Shouldn't it be illegal?
Shouldn't it be illegal?
Best horror movie in a decade.
I hate egg whites, I support this.
The same thing gets said about non-whites on this site six million times a day. Shouldn't it be illegal?
pol should love this movie. it definitely has me looking at cave bitches differently
>six gorillion
Never forget
You compare a forum where anonymous people shitpost for easy laugh to marketed movie that can influence youngsters. I cant wait for race wars because kikes keep forcing blacks wuz kangs n shit
*sweats profusely*
Not Just a footnote: This forum is actually more sinister in that regard. The reason is because its representing the feelings of many caucasian common folk. The fact is this race nonsense is tripping up human development.
You wrote:
>You compare a forum where anonymous people shitpost for easy laugh
Many a true word spoken in jest.
True words like 'fuck Trump and fuck white people'?
Cuts both ways heh?
Fact is when you deal with other races and you hate them, you will reflect your disdain in micro expressions, intonations and bias, even if you try to hide it. So people pick up on it anyway.
Also race hatred stilts cultural development. That being your own cultural development.
what movie
Not really. The difference is that anti-white racism is venerated. I'm not a Christian, and I'm not going to endure slings and arrows while meekly questioning my inner thoughts. If you think it's fine for kill whitey movies to be a thing, then deal with it buttercup.
no kidding, these faggots need to stay in their containment board
white peoples is crazy boii
Fact is your criticism was infantile and base. You can't take moral high ground when you're wallowing in the muck yourself.
> I cant wait for race wars because kikes keep forcing blacks wuz kangs n shit
That wasn't my comment.
Well I assumed it was because you responded. In effect you were defending the position of the OP.
>Death to racists
wtf kikewood?
>any replies to anyone criticizing the OP of any thread agree with the OP.
Kek. No, I don't think racism should be illegal. But when a movie is racist against whites, liberals are giddy as fuck to call it brave, while shrieking at the whiff of anything might possibly be perceived as hinting at racism against Muslims/blacks/whoever.
It's something that merits being criticized.
>He thinks it's illegal be racist to white people in 2017.
Did you miss-click your bookmark to Facebook?
Ironically, whites get more shit on this website than any other race, even blacks
i could literally beat your ass with one hand tied behind my back and then fuck your girl right before your eyes. Shed be hesitant at first but my huge cock would eventually make here moan in ecstasy. But of course youd probably like that wouldnt you you beta cuckold?
>Ironically, whites get more shit on this website than any other race
If you only count a very specific tribe of whites
>Kek. No, I don't think racism should be illegal.
I think it should be and it is for good reason.
Because if things get down to attrition to settle matters, all that happens in the end is that people have to talk about things anyway. Now just after tens of millions have died.
>But when a movie is racist against whites, liberals are giddy as fuck to call it brave, while shrieking at the whiff of anything might possibly be perceived as hinting at racism against Muslims/blacks/whoever.
Pointing out inverse racism is fair.
However its not what you say but how you say it.
shut the fuck up hothead Sup Forums is best friend with Sup Forums
> waah waah kikes, waah waah niggers, waah waah race war
jews are white tho?
No, u need to go back to rebbit. Are you stupid? It was never liberal here
So is this shit actually worth watching or is it just white guilt and sheep following the crowd?
I wouldn't even be asking this, but fucking TFA has an 8.1 on imdb and that piece of shit is less entertaining than direct to DVD bullshit.
>The movie is often seen as a satire on the dynamics of so called "West wing liberals"[19] who consider themselves to be allies to movements against racism yet do more harm than good, Lanre Bakare comments on this, saying, "The villains here aren’t southern rednecks or neo-Nazi skinheads, or the so-called “alt-right”. They’re middle-class white liberals. The kind of people who read this website. The kind of people who shop at Trader Joe’s, donate to the ACLU and would have voted for Obama a third time if they could. Good people. Nice people. Your parents, probably. The thing Get Out does so well – and the thing that will rankle with some viewers – is to show how, however unintentionally, these same people can make life so hard and uncomfortable for black people. It exposes a liberal ignorance and hubris that has been allowed to fester. It’s an attitude, an arrogance which in the film leads to a horrific final solution, but in reality leads to a complacency that is just as dangerous."[20]
I don't get how this follows. How does white people donating to the ACLU and voting for Obama reinforce racial injustice?
white is a state of mind nowadays, people that might be considered white due to their skin color like jews and other degenerates are not really white
Fite me irl fgt
Because they feel like they can pay away their guilty with petty votes and donating a fraction of their money. They're ignoring the actual issue and continue to stay ignorant. Their actions are not necessarily bad, it's just that their misguiding themselves.
And what is the final solution to the white question?
Because it isn't genuine and they treat blacks as if they are poor souls who need their pity. Every self respecting independent person hates being treated like they can't get through life on their own and that they need a helping hand.
Ah, got it.
I just thought that the conceit of the movie was smart because who the fuck's gonna look for missing Black people.