Just when you thought Star Wars couldn't get any worse
Just when you thought Star Wars couldn't get any worse
PLEASE tell me that's not Emilia Clarke.
It is
I'm pirating this movie because Emilia Clarke is in it.
Wasn't this posted over a week ago? Why are you such a pathetic faggot user? I mean fuck disney star wars but fuck you to OP, you're no fucking better.
Why is Hollywood trying to normalize older lady/young man?
>Only one black guy
Less chance of birthing a worthwhile human being. destruction of the white race blah blah blah
Uhh, only one black guy, and he's wearing a hoodie?
wtf disney
Kill yourselves.
That's what I needed in my star wars after the great success of terminator genisys - more Emilia Clarke
Fuck this shit
>here's you're first look
Fuck sake Australia.
why are they forcing emilia clarke so hard
How come the actor they got to play Han Solo looks nothing like Harrison Ford?
Donald Glover and Harrelson look like the only fun people.
He's also a foot shorter. Disney has gone full retard.
Which ones playing han solo?
>chewbacca actor has to take photo in costume otherwise no one would care who the fuck he is
>Donald Glover
Please explain how he looks fun in this picture user. I mean they all look like they're having fun except him and that curly haired faggot next to him.
It's not even the real chewie, it's that replacement guy. no one should give a fuck about him.
Straight to dvd Star Wars movies when?
>social media screencap thread
han solo fucking sucks. why not a cool character like obi-wan
90's born faggots are offended by masculinity and this is a chance for disney to rebrand han as a cuck.
Literally kill me.
Ham solo is just there to be a cool guy, he has nothing nor ebeyond that and is the dullest of the original trio
the new era of actors is
>socially awkward
>effeminate and testosterone lacking
>the women all appear somehow flawed
>the men appear to lack the strength
>everyone looks infantile and cowardly
THIS cunt is supposed to be a "smuggler". Ford looked like he would stab a cunt, plus had that smuggler's look. IS IT THE ESTROGEN IN THE WATER SUPPLY?!!
why are so many guys born in the 90's already balding and overweight?
FUCK. i know that americans love that shit but it is getting tiring, there is a fucking briton in everything with his wonky fucking accent. Americans sound much nicer and star wars is a true american tale that should not be corrupted by the traitorous redcoats. I long for the day when the blimey will be purged from cinema. it is the meme of this era, put a fucking brit in everything.
This is pathetic, you're human garbage user.
fuck if i know but it is getting baaad if hollywood, the ubermench collecting machine now considers THIS to be the sex symbol for future teens, and a hero for boys. There is that scene in rogue one trailer where they are running for the walkers. Watch at the girl in front with two rifles in hand running like a retard.
Why? Because fuck it, they dont even know how to run.
come on, they are showeling that shit like there is no tomorrow. they are turning brits, which used to be proper europeans with a tradition and history into america lite. hell, these days brits even have their own rebellious minorities. we need to do it for their own good!
it is everywhere, it will appear in star wars as well.
>a hero for boys.
This generation of bus has already been thrown under the bus user, they never stood a chance.
Is this a pathetic attempt at trolling? I can't even tell any more. Brits have always played a large part in star wars.
yes, nigger chimps from london were such a huge part of the original trilogy, or horse teeth cretins showed down our throats. the brits became an existence so pathethic the americans are now using them as "le meme english". That is just sad. Best to drop them entirely.
To be fair, this Han Solo will probably put in a better performance than the cynical old fart Harrison Ford we've had to suffer with for more than a decade.
90's born faggot, kill yourself.
Emilia is the key to all of this...
Because she's beautiful
I'm actually excited to see Donald Glover as Lando. I think k thanks a perfect casting
i keep saying it man, i keep saying it, and i belieb it to be true. like, blacks from detroit have a british accent. jamaicans. it is just sad, sad, sad.
>The mother of Darths
Who is Woody playing?
They want the lowest common denominator got audience.
the entire fucking empire was brits. I don't want to see the mother of burgers in this either but to deny that brits have always been a big part of star wars is just stupid
Great, so we have the worst mainstream actress playing the worst Star Wars retcon, Solo's secret wife.
go away, stop adding race issues into this
well if they dont go overboard it will fly. but this "nu humor" or whatever the fuck, is disgusting. those ha-ha quips... i bet the movie will be flooded with them. it already feels like one of those young adult movies.
Lando obviously
>Just when you thought Star Wars couldn't get any worse
I don't think anyone here doubts Dinsey's capacity to fuck up an IP.
This movie will be complete garbage like everything to come out of disney star wars user
Hopefully it will work
Sources claim that Emilia Clarke will bring two new facial expressions to the table, tripling her expression range.
but whyyy, whyyyyy?
what is happening? remember when we used to dream?
>Oh shit, what if... there is a new Terminator!
>Star wars!
>Blade runner!
Now i get why everyone in the 80s just fucking stole and made a different version, like arnold and his commando.
star wars will stop being a cultural force in our lifetime and will become a "meh" thing for future kids. who knows, maybe for them it will be quaint, like xena the warrior princess.
>star wars will stop being a cultural force in our lifetime
It already has user. disney wars is just regurgitated garbage for the meme generation that don't know any better, hyped up ad nauseum until it's time for some other garbage a month later.
lmao wtf is that guy doing?
please kill yourself
Who is this movie for exactly? I seriously doubt this will do as well as rogue 1, I already have star wars fatigue and were only 2 movies in