This applies to everywhere, but a great example is Britain

This applies to everywhere, but a great example is Britain

PROBLEM: Throughout Britain, places with lots of older citizens voted for Brexit, while places with younger voters ticked the "Remain" box. But the latter voters, not the former, will bear the brunt of Brexit: they are the ones for whom it will be harder to study or work in Europe, to make experiences overseas and to broaden their skills. The tens of thousands of pensioners, who, on the other hand, voted for Brexit, will have much less to lose from leaving the EU. Is it fair they all had the same say in such decision?

SOLUTION: Younger people (say under 60) should be allowed to cast more votes during elections, because they have much more at stake than someone who is already retired. And older voters (say over 60) should accept that the views of younger citizens should have priority over their own.

What say you, Sup Forums?

stop being a dick head the older voters are the ones who's investments got fucked

Daily reminder only 36% of the 18-24 bracket cast their vote

You could give them a dozen votes per head, it will still not motivate them to care if it's pissing it down outside ;_;

All people are equal but some people are more equal than others

this, fuck off OP you retard

also by the same logic, older voters have paid more into the system while also raising he younger generation.

why should their vote count as much as someone who has not paid enough into the system to understand its repercussions? Older voters should at last be worth 3 or 4 times the weight of a younger voter, based on their amount of lived years.

let's also make blacks only count as 3/5 of a vote


We saw you in brit/pol/ earlier you faggot. We're just going to give you the same answer as earlier.

Do us all a favour: delete your thread, turn off your PC and jump into the Pacific with bricks tied to your legs. There's a reason we dumped you degenerate criminal mongrels on a shitty rock in the middle of nowhere.

I used to be a staunch supporter of the young voting. In some ways still am.

Then I realized they're the most impressionable bunch that make decisions based on what propaganda they ate last.

Fortunately, they compensate for that by not voting, and the ones that do vote are in a larger proportion sane.


7/10 triggered me regardless

Are all British newspapers just printed shitposting?

Yup, that's why britposters rarely tend to shitpost. We have an entire industry dedicated to it.

I think the opposite, I think 95% of under 25s are fucking idiots and you should not be able to vote until you've spent at least five years in full time work. Champagne socialists and bleeding heart liberals could genuinely be considered to be mentally retarded when it comes to politics so we shouldn't give them any say in anything. Just look at the Remain marches in London, Literally nobody could come up with a cohesive argument as to why globalism and the EU was a positive thing. The fact that these idiots think their half baked opinions matter more than someone who has been living in this country for 50 plus years and has seen dozens of lefty flashes in the pan come and go is insane and insulting.

mh yes, also mentally ill should have less voting power. physically ill too. also people that have, obviously, the wrong political view.

while we're at it: why even vote for anything just have the elite make all the decisions for everyone. where you work, what you eat, when you wake up or what you think

Right! We should ban minorities from voting too!
I mean, the laws they are voting on impact them less than they do the majority, right?

With age comes Wisdom.
the kids these days get their politic education from facebook Memes.
Also, Fuck off.

The "stories" in the daily sport are gold

I say bind suffrage to tax status. If you pay taxes, you can vote. If you don't, you're a parasite and cannot vote.

What you suggest doesn't solve anything, because the young retards in GB simply didn't vote. If they had, yeah, maybe remain would've won. But they didn't. Their fault, not the old fags' fault.

You should only be allowed to vote if you have served Minimum 2 years in the military.


How about young people go out and fucking vote if they care so much after the fact?

Also old people have their pensions to lose, where as most remain kids will still have a silver spoon

PROBLEM: Throughout Britain, lazy people vote for socialism.

SOLUTION: Wealthy people should be allowed to cast more votes during elections, because they are the ones who have to pay for the socialist policies.

This meme needs to fucking stop.

LESS THAN 40% of voters aged 18-24 SHOWED UP TO VOTE. Whereas turnouts were over 50% on ALL OTHER AGE BRACKETS.



Only 35% of youngsters voted so shut the fuck up.

>while places with younger voters ticked the "Remain" box.

Misleading - young people didn't vote. They had the lowest turnout.

If the wanted to remain, they should have voted.

This desu famalam

>to make experiences overseas and to broaden their skills.
Literally a meme. My faculty sends every PhD student abroad (we need a visa most of the time though so nothing different from what the Brits might have to do in the future) and none of us learns any new skills from that.

All remainers are actually crying about is that they might have to fill out some fucking basic paperwork for a visa now instead of just turning up.

Get a visa like the entire rest of the world has to do.


also sage

Young people stop FUCKING WHINING you lost.

>Harder to study or work in Europe
I don't see many UK youths rushing off to work in Poland or Hungary, all the traffic is the other way.
We did you a huge favour in Brexiting , you just don't realise it, now you can study at home/get a job at home & not have johhny foreigner take it from you.

>trying to sell Sup Forums the greatest libtard trick ever

Do you really think you'll succeed? The younger the voter the more likely they are to vote for libtards and easier it is to sway their opinions with emotional flashy media headlines.

There's a reason why it's the leftist parties who keep trying to lower the age of voting.


>There's a reason we dumped you degenerate criminal mongrels on a shitty rock in the middle of nowhere.

Jokes on you now cunt, we've got better weather and less niggers.


Honestly I'm not even sure you will need a visa. Showing your passport will probably be enough, if the rest of Europe even bothers with checking who comes in at all.

But yeah, you can still do everything you could do before. You might just also have to spend a few minutes on paperwork.

If I can keep my rifle afterwards, all good.

If old people had no stake in it, why would they have voted one way or another? Oh right, because nations outlive individual generations and it takes actual thought to keep one running.

America has it right.

Representative Republic.

Not this direct democracy bullshit.

"Common man is too stupid enough to vote in their best interests" - Founding fathers.

Let delegates who know wtf they are voting for economically have the most say.

Can you imagine if fucking bernie sanders won? Thank God the libs did one smart thing by having super delegates. My God can you imagine that man ruining our country?

Brexiters are the ones who suffered from the free movement of workers, the ones who get cucked out of their fishing zone, the ones who live with the vibrant community as neighbor, the ones who pay for the cozy life of those poor oppressed students.

Those young cunts should have the decency to stfu

Your problem itself is bullshit.

Great nations are born when old men plant trees they will never sit in the shade of, you cunt


This tbqhwyf.

Older people have every right to have equal votes and in fact if we were ever to implement ageism, I would say the older you are the more right you have. I'm 26 and I respect my elders and I realize they have more wisom then naive young folks.


The problem is that young people can't be arsed to put down the bong and the Xbox controller and get out there and vote.

Then they have the nerve to complain that the people who built this country shouldn't have a say in its future.

I really hate my generation sometimes.

Do you seriously think that your elected representatives have the best interest of the common man at heart?

90% of politicians are in the pockets of big business.

Hey man, it's been working great for America so far. No Bernie Sanders esque retards have been able to infiltrate the system and bring it down making us all worse off.

>Hey man, it's been working great for America so far
Are you sure about that?

1% of Americans own 50% of the nation's wealth.

Doesn't seem like it's working tbqh familia.

man I hope it wasn't a bean and cheese melt. Those things are facki molten.

World recession in the late 00's caused that. It's like that in almost every country right now. That's more of a global issue than a presidential issue, senpai.

>1 post by this ID

Should the votes of blacks and homosexuals count for less? Thet have shorter lifespans than white straights on average.

Muh Marxist worldview of wealth inequality

That's not democracy retard.

Yes, also educated people get more votes than uneducated, people get votes equivalent to the taxes they pay, etc. yada yada.

You end up with politicians who ponder exclusively to the urban, rich, young and influential while the rest are thrown under the bus.
If you want that, there's an easier way. Just vote Hillary.

Only married men and women should be allowed to vote. They're the only ones with skin in the game.


>young people and poor people overwhelmingly vote for socialism
>old people and middle class people overwhelmingly pay for socialism
>therefore old people and middle class people should have more votes
Fucking morons

It is a global issue indeed. I'm not saying that American politicians are any more corrupt than other politicians. In most countries, politicians are in the pocket of big businesses which conflates the issue.

It's not a "marxist worldview", it's a simple fact.

No. The voting age should be at least 21, if not 25. Or, the elections should be only for those who work.

This story is obviously made up for attention. Why can't you Brits pass a law making it illegal to publish fabricated stories? This would improve the quality of newspapers a great deal.

Older voters have been around since before and after the UK joined the EU. They have an understanding of what it is like to be in and out more than any of the younger generation. They also have more experience and 'wisdom' by virtue of their age. Older people are also less likely to see thing in black and white, much like the younger generations do (eg. ALL conservatives are racist, ALL republicans are racists etc.).

Overall this is in favour of older generations making more rational and well thought out decisions, particularly in the case of in/out, in which instance they have direct experience of both.

Also, they're citizens and have just as much right to vote as the next person. Should an atheist member of parliament not be allowed to vote on a law regarding religious freedom? It won't affect them on any meaningful level, so why not right? You can't just deny someone a vote because either 1) the vote won't affect them much, or 2) because you think they'll vote in a way you don't want them to.

My retarded cousin who was a remainiac pulled that "THEY RUINED MY FUTURE" shit and I didn't address/confront it cause there's no saving the souls of these fucking idiots.

>because they have much more at stake
Right. Those who have contributed to society in productive roles in industry, the military, NHS, raising kids, etc. should have less say than some cunt who's just freshly gone on the dole.

I agree older people are wiser, but they often lack vision for future as their wisdom is rooted in the past.

This thread is an interesting discussion. My opinion is everyone should have 1 vote

>because you think they'll vote in a way you don't want them to.
This is exactly what it boils down to.

basically yeah

pic related, some guy I was in school with, this is a genuine post, he makes stuff like this all the fucking time



My retarded cousin wrote the OP.

Well he's right isn't he, if he's got an opinion I don't see why he wouldn't want everyone to agree with him.