Can somebody red pill me on Global Warming?
Why is it being pushed by the Left so much? I never quite understood it. Just seems random, like why do people give a fuck on such a seemingly noncontroversial issue
Can somebody red pill me on Global Warming?
Why is it being pushed by the Left so much? I never quite understood it. Just seems random, like why do people give a fuck on such a seemingly noncontroversial issue
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muh feelings
Don't listen to Ondore's lies.
ends up with a tax on breathing, the lefts wet dream...
redpill incoming.
[spoiler]It's real[/spoiler]
Because it involves government restrictions on businesses "for the welfare of mankind", environment is usually a pillar of the left that the right will fight against. Pretty simple, really.
Anyone that has been alive for more than 17 years will know it is real, unless you live in desert or snow.
Do we need multiple threads a day?
Venat did nothing wrong
There are already regulations. This is why you can't buy lead paint anymore. Or asbestos isn't used in construction.
Because their solution is a global tax. Global warming is a tool to give the globalists a slush fund of cash to pass out to whomever they choose.
I'll red pill you:
The preferred term is now climate change and 97 percent of published papers agree that there is a warming of the atmosphere due to human activity.
The left wants more regulations, the right doesn't. That's pretty much what defines the left and the right (at least in terms of economics).
Global Warming is essentially a byproduct of certain corporations that are very small in number and nobody really has a reason to single them out, yet, they feel that they are getting singled out with the excuse of global warming. They believe that "all the other green companies" are just trying to put them out of business to get others to buy their "green energy", so they try to dig up dirt on all the other companies instead of trying to see if what they are saying is true or not. Essentially in the long run, companies like Monsanto will have to produce artificially created everything to keep things from dying in the new atmosphere that will be very hot, while the white people will move under the ground where they belong to avoid the heat. All the other races will then have free reign and some white guy will eventually try to nuke the surface due to the xenophobia most white people have for those they are insecure about.
Not all regulation is automatically bad. That's why I mentioned asbestos and lead. We're not talking about giving globalists carte blanche to regulate everything and anything. But sensible, negotiated and agreed upon targets should be more ambitious.
SLightly OT but is there any regulation you'd like to see repealed? I mean I understand that the neoliberals agenda, privitisation and deregulation are their prime objectives. But neo-liberalsim is cancer unless you are among the global elite.
>This. The English used to tax the Scot's and Irish on window sizes and air they breathed.
Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.
>while the white people will move under the ground where they belong to avoid the heat
I'm pretty sure this is how we got morlocks.
It can and will be taxed & monetized.
Just look at what the EPA has done to business in terms of cash extraction for nonsense.
are there actual studies that can be shown? I only ever hear "everyone agrees its real" and then links to those statements, but never actual studies
Who decides what is sensible? Some council of foreign interests that do not have a proper understanding of local matters, that was empowered by an executive body trying to overstep its constitutional limitations or the federal structure of the American constitution? These are pretty basic ideological questions which separate party lines.
Believe it or not, compromise does happen. There have been plenty of international treatise which were signed into law and agreed upon. And likewise the fact that there are so few that "cross the line", so to speak, is testament to the fight that the right continuously puts up to make sure that only reasonable restrictions have a chance of being passed.
Sensible is regulations that will protect people surely? Sure you can make the case for personal responsibility. But in a fast paced consumer world nobody is going to have the time to fully research these things. This is why people are elected to represent us.
>Believe it or not, compromise does happen. There have been plenty of international treatise which were signed into law and agreed upon. And likewise the fact that there are so few that "cross the line", so to speak, is testament to the fight that the right continuously puts up to make sure that only reasonable restrictions have a chance of being passed.
I'm all for compromise. global warming won't kill all humans. Not a chance. absolutely zero. But it will fuck shit up. So can we agree to do something about it?
>so to speak, is testament to the fight that the right continuously puts up to make sure that only reasonable restrictions have a chance of being passed.
On a scale of 1-10 (1- non issue, 10- OMFG WE ALL GONNA DIE) where do you place global warming?