Is God the only way to save the West from falling apart?


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No nationalism is


No, only rivers of blood will cleanse it

God is dead.

At thine own hand, I presume.

The problem with Atheism today is it is anti-morals, and fully encourages maximum degeneracy and shrugs it off as "chill out guys, it's just people having fun".

Nah, he was dead before I got here.

yes, kek needs to be sated on the blood of unbelievers

The pussy bitch nature of christianity is exactly why we are fucked.

blood and steel

lots of it

What makes you say so?

Was it always this pussy-bitch and effeminate?

Leftism is a direct result of atheism.

See, atheist liberals have lost sight of the fact that we are all equal in the eyes of god. We are all cut from the same cloth, and god loves us all equally. On earth, he has ordained a different purpose for each of us, and separated us into groups with complementary qualities: one group is more intelligent, one group is more caring, one group is more athletic, one group is more studious, one group is more creative, one group is more courageous, one group is more devout, etc. We should respect one another, while being proud of what makes us unique.

But atheist liberals do not understand that we are *fundamentally equal*. Or worse, they get it into their head that god wants us all to be equal on Earth. So they strive to erase everyone differences and "level the playing field." Honestly, it's not hard to empathize with this impulse if you consider that these people have no faith in a high power or plan; no faith in any form of afterlife; no guiding philosophy except nihilism. Theirs is a pitiable view of life, because it does not allow for contrast, and thus precludes the possibility of drama. Without poverty, there are no more "rags to riches" stories. Without disadvantage, there are no more underdogs. Without hatred, love loses its meaning. Unknowingly, they seek a sterile world.
(Of course, they are part of god's plan just as much as we are. It will be fun to see who prevails.)


God and Kek

no, jesus didnt tolerate evil
everyone knows famous temple event but everyone somehow forgets and ignores it.


> this entire thread

Possibly. Although I don't believe in God myself, I think religion might play a crucial role in unifying the West.

nationalism and violence, maybe a dash of Christian zealotry (the proper kind like the good old days, not the cuckold kind).

so you believe in allah then right?

Can we convince Christians nowadays to stop being so lenient with sin, and to demand again that people repent* before they should be forgiven?

*both of their sin and of their heretical religions

Learn the History of Sri Lanka.
Nationalism and Buddhism is the only way to save the West.


Would it be easier for Westerners to accept Buddhism or a traditional Christianity again?

Bosnia is only about 50% Muslim, I'm a Bosnian Serb atheist.


What's so funny about Westerners returning to what they used to have faith in not too long ago?

I hope you're not talking about a middle-eastern fairy-tale spread by kikes to the west to destroy all dissenting beliefs and control a population much more easily. I could be talking about Christianity or I could be talking about Islam, two different sides of the same coin.

The masses need structure and guidance, but religion is recognized too flawed now for it to reseal this power vaccuum we're witnessing.

No, Christianity used to be very violent, much like Islam actually. Christianity, like Islam spilled into Europe from the middle-east using violence and fear tactics (much like Islam today), to kill European men and scare other European men into submitting (much like Islam is doing today).

>pussy bitch nature of christianity
It was Christians who conquered and enslaved the world you dumb shit. How pussy is that? What have you done today?

-First, you have to identify the enemy(One World Order Marxist 1%).

-Second, you have to find a way to prevent degeneracy from escalating and defend your country while acknowledging the fact you don't have much power.

I'm not God.

>not true btw

The West is now atheistic, and the average Joe is more positive about buddhism than christianity. And christianity in itself is the roots of entire cukery of the west. If jesus didn't said :

>For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, Matthew 25:35

We wouldn't have though about welcoming arabs rapists in our countries.

No its 50,11% please respect the legitimate popis. Yeah and no way that there are 14,6 croats, more like 10.

t. croat

It's basic history, not a conspiracy. European men who didn't submit or recognize Christian authority were routinely executed by Christians. Reminds you of anything?

uh.. no? christianity was illegal for centuries in the roman empire and christianity spread when the roman empire adopted christianity

islam was spread by literal armies of muslims invading neighbouring land and killing anyone who wouldnt convert shortly after mohamed died

I'd rather it be Christianity than Islam, but one way or another the West is getting a single country-wide religion back into its inner-workings

I'd rather it be the Abrahamic religion that it had not too long ago than the one that it's now getting

>if I have a leak in my plumbing...I reach for the bible
>if my light bulb failed...I reach for the bible
>if I have a flat tire...I reach for the bible

> degeneracy
> everything I don't like
Sup Forumsacks really are just another version of sjws

Yes, if there is no spiritual center the nation will fall.

>Roman Empire adopts Christianity
>Romans who stayed true to actual Roman culture and beliefs and were vocally against Christianity were executed
>Pagans outside of the empire who didn't want to discard their heritage were executed

If you are white and christian you have a shitskin's dick in your mouth and are saying fuck you to the forefathers who stood up for traditional European values. You're a traitor.

God has mercy, Man has to do all the legwork.

Which wasn't a Christian thing to do.

>If jesus didn't said Matthew 25:35, We wouldn't have though about welcoming arabs rapists in our countries.

Interesting point. Now why would we be interpreting this verse to mean that we should welcome ----unrepentant sinners---- in our communities?

We haven't been doing this up until this point, nor for the last thousand years or so

Go back to plebbit, nigger.

What if your country has NO MORALS ANYMORE?

You do know Christianity was the original Jew lie right?

> and here we see a Sup Forumsack get triggered
So Sup Forums is just another version of tumblr, it all makes sense now.

>Traditional European values
>Only Republican Roman and Democratic Greek values

Where do you get your morals from then?

>0 content shitpost
kill yourself, nigger

the roman pagans got a taste of their own medicine, thats all

it wasnt a unique phenomenon either. if you wana be treated with respect when your enemies gain power, dont treat them like shit while you are in power

non-roman pagans were warring with the roman empire centuries before christianity was even a thing

pagan forefathers bla bla. there is no such thing as European values or European paganism. europe has always been split between different tribes and cults and americans invented 'white' or 'european' as an identity because they had to get along with each other

You do know that Atheism promotes liberalism and societal degeneracy right?

Nationalist are essentially following Gods commandments in more ways then capitalist, so essentially, you are still wrong.

Promotes nothing in itself. Degeneracy is promoted by drug addled hippies and post-modernists.

But God aids the repentant sinner more than He does the unrepentant (John 15:16)

Odinism, just like my forefathers, user. None of that garbage "lightning vikings in the woods" LARP bullshit, though.
Before anyone says anything, the whole "living in round huts" thing is a meme spread by Christians and Kikes to make White men doubt their ancestry, those "huts" you see are really impractical and couldn't get you through a winter.

Which god?

Trump >>>>> all your shitty gods


What does one have to do with the other? Ethnocentrism is simply the winning strategy.

But absolute truth and morals could not exist without a God, and hence why you have those "drug addled hippies and post-modernists"

You can, but this kind of verses can stil and are actually used among christians to defend and promote the invasion of our continent.

Yes, the Triune God of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

And in what way are these morals absolute?

Just saying you can't pin everything on hope. There has to be equal measure of effort to fix shit. Shit like Pope Francis sure doesn't help.

>Yes, goyim, a cult that praises jews is the way to save your peoples

>Rapefugees welcome

This explain the cuckery of Sweden.

And in what way are yours? Odinism teaches similar values to what Christianity "claims" to teach, without the destroying an entire continent's culture meme.


Except so is nationalism. Just look at Germany in the 20th century. It's a direct result of the forward thinking of German style philosophy to predict the death of God. Even Heidegger saw the NSDAP as the clear path out of Nietzsche's predicament.

>hence why you have those "drug addled hippies and post-modernists"
Durg addled hippies believe in eastern religions; they still have gods. Post-modernists are anti-science and anti-truth in general. Objective truth is found through science and mathematics. Morality can be derived from what is objectively beneficial for society and its members. For example, ethnocentrism is objectively a good strategy to pick:

no, it's ducktape.

Yes they are, because Western Christians have stopped believing in God's wrath towards wilful sinners (Muslims who don't want to sincerely convert to Christianity) and are now letting themselves believe in political ideologies more than the Bible. Namely, humanism and social liberalism

Finally, someone with a bit of sense.

I agree. Just wanted to remind true Christians that God does not leave them alone

No, the west is fine.
It's only fuck ups like yourself, who live with a consistent dread of the future, that believe the west is in decline.
Better yourself or you'll end up being removed from the gene pool.

>Objective truth is found through science and mathematics.

Only absolute truth is found in mathematics, not necessarily objective

And only objective truth *may* be found in the natural sciences, but not absolute

>Morality can be derived from what is objectively beneficial for society and its members.

That's exactly what I think. And I call it what's physically and mentally "healthy" for a society

>For example, ethnocentrism is objectively a good strategy to pick:

I'll read your stuff. I myself find it a lot more common-sensical and straightforward to just return to the absolute morals we used to healthily believe in not too long ago

You have a lot more faith in the West than I have then

Every civilization that started down the path of sexual degeneracy has collapsed. We're in the place just after the Golden Age and are teetering on the brink. The only question is which culture succeeds the White west before we rise yet again.

My vote is on the Chinks.

Because they are backed up by definition by an infinitely powerful and infallible source of authority (ie. God)

end of the western civilization


What are you gonna do with this then?


You degenerate piece of shit liar.


>muh nigga

burn it or shove it up your ass

What about this then?

> Is God the only way to save the West from falling apart?

Yes and no.

The West will fall apart. I think that is inevitable now. What rises from the ashes will be much more traditional and will include Christianity.

Atheists failed to grasp religions societal function and their moral relativism and destructive nihilism will not survive the fall.

I hope the Atheists of Sup Forums find faith before it is too late.

same future awaits that too

So you're gonna burn your nation's flag and shove it up your ass

I'm not seeing how you're gonna convince all the other Fins to do that


Its disgusting to have the memory of some desert kike on our flags.
The ultimate cuckoldry.

American copy-cat :^)

YES 100%

God is cursing the West with an Old Testament style plague of Muslims and SJWs

We are all sinners and must repent

Europe was strong when it was Catholic and nationalist

Christ saved Europe and the west from the Muslims

Christ saved us from the Commies

Vatican II (1960s) made the Catholic church weak and turned us all into fair weather cultural Catholics that are destined for hell

Repent and turn to God

Christ is the truth

And how are you gonna convince Fins to be this anti-jew that they would even hate someone who got tortured nailed to a cross by the grand majority of the jews for not being jewish enough?

This desu

I have no idea, do you?