
Come to daddy edition

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give me fucc

big willies edition

he say u brade runna

*enters thread*

cold fish

>Just got home from work
>Immediately start to think about toil tomorrow

always knew there was some future serial killer that browsed brit

well, now we know that it's one of the yanks

give me succ


there's a time of the year in london that isn't tourist season?

give me SUCC

the lads

the cute girl with the cute ears and the cute giggle looked so good today

can't stand it


i screencapped this image
feels good that somebody is using it



just ask her out you stupid cunt

>oh she's quite pretty
>looks nice and normal
>lives close to me too
>might send her a cheeky message
>oh, she's got a fwb bloke, not much poi-

>Why yes, I do enjoy the works of Richard David James, or Aphex Twin as he is colloquially known

bet she's not even that good looking

that's fucking great, do you want me to paypal you some dosh for what a great job you did screencapping it? a nice suckjob perhaps?



>The inhabitants of Craven, a district in the southernYorkshireDales, are the happiest in the country, according to official statistics.

>At the other end of the scale, theOffice for National Statistics’ (ONS) annual study of the nation’s happiness and wellbeing found that residents of Hertsmere borough council, on the northern edge of London’s suburban sprawl, were the unhappiest in Britain in the 12 months to the end of March.

Londonsads ETERNALLY btfo

who are you quoting?

get away from me bender

me on the left

just ate 2 doughnuts

i had 1 just there making it 2 for the week

Based Skipton

hey fatty bum bum want another cream cake

boing boing boing

Craven mentioned

I'm probably putting her on a pedestal but I think she's beautiful

she has such a nice face and she smiles a lot


wonder what's like to suck your mum's penis

Reminder that white women are destroying Britain and you should racemix.

listening to 67, feel like stabbing people

>on a self discovery journey
should already have been the red flag mate

print one of her pictures off, cum over it and present it to her tomorrow

What app even is this

My tinder keeps showing me the same chicks over and over again, did I go through every chick in my area?

she probably thinks you're a fucking creep

>At the other end of the scale, theOffice for National Statistics’ (ONS) annual study of the nation’s happiness and wellbeing found that residents of Hertsmere borough council, on the northern edge of London’s suburban sprawl, were the unhappiest in Britain in the 12 months to the end of March.

>In the 2011 census, Hertsmere polled as the second most Jewish local authority in England, with Jews composing of one in seven residents.

Hate filthy greyskins

dip dip dip a mans face

why does she always talk to me then? not saying she likes me in a romantic way but she obviously likes me

sex-positive was mine

oh i missed that

women love attention, they crave it for validation

even from guys they have absolutely no interest in

What's wrong with Germans?


might go eat 'za later

more evidence for the harassment case shes building against you

Why did sershlad never come back here?

>white south africans live like kin-




yeah probably. oh well.

he got doxxed iirc


got a gf

climate change is real


take off your tinfoil hat

either ask her to do something or forget about her. wallowing in limbo isn't going to do anything but make you miserable

he didn't, he just left

this better not be a boy

Corrrr would smash her backdoors in.



What a song.

bit risqué

nah he didn't

spastics here aren't able to dox anyways

what does that mean?

okcupid. overflowing with weirdos but you don't have to match to send messages so you can punch above your weight a bit better than on the 'der.

Woo I'm pickle rick haha!

name / insta?


i'm on money i love the queen's face

I know, just waiting for the right moment/right sign that she's into me.

australians are smarter than brits AND yanks

That doesn't look like a pickle.


You need to racemix for the future of Britain

australians arent real

*shoos you away with a broom*

any Louis fans in?
would absolutely fuck this slut

owo what's this


It is within the set 'green' as are pickles and within the set 'rick'as is pickle rick so I don't get what your problem is???

the runt pen


Is this the way they say the future's meant to feel?




any /Shania Twain/ man in

cheers fa󠇦m

based off the nose its twitter.com/kmatilde3


might buy a ps4 and fifa 18