Kebab removers my fucking ass. Cucked since the middle ages.
Kebab removers my fucking ass. Cucked since the middle ages.
Subhanallah. Islam is returning to the Balkans. Inshallah the people of Serbia will embrace Islam.
You aren't any better.
haram af
Christianity is cause of the weakness of our race, white men without christcuck-jewish values would already genocided the muslims like the Buddhists do in Myanmar.
Come on Serbs, don't let the Bosnians win.
Don't worry, Romania is building the largest Orthodox Cathedral in Europe. Where exactly? Right behind the second biggest building in the world, the Parliament's Palace.
>if you ever feel too muslim, just jump on your boat, pass the Danube and pray with us
How could this possibly go wrong?
If that's what it's going to look like, it looks pretty sexy. Nice one, Vlad.
>bi mogao
Ajj lmao
To ne znači ništa.
It's not gonna happen folks, don't worry.
Estimated cost: 80 Million Euros.
>just orthodox my shit up senpai
Traditional Catholicism is the basis for Western Christianity
We killed Muslims and women were in their place
1960s soft cultural catholicism from Vatican II is the real problem
wake up you french cuck
Pretty. way to go romania.
It will look exactly like that and it's fucking huge. Being placed right behind another fucking huge building doesn't help either
>pic related, under construction. The Cathedral will be finished next year and it will be inaugurated on the 1st of December, when the Romanian State will mark its 100th birthday since its reunification
The cause of our current weakness was the Hippie Revolution you dipshit.
It changed everything, Christianity included.
Allahu Dragi, don't make me laugh.Pusi kurac brate. Islam > Christianity
Mi smo vas jebali dobro, Serbcuck
Why not protest? The biggest mosque in Central-Eastern Europe was supposed to be built in Bucharest, as part of Erdogan's plans.
>pic related - the people placed 500 crosses on the land given to the muslims + a stone cross.
>later on, they buried dead pigs and pig heads in the land so that it will be desecrated
All of those actions were blessed by the Orthodox Church.
>forgot pic
People still believe the le remove kebab meme?
Serbia is main gateway for refuges to enter Europe, they are muslim cucks
>tfw still no džamija in my country
but they are building one, fucking bastards
>Nice one, Vlad.
This is literally Licheń-tier, Seba.
>dead pigs buried in the land that was supposed to host the mosque
>the pigs were buried there by activists and priests
that's fucking beautiful
>wake up you french cuck
Funny fact when the french pogromed the arabs and started to remove them in the 70', the cuck-tholic church canceled the christmas mass clearly siding with the niggers and shitskins,
you can die christcucks, nationalists despise your value and are merely larping cuckstianity to kill this filthy sandnigg' religion which is islam, but we attend to get rid of it after taking care of islam.
Remember that time the Serbians gave weapons, military intelligence, and support to the ottomans at the siege of Constantinople?
orthocucks stay mad
Mashallah!!! On the day of Eid too. What glad tidings
kek, based
dumb mudslimes
the catholic church has been taken over by jews after ww2
Very nice.
That looks nice. As much as I hate muslims the mosques usually look cool af
The church hid and protected kikes in WWII, they tried to protect samdnigger christians during the crusades
The church tried to get the slave trade banned too
You're a bunch of cucks
Hahaha remove kebab?
more like prep the bull!
Time to fire up the tractors again
You can say anything you want about Romanians, but we are some hardcore motherfucking orthodox spawns of the devil.
>pic related, churches in romania vs hospitals in romania
>mfw 90% of the population declares themselves to be Active Orthodox, which means that they go to church every week or every fortnight.
Hey dude, I've been in Cluj recently.
>That looks nice.
I don't think this is the supposed future Serbian mosque, though.
That is Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi.
New Cathedral?
I'm not even surprised anymore.
going to Cluj next week, I'll be playing my favourite game on the road: count how many churches this small village has, while in the same time counting how many schools the small village has
Protip: the churches will always be moar
>Romanians can build the world's largest Orthodox cathedral in just under 14 years
>The Spanish still haven't completed this monstrosity after 200 years
Its not gonna happen i cant find any real serbian press saying anything about it only bullshit sandzak ones.
>Vucic aproved building
Of course
Make it big and grand, the muslims will flock there. The imam is a serb nationalist, he will prevent any muslim uprising from happening in serbia.
Albania, kosovo, and east bosnia will spread their asses and beg to be annexed.
Similar case in Russia, build a big mosque and terrorism drops because the state controls the religion.
I'm pretty sure you could make similar map out of Finland since our health care is heavily centralized so there are actual hospitals only in big cities and people from countryside get sent there but there are like 2 churches in every small town.
WTF, you should be the first to know that Islam must be outlawed and persecuted, not pampered.
Vucic is the ultracuck. He's in a constant state of rotation between offering his ass to the UAE, China, the EU and Russia. But you can't complain brate, you were probably one of those morons that didn't vote this year.
Active Churches in Romania: close to 20.000
Active Hospitals in Romania: close to 425
Active Schools in Romania: close to 4000
To be fair, Sagrada is a monstrosity in its complexity and tiny little details.
The Orthodox Churches are quite simple, yet they make up in paintings on the outside of the Church and on the inside
>pic related, the famous shade of Blue (Voronet) on the outside of the Voronet Church in Moldova
At a population of roughly 18 million. You do the math.
fuck it's so ugly
Based Romania
I don't care for who these traitors are working, the facts are the cucktholics are traitors to their own race, and christianity is mostly a brown religion now, anyway, so we have no reason to follow this sand nigg religion.
>after 200 years
Antonio Gaudi began building this temple around 1914, you doofus.
>implying this is a good thing
Great, now after you get a deadly desiese at the local hospital and can't file a lawsuite because you have no education due to not enough schools, you can go and pray to God for salvation , pheeewww , i sure as fuck am glad i paid that 36% tax on my wage last month now
>kebab removers
its just a meme. they can keep killing alboshits too. thank you for your 400+year of service serbs.
That's pretty cheap though. Saudis spent $15 BILLION building their ugly as fuck clock tower. €80 million is a small price to pay, besides the increase in tourism will mean it pays for itself.
Was I implying somewhere that my opinion regarding this is a positive one? As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather have an Orthodox Cathedral in my capital than a Mega-Mosque.
As you can see from my previous posts, I'm actually bringing the numbers for everybody to see how crazed and insane we are regarding our Orthodox faith.
Feel ya brah, It's sad to see the state taking close to 200 euros out of my wage every single fucking month, while providing nothing in return
>pretty cheap
80 million euros while the government is subsidising with more than half of the total sum, while cutting in half the yearly budget of the Health System and Educational System.
Protip: if you ever get sick in Romania, get the fuck out. Recent groundbreaking investigations have shown that the Health System was so corrupt and inefficient in the last 20 years, that so many people died it can actually get classified as mass genocide by the prosecutors. Why did they die? They got infected in the hospitals by super-bacteria immune to antibiotics.
It's cheap if you have a thriving economy and a good government. We have neither.
Bump for interest with modern Istanbul mosque!
What's with all the coffins out in front?
it literally looks like they gave an autistic muslim a brush and told him "AHMED, DRAW SQUIGGLY LINES EVERYWHERE"
I'd rather have the Mega-Mosque because that mosque wouldn't be paid from my fucking money, how many fucking muslims you think want to live in fucking Romania?even fucking Turkey has it better than us
I hate this country so much sometimes, i mean how can you have so much yet get so little from it? This is Russia tier stupidity
Oy vey.
You're an idiot.
i dont get it
>I'd rather have the Mega-Mosque
>not realising that the Mega-Mosque would turn into a breeding ground for radical islamists and a hot-spot for terrorism activities, right in the middle of your own city
>not realising that Erdogan funds all of these mosques as par of his agenda of neo-ottomanism.
There's a swastika in there
Doubt it.
They just know that they are over in the West, people are exposed to science more than ever with internet, the fairy tales don't convince as much as they did, aside of retards and indoctrinated kids.
The christians are in full damage control since 50 years saying that now the Bible is just an "allegory".
So now if they want survive they must focus populations intelectually inferiors like you see in sub-equatorial Africa and Southern Africa, that implies to be friendly with brownies and so to let Europe be overrun by them without telling jackshit.
Christianity is not good for european people today, the Pope Francis just think about who will pay for the cult during the next century, he does not give a fuck if Europe and USA become mulatto land, he probably thinks it is even better because the more dumb people there are the more religions are popular.
Here let me explain why
>build giant sandnig church
>sandnigs want to pray in sandnig church
>giant sandnig church just happens to be in remove kebab city
>sandnigs come to giant sandnig church, and theres a lot of them
>when they pray based serb makes giant sandnig church go boom
Okay. For anyone interested, this is how aforementioned Serbian mosque is going to look like.
>implying it's not a gas chamber disguised as a mosque
We tried to warn you.
Germany's lap-dog is not allowed in this based Orthodox thread.
Go back to your god damn pope, kufar
Southern America*, not Africa (which is still valid).
>I'd rather have the Mega-Mosque
But it is by far the most hideous one ever envisioned on European soil.
I'm a Serbian Jew. Anything is better than Islam.
Jebemo vas u Palestini svaki dan.
I very much doubt the validity of this website.
I think he was referring to the one that was supposed to be built in Bucharest.
>pic related
This made me kek harder than it should have
Muslim architecture is actually really nice
>Being Orthodox
t. Dindu Nuffin the III
>muh 80000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bosnians
>Orthodox Cathedral
Orthodoxes are even more cucked than Catholics.
t.Sheikh Slavomir Slavoslav,Vassal of the Ottoman empire
>80 million euros
Nigga you are deluded. That's the price of only the structure and nothing else. The paintings, sculptures, decorations, glass and other things like this is estimated to be another 200 million euros. 2
So nobody's bothered about the fact that it is a completely fake article? Alright then.
Wtf i'm from atlantis?
It wasn't even we will make life very hard for you
The Rashiduns basically said "Convert and we'll let you live of glorious Bayt al-Mal welfare and gibsmedat, or else will make life a little inconvenient for you"
>100 years later
>all Byzantine Christians are Muslims
Gypsy thinks he's an expert in statistics - dude if you're poor it doesn't mean I'm not - and the cathedral is built by money from my pocket and other people that have money and gladly donate - now fuck off ;).
Church has nothing to do with politics - if it had your country and mine wouldn't be shitholes, since we're orthodox in majority ;).
I cant even read it, but Sup Forums falls for the bait anyway
do this shit, fucking serbs or all of your males will be cursed to be homosexuals for life.
i will use voodoo and latin prayers granma teached me i swear.
>Croatian news network
Davor you're people will say anything just so people like you will feel good about them self,butt our news sites don't say anything about this plus if this happens it will be build on the soil that the Arabs have bought.
Yep, 80 million for the structure itself, while the rest will not be subsidised by the State, but only by donations.
>The State will not give money out for sculptures, paintings, decorations, glass etc etc, that's just a meme.
thank you, based nigger-aids-monkey
Im not surprised, Americans have a league of their own, Orthodox or not.
Good job gypsy, you spentd €1 billion oublic money on a tacky building built by your mafia church :D
We've same, I think it's the most common.
Atlantic master race reporting in
Your welcome,my Gypo-Pecheneg friend