Be brazilian

>be brazilian
>get murdered

Other urls found in this thread:

>be bolivian
>no one cares

people kill themselves because of cocaine exports to the first world. It's basically euros and americans that sponsor our murder

>be texan

cocaine would be sold elsewhere if the developed world didn't exist, and you'd be still in the same position

not really, because cocaine is much more valuable in the first world than at the third world

As long as it is the lower classes, I dont give a Fuck.

t. Favelado monkey

You're an animal like them, except you are penned in a gated community rather than a favela. Rich and poor Brazilians are both scum and bandits in their own right


t. Uma delicia macaco

yes someone needs to a subhuman to pay for your first world superior civilized daily fix

>be american
>try to steer away the fact that americans commit the most gun violence to eachother
>get shot

Hmmm, I dont give a Fuck about your opinion either. Hehehe ;)

so cocaine would still be sold in brazil, and you'd still have the same problem

the developed world is the source of synthetic drugs, and you don't see synthetic drug murder in here

I am someone who hates my country for the cancer it is in the world

Brazilian criminals, nonetheless, carry their own weight of the responsibility. The supplier and the consumer are at fault.

t. Appendix

Sim, mas a cocaína veio para o Brasil na década de 80 especialmente para ser exportada para o mercado europeu no qual é mais lucrativo, porque além das moedas serem mais fortes, o poder aquisitivo é maior ou seja, maior é a margem de lucro. O mercado Brasileiro possui diversos fornecedores e consumidores a tal ponto que o lucro é muito menor, as maiores organizações criminosas como PCC, Comando Vermelho e outras são aquelas que conseguem controlar o fluxo de importação e exportação de cocaína e elas submetem todos os donos do morro locais a seu mando a tal ponto que há guerras entre facções pela extensão do comando das fronteiras e dos morros, cidades locais, não à toa que a cidade com maior número de turistas do Brasil é aquela que há maior guerra pelo controle do tráfico

>the developed world is the source of synthetic drugs, and you don't see synthetic drug murder in here
as drogas sintéticas não dão nem um centavo de lucro comparado a cocaína, especialmente para exportação

things have taken this path with gun control, since then everything just got worse

neither is brazil the largest producer of cocaine, it's Colombia which doesn't get half as much murder as Brazil, and even has a smaller murder rate

something in your logic is flawed

eu nunca disse isso, você não fala português né?

DC has gun control yet we seem to lack 100 dead police officers a year.

if your blaming murder on cocaine production for the developed world, it would be logical that Colombia, as the greatest producer, would have more murder than Brazil, yet it seems they are not related, so the higher levels of murder in Brazil need an added explanation.

você realmente não fala português, engraçado...

Good. Cops aren't people.

The American police are better equipped, compared to our capital the population of Washington D.C is much larger, favelas are also a problem since the residents support the traffickers

thanks to this kind of retarded we live in this situation


holy shit i knew it was bad but i never actually knew the numbers

Has any of the Brazilians here ever witnessed a murder?




ungrateful bitch, hope you get killed faggot
They are every day risking their lives, even if some are bad the most part are true altruistic

Bullshit, in most tropical countries most of the violence is not related to criminals.

t. Non-tropical nation

Shut up first worlder chileno,you guys are almost as dumb as burgers


>violence is not related to criminals.


wassup b colombian druglord here

What happened? also bolinho de banana

t. drug dealer

hello my brazilian friend, porra caralho droga!


hi swedish friend, börk!

>my uncle fuck a dealer wife
>dealer come to kill my uncle
>my uncle kill the dealer and her wife
>he go to the jail
>back to home 3 months after

Also in Brazil we're "richs". Our salarys is R$13K. 14x more than the basic salary in Brazil.

>the dealer and her wife
>her wife

While I agree with you that Brazil's problems with the amount of murder is not completely related to cocaine exportation/production for the developed world (since the most dangerous cities in the country are not the ones in the traffic route) Gun Traffic has a very serious impact in our economy (and politics) being directly correlated to the state Rio de Janeiro is today.

Have you even read that?
It's saying that drug trafficking is not NECESSARILY producing violence, but the market competition in the illict markets will do it.
So the traffic is still generating the violence, but not by existing, but by not being an oligarchy.

Leftist, drug dealer,negro scum.

Why are we fucking rangebanned from making threads?
What did you cunts do?

I luv brazilians, always positive and funny.

Most of the murders in Brazil are criminals killing criminals.

i wanna die tho

I want to die too amigo

