Where are my french qt
Where are my french qt
Getting fucked by Tyrone 24/7
They are sucking off Mohammed and Abdul while showing everyone on their facebook how progressive and tolerant they are, before going on a march to protest "fascism" and finishing the day by voting for the socialist party.
is it true your women showed our GIs new sexual things?
In their bedrooms swallowing Algerian semen or whatever flavour is popular with your women these days
Right here.
>French woman : Sucking British cock.
>French woman : Sucking Nazi cock.
>French woman : Sucking Algerian cock.
The cycle never ends froggy.
ITT: turbovirgins
>calling people virgins on Sup Forums
You hit a new low.
Here they are
You got it wrong paki. You're not just a virgin. You're a turbovirgin.
Now back to r9cuck with all of you.
S'il vous plaît voter pour elle.
Elle sera merveilleux pour votre pays.
Who pissed in your corn flakes?
Also, name calling on Sup Forums of all places?
I'm here
Literally the ugliest women in northern europe
Prove me wrong post more cuties
Sacré bleu!
Is this your way of getting good pics?
>implying France is part of Northern Europe anyway
They are L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y drowning in african cum.
Shit bait. Have a Zoe
>"b-b-b-but french women are ugly"
>united cuckdom
>most ugly women in Europe
pick both please