What's wrong being a racist?

What's wrong being a racist?

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Apparently its enough to warrant interrogation.

You go against the interests of inferiors and exploiters such as Jews.

>what's wrong with racism
That everyone has his own retarded definition of the word and that it's seen as something objectively bad today.While Wikipedia says; you are racist when you believe your race is better than others races because of bigger achievements, better traits, looks, historical influence or whatever which TOTALLY doesn't sound wrong at all, for 99% the people outside it literally just means "hate people of other skin color on purpose/because they have other skin color." Today the word basically only exists to discredit people. And of course controlled Jew media is trying to do the same to words like "far right" or "populism".

It would be pretty idoitic to use these words yourself and calling yourself a racist, for example. You're playing straight into their hands.

it's completely normal for a member of a homogenous society to be favourable towards his in-group and hostile to out-group aliens

however, criminal actions towards aliens make you no less of a vermin than they are

best course of action is to maintain a preferential treatment for the members of your in-group despite that potentially being less advantagious; happiness in local community cannot be quantified

Literally nothing

White minority here,
To answer your question, op, literally nothing.
I spent my whole youth actively not being racist and all the while I was taken advantage of by every nonwhite I thought was a friend.
>Hispanic "friends" stole my lunch money frequently
>shit skin "friends" stole my CD player and trading cards.
>Hispanic "friend" bailed on me during a 2v1 fight he got into. When I stepped in to make it 2v2 he fucking ran and I got my ass beat
>random niggers actively targeting whites and sucker punching them
>random niggers picking fights if you look in their direction
>constant threat of "ur racist lol" making me into a social pariah and a target
>perpetual anti-racist (read: anti-white) sentiment openly expressed
Once you realize that niggers, shitskins, Hispanics, and all other non-whites will never see you as equal while openly expressing their contempt for your people, you learn that racism is normal as well as necessary.

As referred
'but but... racism is illegal! Someone call the poliiiice'

Police will stick up for someone in situations like . These are cunts who whine the loudest.

They're just not the poor fucks getting on with their jobs like everyone else.

it promotes division over unity, and is based on irrationality.

calling a black person a nigger is bad because it hurts their feelings and so on

imagine not getting the job you want because the boss dosen't like the color of your skin.

the problem today is liberals are trying to redefine racism to mean every interracial conflict is based purely on race (with a strong bias towards whites being racist)

its one thing if the boss didn't hire you because of your skin color, but if walk in the interview smelling and talking like shit and don't get hired, liberals will still argue it was just race over personality

>make up on a beach


But discrimination against individuals for no reason is pretty morally corrupt.

>pretending not wanting monster kids and wanting an orderly society is morally corrupt

But discrimination against individuals for no reason is pretty morally corrupt.

With your Marxist morals, I agree that hating other races is morally wrong provided they don't violate other morals such as the racial purity of a state.

>imagine being bullied by a dog, because you are a cat

but you are not a cat

nor are you a bird

nor are you a worm in the soil

There is no need to imagine these things, thats stupid.

I have no issue with befrinding nationalist peoples, I can't stand racial parasites and racial occupants.

The biggest offender of the nationalist laws are the Jews.

Judge the individual individually. Judge the group collectively when judging them one at a time is not feasible.

The problem with racism is that it is based on the truth of racial inequality
It therefore justifiably results in unequal distribution of valuable resources based on race.
This leads the inferior races to have less and to be jealous and angry.
This causes them to become disruptive and violent.
The only solution is to wipe out the inferior races.

The more intelligent people understand that the ultimate outcome of admitting the truth that some races are inferior is the process I just described, eventually leading to genocide of inferior races.

Therefore intelligent people think it is better to pretend the races are equal because, even though this is not a perfect solution and definitely has problems, it is better than wiping out hundreds of millions of people.

stupid Jew.


It can actually save your life.

Bro, bro, you can't just hate someone because of the concentration of melanin in their skin. I mean, it's not like i would want to live in a predominantly non-white country myself, but still, bro...cmon, don't be racist

Please bro don't be anti-nationalist, cmon.

Until the Earth is one single race, these problems will always exist.

Or until an external threat forces us to cooperate or face extinction. Even then, you'll still have people wanting to welcome the evil alien overlords.

It's a primitive, 19th century mindset

It's wrong, because you are against jew-propaganda.

>What's wrong with being a racist?

Nothing...until YOU are the minority.
Think about it...

i m not racist because of color
i m ”racist” because of actions

/pol doesn't want to exterminate niggers - we just want them to go back to Africa.

Europe and America for whites only. Japan for Japanese.
Middle East for Arabs.
India for Poo in Loo
China for Chinese.

It's not that fucking hard to understand.

anti-nationalism is the primitive mindset.

I wouldn't ever be a minority, nationalism prevents that, 1 state 1 race.

Exactly, jesus christ we can't do common sense because of fucking kikes.

I got into an anonymous discussion with someone who wanted to talk to a racist.

Just explained to them I had been presented unarguably facts which adequately satisfied a certain belief about blacks beyond a reasonable doubt and I believed that all races benefited from living in racially and culturally homogeneous societies.

>Then white americans and australians should go back to europe then.

I just replied
>I'd be more then happy to go back to Europe if blacks, arabs and non-whites were removed and went back to their ancestral homelands.

They were at a complete loss
>Welp. That was the only thing I had. Have a good day.

I have no issue returning this land to whoever, nationalism takes priority.

My imperialism was destroyed, thus I have no reason to be here.

I believe in judging a man by the quality of his character, but nigger thug culture and islam needs to disappear forever.

>imagine not getting the job you want because the boss doesn't like the colour of your skin

He's perfectly damn entitled to do that. I'll go get an even better job. Fuck'em.

>Mfw blacks think whites hate them just because their skin color
>mfw they don't realize it's because they are a shit tier people who only destroy and don't show any respect for anything

There is nothing wrong as long as you are non-white.

You are a bad goyim.

Attached pic : niggers.

Im a mexican man. Fromt he SOUTH.

I can be racist because im not a little bitch like you. And i don't openly spurg my racism unless the people piss me off.


Are fuking autistic. And you white folks are just fucking spergs, and full blowna utist,

Look what you did with hitler SPERGLORD!

You are all fucking white nerd spergs.

And we had to bitch slap you so hard that you and your entire skin pigmentation is now a cuck.

T 100 % azteca non spaiuanrd, non spain genese opr med genes.

>officer Gonzalez and Jamal
>sticking up for a lower class white
Top kek

