Thoughts on him, Sup Forums?

Thoughts on him, Sup Forums?

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Jeb is a mess.

I honestly miss the bastard. He was the perfect foil for Trump and hes desperate attempts were just pottery.

I miss the turtle guy.

Great man. It's a shame that he lost against a man who can only trash talk.

Low energy!

nope... drawing a blank


Jeb is a waste!

He's a loser and that's saying something coming from me.


slow and steady wins the race

poor bastard with a family of assholes

Trump's bantz against him were good fun.

It's a shame that this election is starting to turn gravely serious now, I miss the memes.

You can only love this guy. He is like a real-life Charlie Brown.

He was a boring ass person with the unfortunate last name.

He could probably beat clinton though

>tfw identified with him because I'm black sheep of my family

He was the perfect foil, and just a great contrast to Trump. A large part of the primary was defined by Jeb trying to stand up to him and getting beat down.

>Thoughts on him, Sup Forums?
Who the hell cares?

I miss him. He was good fun and lots of memes came from his campaign. Everybody knew he had no chance. Why did they axe him? Were you not entertained?

because he legitimately wanted to destroy the country
he was only funny because he was neutered

Another shit choice by GOP

All they needed to win against Hillary was to pick anyone apart from Trump or him. And they still fucked up.

due to this post I am now a #clitforclinton

The personification of a career politician and what is wrong with America. Je was hilarious because Trump destroyed him and was never a real threat. However, if he would have dobe well he would be another RINO terror and sunk the country a little deeper, like a Clinton with a different letter next to his name

I have no doubts he wanted to destroy the country Clinton style, but we laughed at him because we knew it would never happen. Now we have Hillary who we know will destroy the country and she's likely to be elected. It's not fun to make fun of someone who will put you in a reeducation camp.
