Is your country as good at LARPing as mine?

Is your country as good at LARPing as mine?

Other urls found in this thread:,_São_Paulo

No country is as good as yours.

No we don't really have any fascist parties in *nglo Canada here, larping sounds like fun though.

Are you saying we don't have a right to exist?


not gonna lie those real life runescape clan wars look pretty fun. If I didnt live in an irrelevant shithole where nobody protests I would go there just to watch

>we have a right to exist

We need our own AFD or FN badly.

>whites have been the majority for over 300 years on this continent but remember those native guys??

You the guy that got bullied by jamaicans?

i am actually really surprised leftists want to use violence, because no way in hell they are winning in that over skinheads

No, that's a different one.
Not every remotely Sup Forums post by a leaf comes from the same one you know.


Nah, stormniggers can fuck off and die.

t. doesn't want to exist

>blacks and mexicans have been the majority for the last 300 years but remember those white guys??

>we have a right to exist

Doesn't have to happen twice, bjork.

Fuck off Sup Forumsleaf

Make up your mind you dumb spic: am I an abo or Chinese? Can't be fucking both. You faggot Sup Forumstards aren't welcome anywhere.

the important thing here is that the american state crumbles. I don't really care which ethnicities are there to see it.

>leftypol deciding what political views are allowed on Sup Forums
You have to go back

>posting a picture of an abo and native character means I'm from Sup Forums
the state of leftism

No one has a right to exist you fag.

The absolute state of leftist twats moyte crikey

>blacks and mexicans have been the majority for the last 300 years but remember those white guys??
Nothing you've said is true though and Mexican is a nationality. Do you mean Latin Americans?

>We need our own AFD or FN badly.

I guess we're in the "cancerous unemployed yank/leaf Sup Forumstard" hours/.

>it's another episode of leftypol getting lost

>if i call him leftypol i dont have to go back!

>if I call him Sup Forums I don't have to go back

its 9 pm on the east coast you brainless lefty twat

Found the redditor who thinks he's using an EBIN insult
You have to go back.

bit sad how desperate you are lad

>le ebin go back meme
Nice try redditor but we see right through you. Back to r/anarchism

How does less white babies being born make me as an individual cease to exist?

>i know about different reddit communities outside of /r/thedonald
Fuck off back to /brit/ddit with your cancer. You aren't British and acting like a massive faggot won't make you British.

what the fuck is going on here
this isn't Sup Forums
is this just discourse and derailing of the thread so people ignore the OP or something?

You know more about reddit than me

Please fuck off you cancerous lefty faggot. You don't belong here.

alright lad i suggest taking a few deep breaths. tell me how its unemployed yank hours again when its 9 pm. you really got us with that one

>79947132 (You)
>79947140 (You)
>being this mad

They're probably shills spouting useless stuff at eachother so the topic gets deleted.

@@79947156(you) (leftypol moderator)
>He says as he spergs out about Sup Forums every day

you both are shit

City near mine... yeah a bit.

wtf are wh*Tes doing in brazil,_São_Paulo