it was more like a joke between the revolutionaries.
Don't forget originally it ended with "ou la Mort."
The cleanest english ever from a french man.
Fuck off proxy nigger.
Kek'd and check'd
>Socialism works in France
Ask the guys in the banlieues how they feel.
Protip: it worked as long as you had a homogeneous culture grown with certain values.
because at it's very heart, socialism is revolutionary. And the revolution is not against the rich, but tradition. Fuck you've got a socialist president no? Yet you still have mass strikes. It is because no amount of concessions will ever be enough for the agitators who's only goal in life is the fall of the west.
wow you triggered the capitalist lards to death op lmao
SO THAT'S IT. Now I understand why there are so many niggers and shitskins in France.
Because they get paid to be lazy. Fucking hell. Why did I not think of this earlier. It's the most obvious reason. Jesus.
So basically you're saying this as a warning, right OP? "Don't go Socialism route, you get Nigger Ending"
Thats not true socialism :^)
France is broke as fuck, how the fuck does socialism work?!
The only problem with socialism in France is that it attracts gibsmedats and neets
Stop this bullshit frenchbros.
Our country is the worst of the west world.
Because of leechers like you mohamed.
300.000 leechers enters this country per years, and they make lot lot many many little leechers...
Stomachs enter, brains leave
My country is absolutely fucked
The world is falling to bits.
Neoliberals are racing towards bottom.
It doesn't, Sven. You already know that more than anyone.
FN is evil. Only PS or LR can save us.
>free healthcare
Not really, you still have to pay for a supplementary health cover to get decent refunds on your health spendings and you always pay something.
>free education
Then again not really, I went to college and my parents paid for everything but although the subscription fee is nothing too scary you still have to pay for everything else and unless your family lives next to your university. It gets expensive as fuck.
>minimum wage
Which are still garbage considering how expensive everything is in France.
>only 35 hours
For civil servants, sure... last time I was under contract I was working on average forty hours a week and didn't take a single week of vacation the whole two years I spent there.
>paid vacation
For civil servants and people under permanent contract. The only vacations I ever took were while unemployed.
>liberty, equality and fraternity my ass
Country of wage slaves, half our salaries goes to waste in taxes and we are all condemned to pay for our grand parents' and parents' retirement while it's pretty clear the current system won't last.
No such thing as equality either as its pretty clear cronyism, nepotism are the only ways to get a decent job in this fucking country. Actually if you're a woman you might get hired because of quotas...
some japanese womens suffer of mental illness (called Paris's syndrome) after seeing how Paris really is, that's to say shitty.
Holy shit. this picture.
Going on the paris underground during peak hour was fucking scary.
First time i had seen so many nogs noggin
> Be french
> Live a normal life, just got my bachelor's degree, have my own place, a job and a relatively comfy student life
> come on Sup Forums
> Australian, american and scandinavian posters tell me how terrible life in my country is
> They tell me I can't step outside without being stabbed or mugged
> They tell me I can't even afford to buy food
> They tell me we have a curfew at night
> They tell me a bottle of orange juice is 8€
This is a very strange thing to witness. It's as if you guys had never set foot in France other than in Paris or Marseille.
youth unemployment is like 2.5x higher in France than USA
it is a direct result of the policies listed in OP