Has the world ever known a more traitorous group of women than today's Western women?
They live such easy lives that they openly rebel and degrade the only group of people (white males) that provide and protect their pampered way of life.
Has the world ever known a more traitorous group of women than today's Western women?
They live such easy lives that they openly rebel and degrade the only group of people (white males) that provide and protect their pampered way of life.
Fucking hell.
What's the story on that picture?
Western men let western women become so savage.
Is she ok?
With non-whites out producing white children 8:1 they will know true suffering soon enough.
It's that girl from last year I believe, who was raped and murdered on a beach in some chink country
lools lika a stoning to me am i righ?
I'm fairly sure I know it, thinks it's from the Ukrainian war. Civilian casualty.
who is this seamen demon?
Some entitled white cunt went to a non-white majority country and got what she earned.
This was Bill Clinton's first victim.
Its only a flesh wound.
How on earth did you come to that conclusion
They used a rake iirc
>They live such easy lives that they openly rebel and degrade the only group of people (white males) that provide and protect their pampered way of life.
Lmao 80% of Sup Forums right here.Fucking retards.
C'mon man dont be mean. She was properly custodied by his man who was also killed but not raped, she wasnt traveling alone or something like that.
She was cute too. I lost her picture before the tragedy
British back packer raped and killed in Thailand
Happened in Grenada.
>look at pictures
>google 'rape murder beach'
You are slipping pol
there are nigger feet around
Hey you Eastern European shithole, tell me one country other than Europe or the Americas where over entitled women can mouth off with no fear of being stoned or beaten.
Man, they wore that hole out.
>That hole
I think she must have taken a few dozens of dicks before she died.
>women should be stoned or beaten if they talk back
Go back to Afghanistan Muhammad Abdul Haifa
thought it may have been from this.
Plenty of other footage of dead bodies and shit all over youtube.
Once whites go the way of the dinosaurs no woman will be safe from rape.
It is only because white males brought culture and sanity to the savage masses that women can walk around without being gang-raped.
Not keeping your beautiful pale skin.
What's with bitches getting so tan? No wonder they want to breed with niggers.
Killed with a garden hoe
Whites are the worst parasites on the planet, specifically the Anglos. Name a country they haven't fucked over for their own benefit. good riddance to you I say
Size of that hole she was more like a black packer.
>for their own benefit
literally nothing wrong with doing this.
Australia is one country
What is it with those courageous white westerners anyway? There are plenty of tourists who think they can waltz in any poor third-world country and everything will be ok, especially young women. Are they brainwashed and think that all brown people are awesome, interesting and never criminal?
then don't be mad at the thought of being subjugated by the non-whites
Don't you have some gas to huff?
If whites weren't guilt-tripped and treated every enemy nation like the Japs in 1945 the world would be a much better place.
Gross. I wouldn't even rape her.
damnit, boner
3 guys 1 hammer
Yes, it was only a wound from a 9mm.
On the other hand, maybe they shouldn't have attempted to subjugate everyone. Now it's coming back to bite you on the ass. The best part is that it's happening in slow motion so you get to see it happen over time. suck shit cuck
Western women believe they are sacrosanct; literally untouchable.
That attitude doesn't travel well.
you spend your whole life coddled and you become literally unable to sense or predict danger
it's true they're treated too well, i don't mean women should be shat on necessarily but nothing tells them to look out for themselves anymore, and in fact tell them to be careful is a horrible misogynist crime
i've been to really shitty places with girls and they are just oblivious to how much shit we were nearly in or could potentially get into
Stay salty in convictland.
No. If I let them do that, society will turn to fucking shit and humanity will stall. I owe to my descendants to not let it happen.
>What it's like to chew 5 Gum
Actually, there's lots of white women who fly—alone—to foreign countries like India because of shitty films like Eat Pray Love, and do it to "find themselves", free and away from the evil white patriarch society that evil white men built for them over thousands of years. And what they end up finding on this magical spiritual journey is 400 foreign brown dicks up their wretched cunt getting their eye sockets scorched out with a hot soldering iron before being dumped into a garbage pile to be gnawed on by rabid dogs.
Shoo shoo inhuman petrol huffer. Come back to this board when your race invents something other than a stick you can throw
They say she always was a bit scatter brained
To be fair, Thailand is a huge tourist destination for a lot of the western world now. These resorts are absolutely full of Brits and Aussies, and I think that they're popular with other western European nations too. I know at least 10 people who are travelling around South East Asia right now, it's pretty much a rite of passage these days. It's not like they were travelling in Somalia, they were in a resort which caters to and thrives on western tourism. Attacks like this are very rare, even if the country is corrupt.
>On the other hand, maybe they shouldn't have attempted to subjugate everyone.
But we could subjugate everyone, it is only because whites think they are so noble and above every other culture that we did not wipe out every ME male above age 10.
We have the tech and we have the military to wipe them out with little repercussions but we choose not to because we are delusional.
>we were nearly in a lot of shit!
>but nothing happened
you're full of shit
>What is it with those courageous white westerners anyway? There are plenty of tourists who think they can waltz in any poor third-world country and everything will be ok, especially young women. Are they brainwashed and think that all brown people are awesome, interesting and never criminal?
All of that. Yes. They believe brown people are beings made of pure light and it's their demonic white male counterparts who are the actual problem in the world. Tumblr and Funny Jewish Man TV Show told them so. And they believe it, because ayyyyyy, women are stupid as shit.
>it's the job of men to protect woman a d keep them in line
>We stop doing that they get out of line we continue to let them undermine us
Yes yes they are the problem not beta men. Continue to support the alt right where gays and woman have to protect you that's not embarrassing at all.
There is actually a "3 guys 1 hammer" video. It's that one of the 2 serial killer teenagers in Ukraine, who bashed a homeless couple's brains out with a pipe wrench. It's quite long and gruesome, must be about 10-15 years old now, but you can probably still find it on liveleak.
>another whiteknight getting friendzoned
get rekt beta faggot
memes aside you know we actually aren't going anywhere and life is a game of king-of-the-hill where even if saxons all spontaneously combusted overnight that just means it's 2nd in line's turn to dominate
would be fascinated to know what you are so i could guess why you're even mad though kek
>r9gay misogynist thread #28298372772929
>of the week
This. It was not some whore slutting about but a well off Aryan couple trying to vacation in Thailand until being overrun by local criminals who murdered the boyfriend then raped and then killed the woman too. Even the government gave the family no justice, the judge said to them "who cares about your loss, they will be reincarnated, go make more babies". Unfortunate thing to happen but a major eye opener to liberals with a false understanding of foreign cultures.
It happens
Usually either you pull out in time or you get the idiot in the group to shut up.
>society will stall
Whites have only been technologically ahead for the last 300-400 years or so. China and the others will continue technological progress
i don't even feel like blogging so you think what you like
I'm trying not to laugh but all the bants in this thread are too much.
Once you accept the fact white women are absolute trash the less it will bother you.
I won't tell you my race, but it was technologically superior to Whites until the Mongols destroyed everything. It's slowly coming back though
That's the result of frustrated envious small penis gooks.
>tfw you're this salty about never getting laid you start posting rape crime scenes
>tfw you're doing this first thing in the morning in America
Kill yourself, OP.
How can they be so stupid? Third-world countries being more dangerous is common knowledge.
That sounds really bad. They are responsible adults and should be able to take care about themselves.
>the autism in this thread right now
It was done with a shovel IIRC.
This so much. One memory that stands out for me is walking home at night through a bad area with 2 drunk bitches, and we're trying our hardest to keep them quiet and they're laughing and screaming, alerting everyone in the whole area that we're there.
They think its a big fucking joke, running all over the place. Meanwhile me and the other guy are all tensed up ready for a fight.
They are literally clueless. They go into third world countries with this attitude and get themselves raped or killed.
Indeed. Western women have no self-preservation instincts, whatsoever. Watch a white woman fall over - they never seem to put their arms out to protect themselves. Just fall flat on their faces like the dozy cunts most of them are.
Woman are trash in every culture . Whites just abandoned all forms of restrictions and control other cultures pit on woman be it direct rules or taboos.
Kek on the amerifat who never left him moms basement, not to mention the States.
Difference between eastern europe and the west is that if our women chimp out we just laugh them off into oblivion, unlike you cucks.
Live your dream cleatus
not going to lie it's a pretty terrible thread lol
A gook in Australia, why am i not surprised?
This is fucking evil.
Your government can't even beat a bunch of shoeless goat fuckers in the Afghan mountains, you can't do shit. Your government can only push the boundaries so far before they lose any influence and trade preferences with other countries. Your government can't just do what it wants without consequences.
wrong board edgelord
>that video
Fucking patriarchy
Garden hoe.
the takeaway is don't attract attention in a foreign nation, especially a shitty one.
>Ms Witheridge, who was doing a post-graduate speech and language therapy course at the University of Essex, was travelling with three female friends and had only arrived on Koh Tao, or Turtle Island, three before her death.
>Mr Miller, from Jersey, was studying civil and structural engineering at Leeds University and was travelling in South East Asia following a work placement in Australia.
>His father, Ian, earlier said that he believes his son stepped in to help Ms Witheridge during an altercation.
>He told the Daily Mail: “It has become clearer and clearer that it is quite likely David was stepping in to help a girl who was in trouble.”
Main example:
Fuck off gook
Get out of my country or get bashed for being a little slopey eyed dog eater.
they get really bitter over here because only the rich ones can afford to move here but money isn't automatic status outside china so they find people aren't sucking their dick anymore which is immediately chalked up to MUH RACISM and MUH ANGLOS ARE INSULAR JEWS
They could bitch all day about rape but then they will literally put themselves in situations where they can be raped.
If 2 men are walking through a rough area, they walk fast and try to look hard.
Women laugh and play like children because they've never experienced what happens when you aren't defending yourself
Yes Westernized Asian Women
>A good number hates Their own race
>Slams Asian Men every chance they get
>Don't date Asian Men
>Makes up BS excuses
>Shit on Asian culture any chance they get (Backward/Barbaric/uncivilised)
>'Crucify' any Asian Men who dating White Girls and vice versa
>Asian Men are too 'controlling', 'dictatorial' and 'patriarchal'
>Asian Men are too 'forgiving', 'Beta' and 'asexual'
>Daddy issues/Mentally ill
>Sucks up to Whitey/White Fever
>Goes for any White Loser (Ugly/poor/weebs or not)
>Pretends to be White
>Produce Elliot Rodgers
>Gets burnt by Whitey becuz White Trash (Poor and shit)
>Begs for Asian Community's Assistance and understanding
Fucking two-faced Hypocrites
>woman won't fuck me so they should die, the thread
Top kek. The Chinese were never that advanced. Kublai was the best thing to ever happen to China. Otherwise if youre a shitskin, I wish they'd burn down baghdad again.
Yeah thailand isn't exactly india or somalia
Bullshit, you're lying through your crooked ass yellow teeth and you know it.
Go back to praying Britain al Akbari
Sure it can. What are you going to do about it Chinky?
Where is the brain?
>Read more
> - Thai PM suggests 'attractive' female tourists are not safe
I know this. I'm just trolling that American retard.
I'm persian I just get triggered by the white priders that think they're the be all and end all of the human race. They have no idea how much damage the colonial era did to just about every region on earth. The Chinese managed to get their shit in order and will be the technological superpower in our lifetime. I don't think my homeland can truly fix itself until the mullahs are gone. I'm confident Australia and the EU will be fine (they'll grow some sense and deal with the immigration issue). The USA is absolutely fucked though whether they elect Hillary or Trump. Nobody trusts the establishment. The internet has ensured their old tactics will never work again. Their country is rotting from the inside out and they have a government unable to adapt to the situation.