
>no thread about India
Let's change that

have you guys dredged all the corpses and garbage out of the Ganges yet? Hate to break it to you but that should probably be one of your top priorities before becoming a superpower in 2025

Are you masochistic? Plus nothing notable happens there, it just stagnates like shit on a street.

Post an image of an actual Indian person with blond hair or every post after this one is a mandatory sage.

Fuck India

serious question
why would you point nukes at a country so close to you?(pakistan)


>superpower in 2025
ill never get tired of that joke

Govt has started taking steps to clean that river by 2019
This pic is real
If we did they wouldn't be alive

I just wanted you to know that Indians, Fingolians and Polskis are my 3 favourite posters. you cunts are alright

You shouldn't be, because it might take 2030
Cheers mate

How wide spreed is the Indo European hypothesis in India?


I'm not even south indian

see what i mean here? quality shitpost

not like Canada those cunts are fucking useless and should be taken out back and shot like a lame horse




It's Dravidian hodor

the picture has a black Sup Forums character and a white Indian character.




gay post. fuck off cunt

go fuck an emu about it austranigger

One of the great ancient cultures on the planet, while the ancestors of western mans climbed on the trees in search of bananas, the ancestors of the Indians have created the greatest spiritual philosophy.

all that indian religious shit is literally an excuse for them to get flexible enough to suck their own dicks

Canada is jealous.

yeah, for real

if i could suck my own dick I'd probably just shit in the streets too

time spent finding the loo is time spent not sucking my dick

Got tips on how to have the best shit India? I've been taking Metamucil to try and enhance my shitting capacity but it hasn't changed much and all its doing is lowering my cholesterol.

Either you are a kike jew who got his dick cut off and sucked by a old man

Or a boy who was molested by the local priest at Sunday school at church

>country without a history
>country without a culture
>country without a future


What's up with this fucking thread being made everyday? What kind of shilling/sliding is this?

Are there any initiatives that a making way in increasing personal Hygiene responsibility? This includes clean streets.

>Canada has no culture.
>No national identity

Quebec faggets try to act like they actually have a culture just bcuz they speak french but in reality they are just a part of Canada that no body really gives a shit about bcuz it's full of yellow teeth bastard

>Shill dedicated from our own U.S government. Created for the sole purpose of division and increasing resentment against the Russians. This comes after the UN General admitted to trying to increase tensions by stoking fires within the U.S populace.

Remember Sup Forums Russians are Tracksuit cool.

The shills are trying hard to keep poo in loo meme alive on pol

What's up with India and social media?

The riff raff have plenty of access to the internet but without the same cultural norms

Maybe there would not be a meme if you did not shit in the streets in the first place.

>nation that exists is less than a thousand years - fake nation

What if it's a genuine pooinloo with a motive?

Canada is only 149 years old.....that's not even old enough to establish a proper cultural heritage and history a native ethnic group. Canada has no culture just like Australia. Stole the land from the native aboriginal people and killed them and now claim Canada is their native land.



Well he should pop in loo then

If you could get back in the oven that would be great.


Good thing I'm not a jew you gypsy tranny.

right so check this out
right now, sitting in a car, probably stuck in a bit of traffic, you know big city living and all that

He has just finished work at a office or warehouse or supermarket it dont really make much fucking difference just trading time for money

On his way out of work he says goodbye to sara working at the front desk (a spicy little number)
he jokingly asks if shes got any plans for the weekend "oh not much just hang with the boyfriend i guess"

A slight chuckle is all he can mange as he turns to the exit , a rage so pure and intense like gouts of flame spike into his soul all he can think about as he walks to his car is violently beating and raping the stupid whore sara fucking dumb bitch ill fuck the life out of her he thinks has he brings his 1993 honda civic to life

he is on his way home now where soon he will lock all the doors, close all the blinds then put on his $10,000 usd pink and blue wolf furrie costume

and spend the rest of the night shoving bigger and more complex looking dildos up his arse, stretching out his urethra with a ballpoint pen and masterbating to child porn all live on webcam

this is the real world, people like that exist and worse they vote for hillary

but at least they poo in loo. can u? where do you draw the line, if u dont poo in loo, what stops you from fukin umderage boipussi in the men bathroom?

all interpretation is lost just under the surface, can you tell the difference between a smile and a crocodile? are you sure? am not.

this is the real world, a world of illusions

why is he always white?

This pic actually made me chuckle. You're alright Pajeet.

>one fancy nip toilet has deposited in your account

Im real pajeet with a motive

We are all parjeet. One people, one voice, one poo in a loo

what do indian girls think of italians?

if you have money, then nice.

i met an indian girl at my uni, the only girl i have ever loved, now she's back to india and i miss her like hell it hurts so much fucking india

Why don't you send one of your little jimmy up here to get her back

How can indians function without have a nice long 45 minute morning shit?


Actually. All Indians were Hyperborean Vishnu Angels with Ultraviolet hair and transparent skin, but Black Semitic Jews came and stole our blonde hair and blue eyes and fled to Europe. Those people are modern day Jewropeans. But our beautiful transparent skin and ultraviolet hair/eyes got degraded and turned into abunch of cucked toilet colored niggers. Kikes and Cockasians are pretty similar y'know.

I meant *Ultraviolet hair and eyes

Not blonde hair and blue eyes. That's degeneracy.

Fuck off. Go marry your eurogypsy she-beasts you filthy meditaranean toilet nigger

why are you so mad with me?

kek hey Sup Forums

I'm serious, if not jimmy then send fat paulie

I go to a university where 24% of students are Indian, mostly STEM majors. They never bathe. Every time you pass by them you get a whiff of BO. There's always a gang of them hanging around my apartment at 4 in the morning, shouting unintelligible nonsense in their poo language. I've told my apartment about it and they said they would give them a firm warning. That was two months ago. Every time I try to approach one of them in class they ignore me. All my friends are white, despite whites being a minority of the student body. The Indians are the most inclusive people I've ever encountered, worse than niggers and spics. They refuse to talk to anyone who isn't shitskin and are all hyper-sensitive snowflakes. Three days ago one of them knocked on my door really loudly at 2 in the morning, looking for someone named "Pranav" or some shit. I told him that no one lives here except me. He fucking did it the next night, asking for the same person. Then a different guy comes 2 hours later asking for the same person. I almost called the cops, but decided just to deadlock my door and ignore all knocks from now on. I think they are trying to drive me off campus.

I fucking hate Indians so much.

Indians are one of the few people I have a burning racist hate for.

Get fucked curryniggers

eh, i wish my indian friend, truth is i don't know if we'll ever meet again and it sucks, we don't even talk to each others anymore

How to get poo-in-loo gf Pajeet? Tell me pls ; __ ;

I don't care what you chaps say, that kid's badass.

>literal shitposting