I accomodate a muslim german

Hi Sup Forums.

I participate in a kind of non-scholar foreign exchange programm. It's kinda simple : I accomodate a german for 4 weeks and I go to Germany for 4 weeks, fair is not it ?

Before accomodate a guy, you can read his description and other things, but it is not important.

This guy il white as fuck, with blue eyes and dark hair, he comes from Köln ( Cologne ), is very kind, and he is called Luca.

Yesterday, this german come. To celebrate his coming, my father made a lovely alsacian dish, a choucroute, in pic related.

But this guy said « I'm sorry I can not eat pork, I am muslim ». I was very shocked, same for my parents.

How to redpill this nice guy to made him leaving this horrible religion ?

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God damn that looks amazing fuck that retarded religion and it's retarded followers
How can they take themselfs serious even

You never ate this kind of dish ? I thought german people were experts to make dishes with sausages.

Is 'choucroute' French pour 'pile of pork meat'?

>black hair/ pastanigger name
chose one
KILL HIM, do the world a favor

You seem to confuse love with lust like everyone else.

True love is god and the only temple is our bodys, real love can only be experienced on the individual perspective and alot of miscommunication comes from us trying to express it to others when love is unique to each of us.

Respect, consideration and closeness for other is all good and all but so few of us show it to ourselves so very few people truly know themselves, test themselves and love themselves that is what causes so much strife in the world today.

When we truly worship our temple then we will truly worship god, we have to be the best we can, humble, wise, strong, kind these aspects flow into all life
whats higher then relationships? the SELF because we're the most complex, most important, most valuable thing in the entire universe.

To truly love YOURSELF is to love god
god is love, love is god

Your English is cute mate.
I'd fuck you

Tell him to suck it up and eat the forbidden meat.

THere are also potatoes, cabbage. sometimes fennel. It is very tasty.

I kekd at your picture.

>Austrians are literal KuKs

Show him stories and video's of People who abandoned Islam who explain why. Have a discussion about Islam with him.
Show him Islam has no place in Europe.

I went three times in Germany, in foreign exchange programs, and in german classes, there are one or two Luca (or Luka). It is a rather common name.

I hate Germany so much

You should be aware that talking about islam with him might have unpleasant (violent) results.
According to their religion they can't leave. They're instructed to kill apostates.

Why ? Are not they kind ? Have not they great culture ? Do not they speak a true white language ?

Because they're destroying Europe.

top kek
I do not really like arab cultures and the arab language.


I have an attack of gout right now and i'm on painkillers, but i would eat the fuck out of that anyway. And then probably die afterwards. Whoever doesn't eat this, is not a german and can go fuck off and die, probably in some shithole like syria or turkey. Don't bother with this filth, my beautiful frenchman.

>Clasical right wing
Fucking hell Jesus Christ what the fuck

hey OP, nice repost. didn't get enough replies the first time?


There's a similar dish Schlachterplatte (literally butcher's plate) in Germany. It has become somewhat rare though, most people want to eat more healthy nowadays. I love it once in a while.

he knows that if he breaks bread with you at your home, he can't harm you without being cursed forever.

basically, he's going to murder you.

well meme'd friendo :^)

Keep serving pork, let him break or starve.


Isnt that a Game of Thrones thing?

Boy, that looks really yummy. I got me an appetite just looking at that, even though I'm not from the south of Germany where they might have that.

can't eat that
probably with porc, so can't eat that
>white wine
can't drink that either
well .... it's probably been touched by the porc, so that's haram as well

Looks like it's the old traditional bread and water for the guest.

The german version is a bit different but full of meat and pork too

You know that your religion hates you when it bans you from eating the really good food.


I could have sworn I read this exact same OP a month ago.

Thats a Bosnian not a German you got there.

do you ever eat choucroute with purée in alsace?

why is nazism right wing and why the fuck is anarchy left wing? anarchy can be right wing too lol

>To celebrate his coming, my father made a lovely alsacian dish

He probably was just angry because the Elsass belongs to germany.
Stop the cultural appropriation, Pierre. My Heimat is not a costume!

Lucas is a normal german "modern" name.
Says nothing about his ethnicity.

What did you expect? People who enter this kind of programs tend to be huge cucks, extra points for being german

Anarchy would be non wing I would assume. Seeing as how both left and right are totalitarian in nature.

>read his profile
>somehow missed the moslem part

nice ruse frenchie.

He said Luca and thats a distinctively Slavic shortening of the name.

You guys still use Lucas as a normal name because it's 5 letters.

dude, dont tell me what we use or not.
I know two people named Luca who are ethnicly german.
Its a modern name, its actually in the top 5 or top 10 male names for newborns nowadays.

I'll take some Germans eating some French sausages

heh heh heh

With k use the biblic name not that southern version.




Poor Cucked germans using Luka I pitty you ;_;

Cucked Croatia.

we wouldn't pack sausages on that, other then that it's similar to Kasslerbraten which I fucking love myself.

German here, my work uses a weird proxy.

Tell him you will be more offended if he doesn't eat the pork then he will be of you not respecting his religion.

muslim and german don't mix like two dicks and no bitch
this is serious shit

Luca is muslim? that sounds so italian to me.
Ask him what district for me, I too come from cologne. but im a roman catholic german.

Looks like shitloads of pork meats and sausage with kraut and potatoes.
Yeah thats pretty much the most german thing you can eat. looks extremly tasty too and you didnt forget the mustard either.
11/10 mon ami.

because we got very high amounts of italians living here and that is pretty much the italian version of Hans.
its really weird to be muslim and be named luca for me.

Luca and Lucas are completly different names y adingus.

Luca is italian.

Luca is an Italian name.
I think you're talking shit.

There are like a million Germans named Mario.

Meeting one always leaves me confused.

Anarchy is neither left nor right, you inbreds. Left and right are different ways to organize a government. Anarchy does not want any government.

Sounds kind of gay. Why don't you save money and go stay in a German hotel like normal people?

It's because giving your children German names has become "uncool" since Adolf. You won't find a single kid that's named Wilhelm or Friedrich.

fascism = freedom guys!

wtf jim beam in a can!!!??

Have a rational discussion with him. If he is a close minded retarded i think you are wasting your time.


>giving your children German names has become "uncool"

For fuck's sake. I have two kids. I'm English, my wife is Scottish.
My daughter has an English name. (after one our great nation's queens)
My son has a Scottish name. (after a great warrior of that nation).

My daughter is called 'Victoria', shortened to 'Vicky'.
My son is called 'Finlay' meaning 'white warrior' in the Gaelic language. Shortened to 'Fin'.
Fin and Vicky. Wonderful names.

Why are you Germans so cucked? I am proud of my country's history.
What is the disease that infects your country? Why are you not proud of your great nation?

I love my country. Why do you hate yours?

"choucroute" is french for "sauerkraut"


He did because he was yearning for attention. Just ignore him, make him feel that nobody cares. The more you touch the subject, the more special he will feel, the more his sandnigger identity will be reinforced.

Do you if his parents are muslims?