Do you live in a country where police officers execute subjects after they've managed to restrain them?
Do you live in a country where police officers execute subjects after they've managed to restrain them?
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Only if they have a gun and the officer's life is in danger
No, I live in a country where I might get shot when I try to grab a police officer's gun.
Wow, I'm literally in tears right now. I can't fucking believe this. How can these cops keep getting away with murdering unarmed black teens? I just don't get it. It's supposed to be 2016, not 1816.
kek what a fucking slave
good boy
I thought your country had a thing called the 2nd amendment? Is following the constitution now considered threatening the officer's life?
Do you live in a country that is the definition of cucked?
Yep. They shoot tied up thieves all the time. If he's young they just beat the shit out of him though.
remember the 62%
I live in a country where cops are humans and try to help citizens
Yes we have had blackes here due to slavery since the foundation of the country. We know how to handle them.
Scandinavia thinks they are a bunch of angles that only need more money to magically turn into productive citizens, your countries are going to get raped because of that.
The immigrants of recent years are still less than 0.5% of the population. Are you implying less than one percent of the non-white 40% are on welfare?
>know how to handle them
>think blacks are only 13%
You probably don't even have kids faggot
When you are a convicted Pedo and felon, you do not have gun rights.
The cops didn't even know his identity at the time of the shooting
I wish
Wait you guys have computers over there?
wow I guess I learned something new
>in my country in any case this is fun
I'd be proud to live in a country where any nigger caught without his chains is gunned down.
They are fucking dangerous animals.
>reach for gun
>get shot
Literally what? Fuck this nigger. Get iced yourself homie
> Scandinavia thinks they are a bunch of angles
Radians or Degrees?
He didn't reach for a gun. The officer felt a weapon through his pants. His hand was nowhere near it.
Maybe he should've stopped resisting then.
The police officers don't have to wait and let you pull your gun out to shoot them, you know?
Haven't been on the internet in a few days so don't know how recent this is.
Cops,like everyone else are sick of whining criminals of the minority clases who think they don't have to accept the rules.
sure your countries are not in trouble right now, but they breed at 6x the normal population. In 30 years sweden will be having major social upheval
Lel, this is not even police, they're favela monkey tier, overally whole USA is slowly turning into second brazil.
t. nigger
Yes and it makes me very happy. Fuck that nigger.
Don't be obtuse.
No, I live in a country where cops literally send thugs to steal for them
Yes they did
>amerifat calling others niggers
Do niggers chimp out down there?
> Poland
Anywhore. The suspect at hand reportedly waved a firearm around, threatening some one. That's why the police came. When he refused to comply to the lawful demands of the police officers, they attempted to stun him. This also didn't work.
They knew he had a firearm on him. After another attempt at detaining him, the suspect tried to reach for his firearm. The police took no chances and killed him within lawful bounds.
Just as driving on a road restricts your expectations of privacy, carrying a weapon constricts your expected allowance of belligerence.
No one has the right to resist arrest. And though people are protected from undue seizure, the word "due" is key. A seizure that is unwarranted when a person is unarmed might be warranted when that person is armed.
The key is whether the officer credibly thought his life was at risk. It doesn't matter what the intentions of the suspect are (the cop cannot possibly know).
>managed to restrain him
>he's on his back, refusing to roll onto his stomach so he can be cuffed
>waved a gun around
>trying to reach for gun
How hard is it to just fucking comply without getting whipped.
How does one pull out a gun out of his pocket with two grown men holding him down?
So to awnser the question, was it lawful? Absolutely.
Cops these days will get hanged for literally every choice they make it seems.
> Don't shoot
> Bring civs into direct danger
> Shoot
> Get sued and socially crucified
>Felon illegaly has gun
>guy called cops and stated he pointed a gun at people
The coos knew he was armed
and he proved he was dangerous
I live in a country where officers get shit for enforcing the law.
>Do you live in a country where police officers execute subjects after they've managed to restrain them?
W-why do you want to know that? A-are you an anti-semite?
I like how you use the word subject instead of niggers. If you had to live with blacks you wouldn't care about them either, Fincuck.
I remember last time a guy pulled out a toy gun and two police officers shot him dead to the ground, after he hit the ground, officers put on some extra bullets into his bodies, everyone on the internet was cool with that.
The current one caused an outrage.
Both happens in US of America.
What's the difference?
One of them is white, and the other is black.
Everyone only care about Blacks in America.
It seems like the value of white people's lives is being neglected in the whole world.
It is time to start an activism to preserve white lives in America.
I suggest giving it the name #WHITELIVESMATTER
Sup Forums wont answer this.Its an echo chamber,like tumblr.
The slightest attempt at doing so is enough to respond with lawful violence.
He was selling music.
>European Origin
Does that mean after 1 generation you are now European?
I don't believe that France only has 15% niggers.
you know its easy to look up someone from the car on the way there if you have previous convictions right?
Oh please, why would we bother to answer such a shallow ispe dixit? The guy was not in a wrestling lock, he easily had access to his guns. Try getting into your pockets lying down with your upper arms pinned down; it's not that hard.
Our police almost never shoots. watch the video and imagine if this would happen in USA
You reach for it while wrestling with the cops. This isn't a 100lbs woman they're arresting, it's a sizeable violent nigger. Any other questions you feel like asking?
va- va-
>seriously, can we start memeing this so that niggers begin to unironically consume vaporwave?
>I remember last time a guy pulled out a toy gun and two police officers shot him dead to the ground, after he hit the ground, officers put on some extra bullets into his bodies, everyone on the internet was cool with that.
I was cool with it because he was an idiot who pulled a 'gun' on a cop.
Are you serious?320 lbs on your arms and you can reach for your pockets?
I literally responded to you you fuckhead
Sup Forums is like 50% DO NOT BE DETAINED ancaps, you inbred retards. Stop lying.
sadly no
Lmao Americucks btfo
>this much damage control
I was cool with both case because both of them are idiots. This one is an idiot who is resisting arrest and is dangerous with a weapon.
>hurr there is no black and white, you can only defend the cops or defend the thug :^)
retard was waving a firearm around and pointing it at people beforehand, cops arrived and completely cocked up the situation. He deserved to be in jail but not dead.
It's pronounced "niggers" you stupid Mongolian.
You're neither good with physics nor good with anatomy, are you? If you have 320 pounds of compression force on your shoulders (however a 200 pound officer manages to do that using his upper body alone), you can easily manipulate them. Watch a little wrestling, see how well the "I'm going to press my palms against your shoulders" move works.
Oh man that guy would be dead in most countries if he tried that. I was waiting for the gunshot to be honest. Although in my home country (NZ) they don't carry guns so he'd probably get tasered.
there were riots because the police didnt get bail
>kek what a fucking slave
Insult Erdogan publicly.
Why is Sup Forums defending the goverment?
Cool training video user.
>Wow, I'm literally in tears right now.
because we hate niggers more than the gov
how new are you?
modern Sup Forums has a lot of authoritarian traditionalists because NatSoc and Ancap became too mainstream here I guess.
I wish I could buy this cop a beer, and then buy him another for every faggot that uses police killing niggers to pretend we're living in some kind of brutal police state.
When the police start shooting unarmed white people, I'll worry. Until then, you can continue to be BLM-tier retards. You're literally as bad as the liberal faggots who use fags getting gunned down to push "m-muh gun control". You don't care about the nigger, you just want a precious few seconds to put on your fedora and act like a nigger.
You also don't have niggers in your country.
No one ever liked ancaps here, even libertarians cant stand them.
If you swedes love niggers so much then why don't you take them all off our hands?
Sup Forums defend what is right. How new are you?
Gangland special for American police department when?
It was found out later that the police made the guys stop and shot them from behind
I hate these types too user but the cop was legitimately just a white thug himself. Neither side was good in this scenario.
Insult your leadership in the open you fucking roach
This graph cannot be trusted. You see in all the videos the police are only only targeting black people in America.
is there anything worse than bootlickers?
literally executing your citizens
We all know they're blood-sucking parasite scum who ruin this country.
t. White and privileged poster
unfortunatly not
You call them citizens?
step it user, you're too obvious with this
I know you're just shitposting or whatever, but really you aren't funny.