what do you have to say now, Sup Forums?
What do you have to say now, Sup Forums?
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Fucking racist whities baka
This sounds like bullshit.
The attack was real the girl was probably guilted at school into lying.
Rapefugees shouldn't have access to White leisure areas anyway, if they want comfort they should go right back where they came from.
I guess we just have to discount the hundreds of other cases of sexual assault and rape commited by immigrant males against women and children too
That's a nice slide.
>one of the reported cases may have been false
well clearly theyre a religion of peace now.
What do we say?
Post the link, dipshit.
no thats not taking it far enough. no man has ever raped any woman now. this retroactively nulls any guilty verdict in every court globally in rape cases
>one rape case might be phonied
>one migrant gives back money lining a second-hand cabinet
They're all saints you shitlord.
>muh marxist conspiracy to hide the truth!
Females have lied about sexual assault.
Refugees have committed sexual assault.
Police have lied when it's beneficial to them.
We don't have sufficient information to confidently take a side. What we can learn from these types of incidents:
>Steer clear from females you don't trust, and who don't trust you
>Steer clear from refugees
>Record everything you do in public, in case you need to defend yourself in court.
>from the comfort of his home, user spends all his time vilifying other human beings that's on the run from war.
nice life you got there, buddy
Fuck niggers.
Breivik should've killed you too mohammad.
Even if 1 is false, 10K are not, so fuck off.
That's like saying one black guy actually didn't shoot another black guy, so the other millions of them that do in the US (fact) didn't.
That's bullshit, police are lying like they've done before during this rapefugee invasion
the difference is, i wouldnt run from people attacking my home. even if i did, i wouldnt rape the children and try to destroy the culture of those who housed and fed me.
Because people can never be pressured, right?
>‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’
Listen and believe.
Unless if involves refugees.
85% aren't even fleeing war
Nothing is true, everything is a lie. Really makes you think...
Suddenly, Sup Forums is starting to sound like Feminists.
Oh how the tables have turned.
>Denying the rape of a child
Cop are traitors the bitches of the govs they should be killed with leftists once europe collapse.
>fleeing from war
might want to #educateyourself
As multiple other people have pointed out, even if it is true that the girl lied, there are still thousands of other genuine rapes and nigger crimes.
Checkmate fuck fag.
>if they want comfort they should go right back where they came from.
This. They claim to have come here to escape certain death. It's a temporary shelter, not an amusement park.
>on the run from war
wow those cops are misogynist, don't they know they should always believe the victim etc. etc.
Oh boo fucking hoo. How about if you're fleeing horrible shit and someone takes pity on you, you don't stab them in the back when they let you in?
Feminists use the whole "2 out of 100" for the exact same effect.
Again, you guys are oddly starting to sound like leftists.
Wtf is going on?
Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers' nationality because she did not want to encourage racism
All kinds of fucked up cover ups going on over there
Women cannot "make up" sex attacks, you sexist shitlords.
>i can't believe you're taking the side of someone with annoying opinions over shitskin rapists abusing social aid in formerly white christian countries
muslims subscribe to books that talk about a guy that fucks girls and especially cousins as the perfect human being, the person all muslims should emulate as closely as possible. i'd rather let my kids jog to subway with jared fogel than walk past a muslim neighborhood
girls aged 9-14***
I literally just told you that I agree with the other people here saying that looking at these exceptions is wrong and should not form the rule.
Feminists look at exceptions and push the narrative that the exception is the rule (e.g. college campus rape).
Here we are saying that this is an exception, possibly a false one at that, and that the norm is totally different and worth discussing and not being painted over by this exception.
I mean can you read or anything or do you want to attempt calling me a hypocrite?
>marxist conspiracy
>a girl made up a story alleging rape, which then made a pool institute a policy against all people from a certain group from entry due to suspicion
>but that's okay because I don't like that group
Nicely done, you're now the same as leftist filth.
Honestly, you and the rest of the people in this thread are using the same "logic" levelled against men by feminists and whites by SJW's in general.
Enjoy your life as the very monsters you've been fighting all these years.
wtf i hate whites now
wtf I hate swimming pooks now
>literally ignoring everything I said about looking at the norm instead of the exceptions
Get the fuck out leaf.
Muslim rape of Whites is a real issue.
College campus "rape" is a stupid SJW meme.
wtf i hate leafs now
To fight monsters you must become one
>a woman who lies
I am absolutely shocked
They said that about the Rotherham girls, but the girls persevered and have been proven to be right.
>Police say 13-year-old girl
>Police say
>P O L I C E
Are you retarded or mentally challenged?
Implying the original rape claim is somehow outlandish. As if rapefugees weren't into rape and harassing women. They even unironically organize mass harassment events. Cops here in Finland were lucky enough to get intel about it beforehand to be able to stop it.
Muhammadans and Africans have been sexual predators in public swimming pools long before this wave of rapefugees anyway. There have been numerous incidents of Muhammadans harassing children in public pools here, exposing themselves, jerking off, etc.
I'm pretty sure what is publicized about the sex crimes of the rapefugees is just the tip of the iceberg.
>canadian posting retarded shit on Sup Forums
Oh wow what a shock, what's it like being America's dweeby little brother that nobody respects?
When I read about Rotherham I became so angry I walked around town hoping a Muslim would be there so I could bash their head in
Sadly I couldn't find one being Eastern European
>Wtf is going on?
You're just a piece of shit of a troll. Nothing weird.
so you don't see how accusations against someone that hero worships a child rapist by a 14 year old are maybe a little bit stronger than accusations against chad made by Ashlynn "white girl wasted" Dickins?
its getting out of hand as we get more and more from the raepfugees every day
The fact that you felt that much anger is related to not being able to find any muslim.
Boy, do I love lack of evidence! It makes facts that much more plausible.
>get guilt tripped by cucks in power
>recant or you're a racist
>think of the brown Austrians!
As horrific as it is. You reap what you sow.
>force girl to recant her story
>blame her for being racist
I see all is well in Germany
Bullied into silence, just like that girl in the Cologne attacks.
Austrian police should be burned alive, along with their liberal jew masters.
Also, The Independent is a complete shit rag.
Also, trust this article to have been written by a woman.
Perhaps women deserve their enrichment.
why would a 13 year old suddenly lie about being sexually assaulted in a fucking swimming pool would be my first question
>lets bring in muslims
>let them rape white women and children
>cover up the rapes
>get the white women and children pregnant with muzzies
>make abortion illegal
>guilt white people from making white babies
>make white couples look racist
>literally force white people out of existance
When some man is accused of having raped a woman
>pol: Women often lie about being raped. Don't automatically believe them just cause they are women. What did she wear? Maybe she was asking for it. Dress less provocatively and rapists won't rape you.
>SJWs: Believe the woman. Why would she lie? Men rape and it needs to stop. It doesn't matter what she was wearing. Skimpy outfits don't mean consent. Women don't need to dress differently just because men can't control themselves.
When some muslim/refugee man is accused of having raped a woman
>pol: Believe the woman. Why would she lie? Muslims rape and it needs to stop. It doesn't matter what she was wearing. Skimpy outfits don't mean consent. Women don't need to dress differently just because muslims can't control themselves. They need to adapt to our culture, not the other way around.
>SJWs: What did she wear? Maybe she was asking for it. Dress less provocatively. These people can't stop themselves if you don't. It's their culture. Don't be racist. Respect their culture. For them it's unusual to see women so scantily dressed. We need to adapt to their culture. Islam is feminist. Men are the problem, not Islam.
This time not a single fucking jew will survive. Not a single jew.
>Victim blaming
>what do you have to say now, Sup Forums?
Some stories are true that never happened.
she's a kurd herself so she just protected her own interests.
Amazing how this works
>Woman falsely accuses rapefugee of rape (so the police say)
>Everyone is now upset that these poor innocent refugees have had their lives ruined from rape charges
>Rape cases now lose their credibility
>Woman falsely accuses white male of rape
>Evidence in males favor
>Male still charged with sexual assault, kicked out of school and loses every potential job in the future
>Claim it's not to deternal women from coming forward when they need to
I doesn't really matter, even if she lied, so this one incident was made up, this doesn't make the truckload of confirmed incidents go magically away. I also almost never read such an article about the many cases of burnt asylum centers, that according to our glorious media were burnt by evil Nazis, but then turned out to be torched by refugees themselves in accidents or during an angry chimpout.
The fact is that nobody likes the ungrateful shitheads that come here, especially the far left cucks, that live and work as far away from them as possible and put their wifes children in 100% indigenous prestigious schools. The real shitstorm hasn't even begun anyway, all the DAX companies in German employ exactly 54 of these great engineers and doctors, you read right 54 people, the rest will only cost money and will continue to cost, while causing crime and fucking up the country, at some point the state will go either broke because he can't pay all these fags or the general decay of law and order will cause some kind of extreme reaction and we will end up with either whole states fracturing or, probably right wing, death squads, go ahead and call me a tinfoil wearing conspiracy nut, but it will happen, it can't be stopped anymore, 1,5 years of fuck borders and laws and sheet, ensured that, they are already here. At least you faggots will be either shot as traitors or hanged from cranes for being abnormal can't wait to see either, get fucked and stay smug antifaggots and general leftwing scum.