What does it feel like to have your right wing fantasies crushed daily pol? Pic related.
What does it feel like to have your right wing fantasies crushed daily pol? Pic related
>I'm a muslim
>I regularly consume alcohol
>ISIS is not Islam
>liberals don't know shit about muzzies
Color me surprised. Kudos for using something more creative than Sup Forums BTFO though.
What is an internal conflict?
On a lighter note, why is the british weather like a muslim?
It's either sunni or shiite.
They don't "represent" Islam, but they are Muslims.
>Islamic state is not Islam guys trust me
What do you mean? Is this supposed to really make me think?
Its more like ISIS is the real Islam and the more "moderate" ones are just degenerates who fail to follow the Qaran.
Every time.
>ISIS is violent
>Islamic infighting
>Islam cant be violent
on the contrary it seems to only prove the point
Ramadan was last month
They do though if you take representation as being the majority opinion.
The majority of muslims hold extreme views from a western perspective.
Thats why we used to call them fundamentalists, not extremists.
Just another case of liberals changing words to fit the narrative.
Isis is real islam, others are decadents that are easily forced into submission as their ideology is similar.Its like socialists getting forced into submission by communists pretty easily in civil war.Both are danger, both must be purged.
Robert, is that you?
But seriously, I'll take "sectarian violence" for 1000, Alex.
I agree with that but I also agree that WBC are true Christians and most modern Christians are just faggots.
These people still don't understand that there are rival tribes of islam?
It represents the most fundamental branch of Islam. Just because it doesn't represent his group's branch of Islam, doesn't mean it's not Islam.
>he doesn't know that ISIS has already claimed that the false kube is idolatry
>It's either sunni or shiite.
Islam is not Islam.
this is
nobody is a Muslim
I like christian values but I just think the schism is unavoidable in such big religion.I also have a strong feeling christianity is the reason jews overrun us.Our rules let them obtain power.
This, when will the bigots learn??
>knowing nothing of Islam
>knowing nothing of Shite vs Sunni muslims
How about you educate yourselves?
isnt that funny?
T. Nigel Chap
> Sunni ISIS purging shia heretics from holy city
> Obviously proof they don't adhere to Islam?
OP don't know about mah shia-Sunni schism. Also for being such a small unrepresentative part of Islam, ISIS, and ISIS methodology, sure have a lot of supporters among the "moderates" according to polls
I think you are right.
Jews are taught to deceive whilst we are taught to take it on the chin and treat other like we would like to be treated.
>The majority of muslims hold extreme views from a western perspective.
But the majority of Muslims are poor farmers and shit. They don't even know what they think.
>and shit.
are you a nigger?
They think men should marry and fuck underage girls.
They think women should be beaten by their spouses.
They think public stoning is acceptable.
They sympathise with terrorists.
Stop making excuses for abhorrent people.
It's their interpretation of Islam.
>Muslims killing Muslims never happens.
shias werent allowed this year
>Anglican England went to war with Catholic Spain
>Don't ever say the Native Americans were genocide by Christians
You dumb motherfucker.
That's because you have never once opened a Bible for yourself with an open mind and heart. God loves you user
>Killing backsliding infidels
>Not Muslim
>TFW you literally cannot find one thing that ISIS does that does not follow the Koran to the letter.
Leader of the Islamic state.
Born in Iraq.
Has a doctorate in Islamic Studies.
That he obtained from the Islamic University of Baghdad.
>Not a muslim
Keep burying your head in the sand.
frustrating. How's it feel being a stooge of the neoliberal globalist movement?
Yeah, actual Muslims only rape white women and burn down refugee housing for nicer places to stay when they flee their home in the Middle East.
I've read Leviticus
the Papal armies just invaded Constantinople
don't ever say that the crusades represent Christianity
Catholics and Protestants killing each other in Ireland?
Are neither of them Christian?
If only one of them are Christian, which one?
uh the bible says tho shalt not kill therefore none of them are christians
>I agree with that but I also agree that WBC are true Christians
Eh, not true. Christianity says that if someone rejects the word of god wipe your feet and move on. Not try to get Muh 'merica back.
Romans 12:9
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
>most modern Christians are just faggots.
Probably true. There are methodist and united churches that were ground floor on gay marriage on day 1. There are also new churches that donèt believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and are crawling with liberal faggots.
>inb4 ISIS considers all Muslims outside ISIS to not be Muslims
While this is true, even in the most hardcore Salafist interpretation of Islam, no one is allowed to bomb the Prophet's mosque, and kill people in a city where bloodshed is strictly forbidden
There are even quotes by Muhammad about groups like ISIS, that really accurately describe them, but the most obvious ones in light of recent events are the following two:
“None plot against the people of Medina but that they will melt away as salt is melted by water.” - Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim
Muhammad said “Whoever terrorizes the people of Medina with oppression, then Allah will terrorize him. The curse of Allah, the angels, and the people altogether will be upon him. Allah will not accept his obligatory or voluntary good deeds on the Day of Resurrection.” - Musnad Ahmed
Black people kill black people so black people are not black people.
>From Northern Ireland
Doing pretty well so far.
Islam and holy shouldn't be in the same sentence.
>Muhammad said “Whoever terrorizes the people of Medina with oppression, then Allah will terrorize him. The curse of Allah, the angels, and the people altogether will be upon him. Allah will not accept his obligatory or voluntary good deeds on the Day of Resurrection.” - Musnad Ahmed
But they were "liberating" Medina, user. They were having gay Jewish orgies in the basement of that Mosque. I'm sure of it.
Oh, ok then
>reads Q'uran
Waaaiit a second
I'm not saying it. They are. I gotta go with what they're telling me.
They're not muslim, but they are muslim.
Holy shit, this is some basic shit.
You must be new, or dumb.
Mooselimbs have been slaughtering each other wholesale, since moohamed died. Read a book you dumb nigger. They've been doing shit like that for centuries. Four times your pathetic life at least, mooselimbs have slaughtered each other for believing in the wrong sky person.
This crushes no one, because the only good mooselimb is a dead one.
>mfw Polish
But I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact we have no mudslimes. Like not at all.
Remember folks, Islam is your friend and sometimes you just need to get bombed to help you remember how oppressive you are.
nothing wrong with the quran
>the bible says tho shalt not kill therefore none of them are christians
The Bible says thou shalt not Murder. There is tons of God sanctioned killing in the Bible.
>If only one of them are Christian, which one?
Probably the ones with the lowest amount of civilian bodies.
Red ants just attacked and killed a whole colony of a different species of ants
Don't ever say red ants are ants
>le my book is better than yours meme
you admitted there exists good peaceful ants
Which testament sanctions killings? Old or new?
>Read the koran
>Kill and murder degenerates and non-believers written on every second page.
New came to confirm the Old.
I didn't say they were peaceful, Mehmet. Go back to your Parisian ghetto.
muslims killing other muslims
>somehow nothing to do with islam
ok hadji
islam isnt a unified religion. much like christianity there are many versions with a different emphasis on different things
the thing is they attack each other and they do it on religious holidays. this has been going on well before isis existed.
its accurate to say that this sort of activity is known to occur within islam. christians dont bomb each other on christmas
So the creature is finally biting its creator. Saudi Arabia is finally tasting what it unleashed.
Where did he admit that? Just because one group killed another doesn't mean the killed group was good in the first place...
Damn nigga that's a funny-ass joke
So if in Christianity God is Jesus, who is allah? How do muslims know god of god?
Old testament, but Jesus recommends taking up the sword in self-defense and only in that context. Not the same conquering ideas of the old Jewish Tribes.
31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
33 But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.”
34 Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”
35 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”
“Nothing,” they answered.
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’[b]; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
“That’s enough!” he replied.
>Man kills man
>"See? women need to stop whining."
If I burned down an Anglican Church (that wasn't pilfered from the Catholics and later desecrated by the Anglicans, through their worship of their Pagan Queen) then I'd be more Christian, not less Christian. Not that I would, they're basically a dead Church anyway.
What's it like not to know what a no true Scotsman fallacy is OP?
Underrated kek
The problem is of course, that the medieval middle eastern Muslim definition of "innocent" is much different than the modern western one.
Modern western:
Dindu Nuffin
Medieval Muslim:
Dindu Nuffin and is a religious Muslim that observes all Muslim practices or a newcomer that hasn't rejected Islam and two Muslims can't be found to testify publicly against them.
Or, dindu nuffin and is a Christian or Jew that pays the Jizya, and local Muslims have not decided to hate them for some trivial bullshit reason.
stolen from jason manford
thats a very islamic thing to do, actually
All pagan infidels and Muslim apostates are not innocent by Quranic definition as well.
The exceptions to these things would be found in Sufi Islam which is as about as rare in the East as Christian Science is in the west.
tl;dr Muslim apologists are fucking retarded
what's wrong with malta?
How does this in any way "crush" my fantasies? Sand rats killing other sand rats is literally the definition of good news.
This. There is no such thing as an "innocent" Muslims either, all Muslims are guilty of Devil-worship.
ISIS doesn't 'represent' Islam.
Nobody every said it 'represents' Islam.
Denying that ISIS is inspired, funded and thoroughly the byproduct of Wahabbi ideology exported from Saudi Arabia is equally if not more stupid though.
>No true scotsman fallacy overlooked when convenient for liberals
You had to remind me of that horrible map- again?
I'm scared user
>2nd holiest city
does god rank them?
This is what happens when you (in this case the Saudis) fund a bunch of radical morons. Somewhere down the line they are gonna stop listening and shit like this happens
fuck the saudis, it's time they had their share of the cake
Fucking damage control.
NRA member just shot a barrel full of baby's in the middle of an NRA meeting.
Don't ever say the NRA represents NRA.
>salafists are the most orthodox and true to the religion sect of Islam
>it's not representative of Islam
Is it mere ignorance, or cognitive dissonance?