Serena flopped

>Serena flopped
>Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 flopped
>Joy flopped
>X Men Apocalypse flopped

what's next for her career?

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you forgot her new one with chris pratt

Everyone forgot it.

Being relatable and telling other people that they cannot live behind their phones

kek i even saw that movie and still completely forgot about it

hope she just disappears like Helen Hunt did... whatever happened to Helen Hunt?

She can't act

>be jlaw
>show tits
>career dies
>be literally anyone else
>show tits
>career unaffected

like she gives a fuck, she's rich already.

She got naked in that sex therapist movie. milf af

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

>a woman has enough money
You silly goose.

it's not about being rich, fucking pleb

lol no, it's over

She was done the instant we all saw her buthole

Helen Hunt was leagues better than JL in every way.

I never saw her butthole.
Post butthole.

no :^)

she never has to waste a single minute on real work, I bet she'll be fine.
she also will always have someone who fucks her, unless you pathetic loser.

>begging for celebrity nudes in 2017

Hopefully she goes the way of lindsay lohan


I'm not much of a JLaw fan, and I didn't like Joy, but she got an Oscar nomination for it, so I doubt she's too pissed about it.

>what's next for her career?
alcoholism and irrelevancy

So basically, more of the same.

You're still missing the point little retard. Her relevance is fading her it girl status isn't there any more. Fucking and Cash doesn't even enter in to it.

Can you really say that Xmen and Passengers flopped? When Xmen made 550 million and Passengers made 300 million. Yeah, they weren't massive hits based on their budgets but they still made money.

Also, Hunger Games pt 2 made less than the previous but it was far from a bomb dude. It made a profit just domestically.

sounds about right

Was Helent Hunt a braindead like jlaw?

It's not that hard to find. Look for it yourself.

I can't find it.

You are worthless user.

>Red Sparrow (filming)
>Mother! (post-production)
>Bad Blood (announced)
>It's What I Do (announced)
>Zelda (announced)

Apparently she's got quite a lot of things lined up.

Legend of Zelda is finally get a movie?
Who's she playing?
Or a gender swapped Link?

It won't happen, just forget it user.


>Joy flopped
Oh, rly?

>>X Men Apocalypse flopped

threads like this are why we need /cel/

go back to redd it you fucking sack of shit

Wasn't she in that TV show with Ellen Degeneres and her career died because she became or lesbian or something?

moot promised it about five years ago

But user, she only gets paid 13 million rather than 16 million like male actors! It's NOT FUCKING FAIR!!!!!

Why do you even bother user? Kill yourself faggot.




Gettin this floppy dick