So Fins are basically White+Asian, right? Doesn't that make them THE master race? They combine the best of both worlds.
I wouldn't fuck with them.
Right kind of white but wrong kind of Asian.
>Is X White?
What a bunch of newfags.
9/10 would bang
>they wuz azns n sheeit
we wuznt azns n sheeit
We be white trash and chinese. Dont trust.
OP, your picture is the exception not the rule. Finns combine the worst of both the white (think of a white liberal from Minnesota sucking on a BLM cock) and the Asian (slobbering toothless blubber chewing mongoloid).
Pic related is the leader of the Finns
god damn vodka elves
I went to Helsinki once
It was nice during the days but turned to shit at night time with nigs everywhere
Can any kind finn hook me up with some lingonberries?
That pic is more than common sight in Finland. Also who the fuck is that in your pic?
OP's pic is more than common sight in Finland i meant to say.
Finns are full Mongols just like us.
No. They have some minor Asian admixture though. Your pic related is a Norwegian Sami.
>He doesn't know T_A_U_K_K_I
O boy
Ayy lmao
Scandinavians only look good mixed with normal looking white people. Purebreeds look like they don't have souls.
There is an actual Eurasian race though - in Siberia and Central Asia. They're basically nations of Hapas.
her skin looks tanned desu.
Dunno how I have missed this guy. I even used to use IRC gallery when it was relevant.
Is the white part of finns slavic or nordic?
>thread is about finnish people
>mentioning scandis
Finns are great. I'm Finnish-American and the best people I know are Finnish-American. They just want to mind their own business, drink coffee and vodka, and sit in the sauna. They've never done anything bad in their entire history and they're crazy tough bastards.
U just mad cuz u poor
> OP = turkish dumbfuck + internet connexion
Fins are white, now eat a dick.
Whatever all nords look like ayy lmao soulless creatures
>As much of East Asian admixture as Turkey
Whelp, that settles it then.
t. abo
>they don't have a swastika in their presidential flag
Funland best land
>United States 44%
Kek, muh patriots
Damnit! Moar finska qt3.14
Aw jesus...... 18% fuck me.
United Cucks on suicide watch.
The poorer and less developed the country, the more its people likely to fight for it.
DId they ask this to minorities too?
Not that strange. The wealthier the country, the lazier and entitled the people become. Humble circumstances breed real men, not a life of luxury.
Basically but not like the noble high elves. More like the
forest elves.
This is an actual Eurasian person
Still think Eurasians are master race?
>Sweden 55%
I'm sad that this was a pleasant surprise
Aka best elves.
Yeah Hitler kinda fucked that one up for you guys.
Don't worry, I'm pretty ashamed of our 30%. In WW2 Canadians were badass motherfuckers who were essential to the war effort and contributed valuable men and resources.
Nowadays we're mostly emasculated faggots and a huge portion are just immigrants who would go back to their own countries if we got into a war. We seriously need to go back to our British and European roots.
I don't know about master race but she sure is cute.
I don't give a fuck about nordic or asian women, but to be honest, that kind of mixture turns me on.
is that a goddess?
Well, strangely enough, their language shares, for whatever reason, has a buttload in common (grammar/syntax wise) with Korean and Japanese.
Make of this what you will.
Is that the monthly refugee allowance?
You tell me, you guys are the experts
Neither. Finns are older than those.
Not that mixed. West coast, where they dont talk much and all the stereotypes come from, are more mixed. Mostly raped by vikings.
Will change soon. Lots of refugees now.
No, you have to be french citizen to get welfare money here. Granted there's a lot of people who moved from Algeria and overseas territory. But not much refugees except the ones in Calais.
But Paris is 40% african, my friend...thats why I usually say europa ends at the pyrenees. You start to see a lot of shitskins, the more you move to the north...
I'll always remember that Sup Forums taught me why Finns look the way they look. Why isn't this shit taught in Scandinavian schools, is it too racist?
>Yeah Hitler kinda fucked that one up for you guys
>If you fight back you lose
>Blame HITLER!!! Not the eternal anglo cuckson and americuckson and slavkson. BLAME HITLER BECAUSE HE FOUGHT BACK!!!
>If you fight your enemy they win
When Hitler was running things that thing would be close to a 100% you little cuck
Look at the cucknadian
>Why isn't this shit taught in Scandinavian schools, is it too racist?
They're too busy teaching you guys how evil the white man is and how your women need to submit to the big black benis.
Also how you weren't absolute fucking cucks during WW2. Seriously, the amount of misinformation I've heard from Swedes about your actions in WW2 is astounding.
It's not taught in Finnish schools, either. The average Finn probably thinks he's a Viking or something.
Nigger propaganda.
Jedenfalls zurück zur wehrplicht.
Juhu :-)
not sure where you went to school but genetical difference of finns came up in 8 or 9th grade material iirc
might have been highschool starting year too
It's not that high, except maybe in some neighborhoods. In any case, it's nothing different from other big western cities.
The main difference is however, these guys speak french and for the most part don't cause problems like american niggers. The massive refugee inflow that Merkel is bringing don't behave even as well. It's going to end badly, and it's probably designed that way.
75%+ what?
>genetical difference of finns came up in 8 or 9th grade material
Nope. They do teach about language families and whatnot, but not about our genetic heritage at all.
That might have been just your teacher.
The teachers have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to education. I had a quite nationalistically minded history teacher, but I doubt that that's rare.
However, the fact that our language and culture is pretty unique pops up quite often.
If they are Jewish Fins then they are the ultimate master race.
>As much of East Asian admixture as Turkey
>Whelp, that settles it then.
Not quite the same kind of Asians though, and the migration of the ancestors of Finns predates the Turks moving to Anatolia by 2000 years.
>But Paris is 40% african, my friend...thats why I usually say europa ends at the pyrenees. You start to see a lot of shitskins, the more you move to the north...
>1000 years of north-african and arabic colonisation
>implying spagniards aren't a mudblood race
What is this black guy talking about? I don't speak Spanish
>Jewish Fins
Do they exist in any real capacity? The only Jew in Finland I know about is Ben Zyskowicz.
Alexander Stubb, Juha Sipila?
>Alexander Stubb
>Juha Sipilä
Just an asshole
People from Europe moved east, some returned west, some did not.
Finns returned, how mixed Finns are, not actually known much.
First settlers after ice age, at same time as Samis so Finns actually should be considered indigenous people. And let be.
But are still being colonized.
Stubb isnt finnish. He should get the fuck back to Sweden. He looks like such a fuckign queer too
>Muslims, come to my summer cabin and breed with my Finnish wife and daughters
Sounds jewish to me
Not really. less than 0.1% of the population.
That actually means that there is a disproportionately large amount of Jews in the parliament even if there's just one.
>Sounds jewish to me
I'm talking about actual Jews
Who dat
Torilla tavataan!
PS: If he was an actual Jew, he wouldn't offer his own cabin and family, he'd offer everyone elses
Might move to Finland when Brexit falls through lads, rent a cabin and drink vodka grab myself a qt
Fuck you anglo
Huh? You're gonna live in a cabin?
You expect to find a qt who will live through the winter with you in a fucking cabin?
I'm surprised no one has tried shooting him yet. The cola spilling episode was a fucking farce too.
Good point, perhaps a flat in a cosy snowy city is the way to go
Oy Vey.
Does that mean there are Fins that believe in conspiracies revolving Jews controlling your government then?
Nobody moved anywhere, we are mixture of people and have more European genes than 99% of Europe.
They're socially retarded alcoholics, so yeah.
>socially retarded
More like socially adept. The rest of you are retards who go around breaking other peoples personal space and shit.
Stop being so fucking autistic.
Since finngols are here.
Does t. meme come from ylilauta? How did it start and what does it mean exactly?