ITT: Heroes of the white race
ITT: Heroes of the white race
Other urls found in this thread:
>first two posts aren't Trump and Hitler
Garbage thread, try again
>t. 60%
>Killed over 50 whites
gas yourself
gotta spend money to make money
Without a doubt.
*50 million
what am I even doing up this early
>posting coal burning, shillary shilling, feminist scum
fuck off
Can you back up those claims?
This man is a true example of valor of heroism that defines the European Race.
Half a million dead jews wasn't worth half a hundred million life's imo. All it did was give kikes endless amounts of ammo for victimization.
>posts slanderous lies about the one true queen
No u
And the poor chap was murdered over the 6000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Gurwa :-D
That's a nicely done cross, but guy looks like he have negro ancestry.
This man is a hero
>Doesn't have Swastika over his heart
>campaigned for Britain to enter EEC
Its her fault why Britain was in EU
Should an hero*
>Sold the english steal industry to china
> Polish
> white
come on, come back non-white man
Due to my surname, my parents almost named me Horatio. That or Merlin after the Spitfire engine.
Dad decided i would have been bullied so didn't.
>are nige
>An MP in any fashion
Fucking love her
How can you save the race when you won't even give the kids their milk?
>The entirety of Nazi Germany
>Dr David Duke
>Dr Eugene Michael Jones
>Roger Dommergue
>Dr William Luther Pierce
>Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>John Fitzgerald Kennedy would probably be here with them if he lived longer
>General George Smith Patton, Jr.
>Any white man who has ever fought for what he thought was right.
I might be forgetting some.
I can't wait for the next election. I hope the refugee shit will finally remove her from our government.
How is Patton a hero of the white race? He didn't fight for what he thought was right at all. His campaign pretty much left Germany in the state it is today. I understand he went full "da joos did it" but only after wiping countless German boys lives.
you might want to have a look at immigration reform he did.
I love both of these but god dammit the flag is the wrong way round in both. I'll assume the camera flips it .
I nominate myself for a hero of the white race. Yesterday I called the cashier at the local market a nigger under my breath. She was black with a hijab.
that image
>gave hong kong away
When I saw this
I was surprised she even passed.
based dutchbro
Passed? What the fuck?
Or ban is opportunistic corrupt fuck who decided to take a stand against rapefugees once he was sure that public is against them. He's also not White. He has gypsy blood.
When I looked up the story for it, apparently it was submitted, it was one of the "girls who code" camps. It ended up on there website for a bit because it was one of the "best".
>has his country abandon the rest of the white people in the time of dire need
>hero of the white race
only on Sup Forums
No, the Jewish machine that threw their proxy armies at him are responsible for those deaths.
>crusades to leave EU
>resigns as soon as the hard part begins
"muh hero"
>implying he can do anything about it
he is not a member of the British Parliament dumbass
>defending spineless faggots crusading purely for personal glory/gain
as your boy trump would say, "sad"
Nice to see Boromir back up and running.
I'm not even sure how to react to this
EEC was a very good idea until the Maascricht treaty. Not her fault.
You smile and wait because every last inch of hope that's been given to you slowly fades and you realizes there is nothing left to do as the Jews collapse your society.
Can someone explain this to me? I know nothing of programming.
That's not her code, its system code and all she's doing is calling it I believe.
Like wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt when you dont even know who he is.
If you opened command prompt on your pc and typed CD over and over. That's basically whats happening here.
Why do weaboos love this whoville character? Is it because she looks like a cartoon?
Fun fact, her daddy is a millionaire with show biz connections who purchased her fame.
the cd command is used for changing directories from cmd/terminal, typing it on its own does nothing
CD is a command to change the folder you're currently in
What she's doing is trying to change the folder over and over again while fucking up the syntax. The system is just giving her back the error lines which, due to the "complicated" structure of the system, look like lines of code to normies.
It's extremely pretentious and stupid.
What has trump done?
Half the people posted ITT have done nothing of significance or were incredible failures
This is what constitutes heroism to white people? Really makes you think...
Probably just very Irish
Ion Antonescu
Fucking idiot.
He did when he fought. He realised afterwards.
Yeah. Well, he definitely had something good inside him, maybe not enough to get on the list lol.
Oh supreme leader, Ian Smith, you will live on in our hearts. We will forever cherish you.
Not an argument
We need more men like him