Why is it that communism is praised every single time by college liberals in the west, but everybody in ex-ussr countries who loved under it say it was complete and utter dogshit?
Why is it that communism is praised every single time by college liberals in the west...
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It seems like you just answered your own question and are looking for other people to confirm what you said rather than have a meaningful discussion.
Because college liberals are coddled, idealistic idoits who never have had to wait in line for basic neccesities or been executed for thought crime.
......ed under it say it was complete and utter dogshit?
there you go, since you wanted an echo chamber
hes not wrong. if you think he is please explain why instead of complaining that no one else is explaining. communism is shit for anyone who isnt a professional bank robber
Reminder that communism has failed every time and ended up collapsing or becoming state capitalist
Reminder the free market economies work and are some of the most richest in the world (hong kong, singapore and switzerland)
Thank you and good night statishits
Lenin didn't do so badly.
Sides, "college liberals" praise "leftism" which is considered to be pretty much just liberal societal values. Communism is an economic and political system.
but true communism have never been tried.
When will you reactionary idiots learn?
When the revolutions come you better change your mind
Because communism is a cool idea on paper (well , socialism is, communism less so), but it needs perfect society with no corruption to function. Since such a society doesn't and won't exist, it can not work. They just don't understand that last part probably.
Reminder that you can offer evidence on that basis for capitalism too.
Reminder that heavily socialist economies are some of the most richest in the world (Norway, Denmark)
>Lenin didn't do so badly.
>EU flag
cant crash this union soon enough
>defending communism
>cuck levels off the charts
Those countries are social democratic you idiot. Not socialist.
They operate within a capitalist framework. 90% of companies in Sweden are privately owned.
Do you think capitalist welfare states are socialist? Kek
Lenin improved the situation of Russia and started on a good path.
Unfortunately communism is doomed by definition, because it relies on perfect leadership, which will always eventually fail.
Those college proffs who are brainwashing the youth do so deliberately to undermine the system. Why? I dont know. Bezmenov would say they were planted by KGB.
And yeah commie system is bad in theory and even more so in practice - it's ineffective at best and totalitarian terror at worst. You cant have maximum equality and civil liberties at the same time. It always ends up with plebs killing the rich and the new rich emerging - who use violence to keep the power. Thats human nature to you.
You can have a semibalance of capitalim and socialism at best (what many Europe countires already have).
The only right answer:
Because it is a great and just concept in theory (inb4 it isn't), but 100% doomed to fail in practice due to human nature and it just ends up creating a living hellhole.
It seems like some countries enjoyed it
90% of the KGB budget went towards cultural and psychological warfare
they infiltrated universities instead of military related organizations and art communities instead of political communities and spent decades changing the opinion of the intellectual elite in america and western europe
these methods only have an effect on the next generation, and it takes 20-30 years because the kids that get indoctrinated have to go through school, college and then get a powerful position within government before their brainwashing has any significant influence. a good example of such an individual is hillary clinton. if the soviet union had survived 20 or 30 years longer the entire world would be a singular oppressive 1984 communist galactic empire
this is why all your friends that went to trade school or iraq are all ron paul or trump worshippers and all your hipster cuck friends that studied "art" or "gender studies" are all literally mentally unstable shillary drones
>The Swedish government has announced that it will privatise a number of wholly and partly state owned companies. "The income from these sales will be used to pay off the government debt and reduce the burden of debt for future generations. The Government's ambition is to sell companies to a value of SEK 200 billion during 2007–2010.
Kek nice socialism there pham
>Social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy,
>within the framework of a capitalist econony
This is what sweden, denmark, and norgay is.
So what's your point, precisely? Switzerland also has a fuckload of things that aren't compatible with pure capitalism.
I can use semantics too.
because you're oversimplifying, especially with that dogshit meme image
the ideal is that in a magical world where everyone had the best intentions and only made the correct actions, socialism or communism would be nice systems to live under.
the fact of the matter is that in history, all such attempts have either been small scale and died out or were shitty state socialism turned authoritarian shitholes.
college liberal obsession with communism is part of the idealism of youth. eventually, like all young idealists, they get bitter and cynical
>commie system is bad in theory
Another Russia-hating Russian who just does it to appear cool.
Communism is disastrous in practice, but its wonderful in theory.
Stop dreaming about how cool the western world is and trying to be part of it, it isn't and you won't be.
How do you get that fucking flag
That social democracy isn't really socialism necause it works within a capitalist economy.
I suspect he is looking for western 'communists' to come in and justify themselves.
inb4 not real socialism
You cant even distinguish USSR and Russia, and you want to talk about communism or Russian history? what an ignorant baiter.
>wonderful in theory
Yeah, never being able to own private property or choose my own job sound fucking fantastic.
No chance of becoming rich and successful, I just work in a tractor factory until I fucking die. Wonderful.
Congratulations, you read a politics textbook or wikipedia.
It's all heavily subjective. I can post a dozen examples of why norway is socialist, you can post a dozen examples it isn't.
In the end, the one who gets less bored wins.
So if you want to argue, get back to the original point.
you have to sell your soul to satan
Communism has failed every time.
And yet lefties say that welfare capitalism isn't socialism.
Also see Nice "socialism" you got there
I can distinguish things perfectly my friend, нe coмнeвaюcь. I also know you people and how you think.
So skip it.
Go organize a maidan and then pray to the EU to get accepted because you think we're so cool and the west is so much better.
You get given a house to own by the state, you can also get inherited property. It's about as much yours as it is in capitalism.
You get to choose your job.
You can become successful, if you're ambitious and want to reach upwards you join the party and climb from there.
So, all false.
I like how he saved us the trouble of giving him a (((jewish))) tattoo.
That you can't hold up the good aspects of the Nordic model in praise of socialism then write of the social decline in Sweden as not socialism.
>It's all heavily subjective.
It really isn't that subjective you're just ignorant of the most basic terminology on the subject.
>but everybody in ex-ussr countries who loved under it say it was complete and utter dogshit?
Yeah. As if. Maybe in eastern Europe. But a lot of russian middle agers and eldery ate that shit up and will defend it even today.
You haven't heard shit if you never had an argument with a person who thinks that Stalin was great because he made soviet union "stronger" by working people to death.
Communism is gay lol
Did not dispute that at all.
Although I will say that Lenin went on the right path before he got a stroke.
Don't give a fuck what cucks say.
>if you're ambitious and want to reach upwards you join the party and climb from there.
>Don't give a fuck what cucks say.
Well said.
You use lot of words to say nothing
>defending communism
Who could be this retarded?
>EUSSR flag
Thank Fuck for the UK.
When did I do that?
I thought this wasn't a class in politics, I'm sorry. I should have gotten stuck in theory and ignored reality.
What's the issue with that? How is joining the party and climbing up any different from joining a corporation and climbing up? For that matter, how is building your own career as a party member different than building it up as a business owner?
But I didn't defend communism. I said it's fine in theory, disastrous in practice.
Learn to read please.
>You haven't heard shit if you never had an argument with a person who thinks that Stalin was great because he made soviet union "stronger" by working people to death.
What a dumb pic. Anyone who knows anything knows lenin did all the hard work then stalin killed him and took over before lenin could do anything. Not even arguing for commemeism, this is just history
Yet you spew bullshit and baits in every post.
There you go, another cheap bait hohlosrach that has zero relevance to discussion, you are not very good at this.
>You get given a house to own by the state, you can also get inherited property. It's about as much yours as it is in capitalism.
So no competition to build the best home for me? It's no wonder those commie blocks turned out so fantastic eh? VA healthcare and the DMV are fucking awesome government services, I cannot wait to also be given a great house.
>You get to choose your job.
Really nigga? When the govt owns all the means of production, that also means they own labor, which means they own YOU. Which means they have 3 factory available comrade you are given choice of your choosing see how wonderful being is communist society? Choice of 3 career!
>You can become successful, if you're ambitious and want to reach upwards you join the party and climb from there.
>So, all false.
History says otherwise you colossal faggot.
I've had arguments with those people. They're no more stupid than the opposites, who think communism is still a threat and you should focus all your efforts on fighting it.
The fact of the matter is, Maidan people are no more or less stupid than the middle agers or elderly who defend Stalin.
Both are utterly fucking retarded.
The reality is that Norway is not socialist and neither are other Scandinavian countries.
>So no competition to build the best home for me?
If you want to improve your home, go ahead.
> It's no wonder those commie blocks turned out so fantastic eh?
I am arguing about the theory, I said it turned out bad in practice, learn to read please.
>Really nigga? When the govt owns all the means of production, that also means they own labor, which means they own YOU. Which means they have 3 factory available comrade you are given choice of your choosing see how wonderful being is communist society? Choice of 3 career!
I am arguing about the theory, I said it turned out bad in practice, learn to read please.
>History says otherwise you colossal faggot.
I am arguing about the theory, I said it turned out bad in practice, learn to read please.
>How is joining the party and climbing up any different from joining a corporation and climbing up?
There's more than one corporation. You fall out with the guy directly above you, and things are FUBAR then you've always got another shot with another company. Another party, not so much.
>I said it's fine in theory
Defending communism.
It's terrible in theory. If something is consistently terrible in practice, then it is also terrible in theory.
Jon Worth pls go
Also about the career choice -
In theory and in some socialist states you were free to choose what to study, so long as you managed to pass the exams (which were obviously harder the fewer positions there were) and were willing to go for it.
You then received a position working that, no matter what.
Which means that you had a bigger freedom of career than in capitalism, in which you can choose what to study and what career to follow, but you're shit out of luck if you chose something that has no jobs available.
It obviously failed spectacularly, because the economy got fucked and couldn't sustain a diverse array of people so a lot of them had to be redirected to factories and shit, but the idea was there and there was even some examples of it being put to practice.
>You fall out with the guy directly above you, and things are FUBAR then you've always got another shot with another company. Another party, not so much.
Move to another wing of the party or another town.
>If something is consistently terrible in practice, then it is also terrible in theory.
Right, so space flight is terrible in theory?
>When did I do that?
Maybe not yourself. Maybe not this thread. But you and I know fine well this is the common retort from leftists these days.
it means the theory is wrong and at some point they have to stop trying to inflict it on people
>Maybe not yourself. Maybe not this thread. But you and I know fine well this is the common retort from leftists these days.
So you're bashing me on the basis of what some other people say in other threads?
TY Angela
Pls post your beautiful Kraut snatch for the boys
'The Party' though depends on a large degree of centralisation. How the hell do you plan your economy otherwise? You know fine well that you'd be blackballed if you spoke against the party and that mark would never come off.
>I have no argument as to why Communism is shit, the shitpost
>I'm too fucking retarded to realize he's poking holes in my theory with practical effects to my commie pipedream
I can say we should form a society where everyone grows pot and ingests it daily and we get rid of money n shiet
sounds great in theory but it'll never fucking work, just like Communism. So stop shilling for it you blithering chuff
>Because communism is a cool idea on paper
It is not even good on paper as build over false foundation of labor theory of value.
What the fuck are you on about now? Space flight has worked much, much better than communism.
Jesus fuck I am done with this idiot.
>b-but the means are seized by the workers! We a-are all da bosses!
And you wouldn't be blackballed if you spoke against your corporation and fucked it?
Sure, you might get a post in a bitter rival.
So if you were heavily against russian communism you might get a post in romania, to build links with the US so Ceaucescu can get more dollars.
Except communism has a lot of the aspects thought out and it has shown that with solid leadership it is capable of functioning.
The only hole in its theory is that it requires PERFECT leadership ALL the time and that is impossible.
>be child in communism land
>want to be doctor when grow up
>work hard for 5 more years than most anyone else
>make the same amount of money as bin man
who the fuck would ever want a difficult job in commietopia. Khrist
Just the typical leftist retort. Had this been another thread, I'd have no way of knowing if you were you. But generally it goes something like this
Sup Forums: If socialism is so great then why is Sweden heading towards third world country ststus
>Welfare capitalism
>Not capitalsim
pick one
You can't have it both ways. Tony Blair tried and see what's going to happen to that cunt.
Space flight is very expensive, hard and dangerous. It has not yet achieved it's goal of allowing us to expand past earth.
Therefore your idea that a theory that's been bad in practice is bad in theory is wrong.
First example that came to mind.
>Y-you can improve your own house!
>lol idk where you'll get the time, disposable income, skills, labor or material though lmfao dude weed communism man SO GOOD IN THEORY
Because utopistic communism, yesh thats the name, is a complete different thing than what was in the ussr. That was basically fascism with a bit of red sprinkled on.
Also college liberals love idealisms and they're lefties, so...
>incapable of an argument
>resort to impersonating me with silly words and not even responding to my post
Nice one, sure showed me
>It has not yet achieved it's goal of allowing us to expand past earth.
Nigger we landed on the moon in 1969.
No, sorry, we don't have a fucking star colony network yet. We haven't had a reason to.
end your life man.
Well, I kind of didn't even list Sweden...
The basic premise of socialism is "everyone works as much as they can and get payed proportionally to the work they do". Basically people are no longer underpayed for some jobs (teachers is a good example) and no longer overpayed for others (bank ceo's and the like). Everything else was added later.
>the only goal of spaceflight is to allow humans to expand past earth
How fucking retarded do you get. Do the fumes from all the refugees mess with your mind or something.
So when Henry Ford founded his first five companies that failed, surely that showed that his idea of making a company was wrong?
Fine, want me to use a less abstract example of why what he said is fucking stupid?
On a related note, this statue was installed about a year ago in Lipetsk. Even as a part of the general 70-th anniversary hysteria this shit was surreal to me.
Already responded to you asspained faggot.
Besides, you have fuck all to say about how I pointed out how fucking stupid you sound when you say I can just improve my own home in a communist society. As if a Home Depot is going to exist and I will have any disposable income or knowledge of how to DO ANYTHING TO A HOUSE.
Fucking idiot trying to sound like the intellectual here
>ugh dude I just cant even with you you just dont understand how good it is in theory Im going to act incredulous at how foolish you are. You'll never become a party leader like *I* would.
Communism is a terrible idea in theory unless you earn minimum wage and are too stupid to ever learn a practical skill. It would just breed resentment and hate.
my bad. BUt I stand by my point, you can't claim all the successes of a state as the successes of socialism then write off all the failures of the same state as not socialism.
But anyway, reading back over your posts I see you're not making the case for IRL communism. I think there are flaws more than just imperfect leaders but essentially this is the key to it. Communism is entirely utopic.
The only difference is the death toll
*70-th anniversary of the WW2 victory, for our American friends
You're the one coming up with stupid fucking examples to defend your claim.
I don't like Marx but capitalism will start to fall apart once all jobs are automated by robots and some kind of robo socialism becomes inevitable.
We wouldn't need communism either in a singularity.
I guess thats what happens when you raise multiple generations of complete idiots from a garbage education system.
>implying a robot uprising will be for the good of anyone
>It'll be like the 1% of now but without the 99% being able to do anything at all
>investment in start-up company is comparable to shambling wreck of a government system that affected and killed millions.
I understand you were speaking about the principle of the matter, but it's still a stupid fucking argument.
>You're 6 years old learning how to ice skate, you fall 5 times in 2 minutes. But eventually you learn! Communism is seriously just like that.
Heeey we reached a point where it becomes an argument
Well, I'd say it has a few advantages to capitalism, in theory. Capitalism focuses on the market and trade, which puts things like culture, sports and the advancement of humanity to the side. Communism as an idea removes the market as a driving force of society, so it opens up a LOT more room for things like music, art, sports and all the other values of the human spirit.
I think that's kinda neat.
That doesn't disprove the fact that if a theory is bad in practice it isn't necessarily bad in theory.
If we reach a point where robots do everything for free from start to finish and this process is collectively owned it's basically communism by definition.
>I understand you were speaking about the principle of the matter, but it's still a stupid fucking argument.
I'm only defending the theory.
You are, yet again, saying that it may be so in theory but not in practice.
Which is what I also said.
You're right, but it does disprove your analogy having any significance to your argument. You're the one who came up with the claim, so burden of proof is on you famalam
The whole point is that the market drives people to innovate new culture and advance humanity so that they can profit from it. Communism is just: everyone gets the same thing so your only motivation for innovation is getting a pat on the back.
>You're the one who came up with the claim
Erm, no, the dude said "theory that is bad in practice is bad in theory".