I keep seeing Americans confusing Italians and Irish flags, Scandies flags etc.
Is this a meme or is this the result of an American education?
I keep seeing Americans confusing Italians and Irish flags, Scandies flags etc.
Is this a meme or is this the result of an American education?
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Probably because those countries are very relevant and don't matter at all.
No, we don't have a class in which we sit and learn every country's flag. Do you?
I'm better at recognizing flags than I am geography
Americans are the most retarded when it comes to white cultures. This is why the other extreme on the spectrum can also never tell us who those evil whities are because every white is the same to them
I did one day in fucking elementary school
>Is this a meme or is this the result of an American education?
they look the same to me. is there a slight difference in the colors?
Its because we don't give a shit about you or study your gay ass flags
Italy and Ireland have similar color patterns anyway
This is what goes through the mind of an average American
>European: check
>3 color flag: check
>irrelevant socialist country: check
thats about it
why would we waste our times memorizing flags? it's literally irrelevant.
i had that class too, the problem was mine was taught in spanish
So do you just ignore everything on Sup Forums that's not American?
Its a mixture of really bad education and delusion. Most americans think their country is #1 and that they are somehow blessed for being born there when in reality it is a rapidly declining shithole that has absolutely nothing redeeming about it compared to most of the world and being born in america is basically a lifetime health hazard.
Most European countries are less relevant then our individual states. Do you know all the states flags?
Sup Forums is for american topics. you are a guest and should behave better.
did somebody fart?
Switching Irish and Italy is deliberate, newfag. You'll regularly see people call Italians potato nigger and Irish spaghetti nigger.
Most other mix ups are usually a combination of bantz and retardation.
you are from a place that nobody can find on a map and you post the same exact stupid gif over and over.
don't preach to us. thx.
I remember some American guy from a thread I made
He didn't know where Denmark was
Can't take a joke can you Australia
What about all the political topics that are of central importance to the U.S, but also involve other nations?
When a flag is just three horizontal or vertical bars, or some type of cross, they can be easily confused with each other. Germany is an exception because the color combination is so unique.
Yes, in elementary school. Although I had one of those cool wall-sized world maps with all the flags beneath them so I have always known most of them. It was rather old, though, so I keep confusing those Congo republics and Kosovo, Bosnia etc. But that's a problem I can live with.
They look like company logos.
>Ameritards justifying their ignorance because ""muh irrelevance""
What a bunch of low IQ rednecks
Pure laziness. If after being unsure of a flag for the 50th time and you can't be bothered to mouse over it a few times and learn, you are a lazy fat fingered fuck. I'm colorblind, but you can still fuck with your display to fix that. As for brain damaged stoners the have just lost the ability for new memories, the usual go kill yourselves applies. I guess this mini-rant applies to anyone except for mobile posters, they should either drink bleach or get a job, a home, and a PC.
>captcha select tea
and yet I live in a country that provides me with free high quality health care, free education all the way to university level, guaranteed employment after finishing school, business opportunities due to free movement in the EU / exchange programs etc, free public transport, low living costs, very safe every day life due to low crime and so on
but hey im not from "America" aka the most relevant country in the world (which has none of the things listed above for some reason despite being #1 in the world)
I'll gladly be irrelevant if it means living in a nice peaceful country that cares about me instead of a nigger infested shithole where jewing never stops and mass shootings are a normal every day thing
>What about all the political topics that are of central importance to the U.S, but also involve other nations?
I don't understand the question. Are you talking about mexico? Pretty much every other nation in the world is like a province to us.
Europe is a complicated continent, even Merkel can't point to Germany on a map.
Italy is worst ally ever and as irrelevant as Ireland
It's easy to mix them up, I dont blame the americans
>potato nigger and Irish spaghetti nigger
I had to check because you guys are known for being retarded.
Plus if you look at the other American responses it's apparent it's not a meme for a lot.
your countries and cultures are irrelevant to everyone but yourselves, do you remember every state in the USA?
good 1
How did you get that cropped aussie flag? Is it some kind of meme?
is that way you fucking spaghettinigger wop
is it red white blue vertical for netherlands or red white blue horizontal for france?
Checking my privilege
Okay, here's an example:
>U.S decides it wants to deal with North Korea - moving a battle group into position will likely antagonize (or at least involve) the Chinese Navy
Are you blind or new? Just hover your cursor over the flag and you can see it, Liberia.
>his flag is 3 solid bars
>his flag is a cross on a solid background
>his flag contains the flag of the country that used to own it
The only reason you have any of that is because you rely on American military might to protect your little country. You don't have to spend shit on military and you don't have to worry about other countries like Russia bullying you.
If the United States was protecting your dumb ass Russia would destroy you, Lithuania and Latvia all in about two days.
Not much of a reason to keep track of flags over here desu. We very rarely give a shit about other countries, and we don't regularly visit them either. We are also insulated from other countries by the two massive oceans on either side of the states.
So unique that they share a border with a country that uses the exact same color combination.
>>U.S decides it wants to deal with North Korea - moving a battle group into position will likely antagonize (or at least involve) the Chinese Navy
Oh, ok, I see.
I am not in favor of antagonizing china but we need to keep that fat boy in check.
What are you implying, Indonesia?
Fuck you, Macedonia.
calm down bro it's just a joke
Would you even know where Estonia was though if it wasn't for Google? Hell, most Americans think Europe is a country, and that England is in London somewhere.
>and yet I live in a country that provides me with free high quality health care, free education all the way to university level, guaranteed employment after finishing school, business opportunities due to free movement in the EU / exchange programs etc, free public transport, low living costs, very safe every day life due to low crime and so on
last time I checked the average american has all those things, albeit in a de facto manner.
No one cares Belgium.
Kek I see London is getting antsy
>keeping the fat boy in check
Surely it would also be useful to be able to tell the difference between North and South Korean flags in that endeavor?
>Hell, most Americans think Europe is a country, and that England is in London somewhere.
this simply is not true. I might not know where Singapore is but I know a lot about the English Union.
hit me up with some sick doubles
You realize that if you don't look closely at the tiny ass flags Sup Forums uses, red and orange are nearly indistinguishable, right?
Trips pls
It's because they don't matter.
The same military might that took over 10 years to 'defeat' a bunch of towel heads with AK's in Afghanistan? Say, how long did it take you to 'win' the Vietnam war? Or how about that little fiasco in the middle east that's.. oh I don't know.. still happening?
Very might. Such powerful. Wow.
>Surely it would also be useful to be able to tell the difference between North and South Korean flags in that endeavor?
Modern militaries (like in america) don't rely on a peace of cloth to know friend or foe.
I keep seeing Sup Forumstards confusing Chilean and Texan flags.
Is this a meme or is this the result of an Sup Forumstarded education?
>New Zealand relevant in world affairs
Kek go back to shagging sheep's ya whip fag
that's a meme and you are a fail troll.
we used to have a texas flag when we could choose and it became a meme
What do you mean? Texas has its own flag on here it's the loan stars state
Let's list all of the countries that are irrelevant
This includes countries whose politics pervase the sociopolitical circle despite being irrelevant as fuck
I'll start
The United Kingdom
cmoooooon cis scum!
it's more the fact that they think they know.
If they thought flags of other countries were so irrelevant they wouldn't bring attention to it.
nice trips I hope you get more.
as long as this is a thread about american greatness I will post a fine american classic car.
Don't worry. It's just a meme, Australia.
why does Sup Forums flip pictures.
sweet anti-gav
Take your proxy off, you bloody bogan.
Who are you referring to by 'we'? Last I checked, the U.S seems to give a shit about most states in the middle east, has military bases all over Europe, and the oceans don't seem to have much of a bearing on international travel anymore...
Our military has no problem defeating the enemy. Its the politicians and their fear of the media that prevents them from winning. They install a no shoot unless shot at policy. Troops are forced to become police men. Thats not the role of the military. The media wants a clean war where no civilians are killed.
I manage
Do something worth remembering and we'll remember you, modern europe is a joke
I only care about Canada, USA baby, Texas, Argentina, Italy, Latvia, and Singapore. All the other nations are poor, filled with shitskins and irrelevant
Makes you go hmmmm
Perhaps not during military operations, but your public does when reading the news.
That car blows up though.
>knowing what Latvia is
they probably think latvia is a vegetable
It's because you were posting as an American from Australia. The bits get flipped when they cross the equator, and Sup Forums needs to know where you're from to flip them back.
Are you using an 11 inch CRT, Ameripoor?
Italy and Ireland? Confusing those two is retarded. Ireland and Ivory Coast is tough though. Also, Chad and Romania are the same. Now THAT is retarded.
Fuck off Belgium you're just a type of waffle
>I keep seeing Americans confusing Italians and Irish flags, Scandies flags etc.
Man, I am Italian and keep confusing them too.
And not because I am an idiot, but because some stupid assfuck tuned the Uni PCs in a way that makes it extremely difficult to distinguish proper orange from red.
I can't speak for all Americans but I'm colorblind as fuck. if the Irish and Italian flags are right next to each other I'll be able to tell them apart easily but otherwise I don't really trust my own judgement on orange vs red
>Ireland and Ivory Coast is tough though
>Literally the opposite way round
>American education
>implying america cares about the world
I didnt realize most the jews were polish until last week, i thought the jews fled to poland.
I learned a lot about WW2 recently i was never taught in school.
like the fact the russians won the war.
but at the same time
you dont even teach your kids about america
my GF was told me they literally discussed america leaving for like an hour.
She didnt even know independence day was a thing until she moved out here.
we are number one. your fucking toothpaste gif is probably the most widely recognized thing to come from Estonia
>there are people on here right now who confuse French Guiana and French flags
Top kek what a bunch of uneducated fucktard shitstains on life, sad!
>can't find Estonia on a map
Did you even learn about WW2 and the Soviet union in school? How do you not know European countries?