>American traffic
American traffic
Other urls found in this thread:
>Indian traffic
>Swedish traffic
Use to have a delivery job going in between major cities. Lots of highway driving. Probably the worst job I've ever had
I have never had to drive in traffic like that in my 30 years alive.
Only shit filled big cities look like that.
>overpopulation isn't a thing!!!
>it takes me 30 minutes to get to/from work when it should take me 10
>constant construction, infrastructure still can't handle all these fucking people
Caliphate """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""traffic"""""
Local overpopulation can be a thing when not supported by infrastructure. Overall overpopulation isn't a thing yet.
My sides bruh
Swedenistan absolutely BTFO
>American traffic anywhere that isn't California or New England
You forgot traffic in Atlanta and DC
Houston/dallas traffic is fucking cancer
will give me nightmares desu
I rate this spooky / 10.
>'In America, the traffic is so bad, even the Jews think it's fucked up'.
have you been to chicago?
San Antonio Traffic is shit.
>most of the world will never know how it is driving 150mph+ at night on a nearly empty german autobahn, where it is courtesy to leave the most left line for the fast guys and the slower one strictly stay on the right/midlane
i dont think sharia allows it
>Denver traffic was breddy gud a few years ago
>A gorillion transplants move in
>Suddenly I want to go full war boy every time I'm on the road
Stay jelly polski-boy
>Swedish traffic
I live right there. That's a very old photos. See all the roadwork on the side? Those are additional lanes. Traffic still gets a little tight during rush hour on the 405, but it's way better. If you're smart, you know when to cut off the freeway and when to take the through streets.
That's the horrible highway that seperates Grove St from north Los Santos?
Nice, do you have more 3d COD?
Now i understand why burgers don't want to drive with stick
>Dubai traffic
Most German performance saloons have their speed limited at 155mph.
We're done here folks, pack it up.
Holy shit
Fake but funny.
thanks God for GoPro's
So its an ISIS-fighter killing a rebel right ?
Seeing the promo flag in the upper right corner..
>where it is courtesy to leave the most left line for the fast guys and the slower one strictly stay on the right/midlane
We do that here in Canada too, and I assume in the US.
Not in La Belle Province, mon ami.
D'ere we just drive on da left da whole way. Also, don't forget to block off people on motorcycles when stuck in da traffic!
Chinese traffic
ISIS v. FSA iirc
>Chinese traffic
Chicago traffic is usually garbage until around 8 or 9pm. Only worse traffic I ever experienced was in DC where they got streets going all which ways
>right: log in queue
>left: paid premium login
Jesus fuck gods balls, they don't even have lanes. They just expect them to figure it out?
Why bother drawing lanes when Chinese drivers can't stay in one anyway?
>you now remember playing your brick tetris "999in1games" handheld where you controlled a dot trying to get to the other side of the screen through gaps inbetween flowing lines
>Swedish traffic
Denver reporting in
>American traffic anywhere that's not a major city.
Big cities suck.
Portland traffic
It' should also be noted that LA/Toronto/NYC/etc is where North America deposits it's surplus population.
Any real place, with real human beings who actually have minds and souls, doesn't have that kind of traffic.
We have cities the size of your entire population.
Get fucked
>tfw use 2 wheel death machine
>lane split
>get to work at pretty much the same time every day regardless of traffic
>use less fuel
>pay less registration
>pay less insurance
>go faster
>go funner
When are you going to join 2 wheel death machine masterace Sup Forums?
Agreed. Pic related
lots of places over here don't allow lane splitting. plus, most of our cagers pay so little attention to what they're doing that changing lanes while signaling, checking your blind spots, etc., is seen as some sort of lost, arcane skill.
i'm all for making lane splitting legal, but i'm not sure i would participate
>join 2 wheel death machine masterace Sup Forums?
Useless for 6 months of the year here, so never. Although I do own a dirt bike for bombing around cornfields drunk on weekends
Gahd. I drove the 400 highways once on my way through to extreme eastern Ontario..
Fucking failure of human existence right there.
130+K an hour, bumper to bumper... you have absolutely no control over your life. Some retard can wreck out in front of you and you're dead.
Only a soulless slab of human refuse would live like that every day of their life.
Don't be a pussy.
>Iraqi traffic
this is a good thing?
when I think of human cattle I think of India
top kek
>Not an argument
>Iraqi traffic
No worse than a Canadian hwy during a good ice-storm
Well I suppose I could throw on some studded tires, might be handy for pic related (which happens at least 2x/year)
>hundreds of thousands of people do this everyday in the GTA
glad to be outta there, desu. the GTA is where dreams go to die and immigrants stay forever. Kingston traffic is an extra 5 minutes on princess b/c you missed a long light
Pick one
Fucking what am I looking at exactly?
pornmd is pretty funny, the two wierd ones was that norway actually have something in arabic, and that south korea got overwatch in first place.
Born and raised Prairies here. Sadly the fuckin big city hipster types are bringing all kinds of shit here now though. They are done fucking up the rest of the country, so now all our green space is slowly getting bought up by Jews and turned into fucking condos.
>Birmingham, AL traffic
>what am I looking at exactly?
Part of a 100+ car pile up, usually caused by some chink who when confronted with white-out conditions or zero visibility, will inevitably decide to ignore all common sense and just floor it.
it wasn't that way when I was a kid.
Its because liberals let in millions of immigrants traffic is now hellacious.
>Typical jewed cuckservative.
Both hands of government are the Jew hands. They bait you with the right into thinking they'll change anything but the right wing corporatists fucking love immigration. Do you think they honestly want to pay their employees more by reducing labour competition? Fuck no. They talk about getting rid of immigrants, but always open the flood gates even more.
The Republicans have an identical track record for illegal immigration amnesty as the Democrats.
And as long as there are retards with this left vs. right tribalist mentality, you're going to keep getting Jewed until the only job left for you is the blow job you are giving for some kikes table leavings.
That's called snow, pal.
Looks like some jewish bullshit to me.
When the ground is white here, that means the night spiders have been out and they weave super thick webs between blades of grass and can cover entire fields.
hwy 101
bay area
>that means the night spiders have been out and they weave super thick webs
Where the fuck do you live? in mordor or ..oh
Yeah, I was kind of hoping for something funny for Sweden, but I had to mspaint one instead.
>i get this joke
fucking topkek
Look at that bright horizon!
First experience with snow is usually something like this:
suburbia mate.
As a kid would walk to the bus in the morning, pick up all the thick webs, make a big ass ball, throw it at someones car from the bus window. Shit was mint cunt.
ayyy sweet home alabama
1 post by this ID
Ive literally been stuck in traffic staring at that exact same sign.
Downtown LA is horrid for traffic second only to the 405 in general. If you want a reason to kill yourself spend an afternoon on the 405.
Yeh, our traffic is garbage, especially in NYC.
Too many fucking immigrants.
And boy did they make it count.