I saw this on kikebook recently. This fucking degenerate faggot thinks that men need to be feminine.
His head will be turned into pulp after a visit from the death squads.
Daily reminder, Ulster is British.
I saw this on kikebook recently. This fucking degenerate faggot thinks that men need to be feminine.
His head will be turned into pulp after a visit from the death squads.
Daily reminder, Ulster is British.
Those stats have less to do with how men expression themselves and more to do with how hard it is to make your way today than it was 60 years ago.
This attitude is why our children are growing up to be transsexuals and other degenerates.
This is a hard world and I won't allow my children to be pussies.
There is nothing wrong with openly expressing your emotions as long as you deal with them in productive ways. Ever wondered why the suicide rate in men is so high in proportion to women?
Well said. Now all we need to do is embrace traditional values.
Weve got a entire generation of emasculated faggots that cant get laid and are of no real interest to women besides milking for money and attention
Why are women so fucking dishonest?
>for every 8 murderers sentenced, 7 are men
That's just sexism. Women are privileged and it needs to stop.
Crybabies still kill people. Look at 3/4 of the autists that have shot up schools or public places? You know they were little bitches as children.
You don't need to be a pussy to not be violent. Nigger culture is violent and lacks honor. Honor is supposed to keep you from randomly going around punching people and what not.
Violence is only needed for justice and self-defense. Perfectly acceptable traits in a man.
I sure hope you blanked out that name as bait.
Feminizing back men is a good thing imo
We are biologically made to be less expressive and less emotionnal.
It's proven that testosterone makes it very hard to cry for example.
The only time I've cried in four years was when I got laid off on the same day I found that I had bedbugs. I broke down but it still took some kind of 'effort' to cry.
Men are just more effectivly at doing things, including killing themselves.
>men can't be feminine
Keep on with that 19th century mindset, Ivan
its somewhat true
ignoring your emotions is bad
but it's up to you to deal with them
Faggot. A man is only allowed to cry twice: when his children die and when his children being him new life. Everything else is weakness.
I have never cried once in my late 20's or early 30's. I think when you get older you are able to process things a bit better. I had no problems crying as a kid.
Although quite honestly I would likely lose my shit if my mother died.
But he's right repressing emotions leads to depression in men...
Also this That doesn't mean you should cry all the time. That shit is bad for women too anyway. Nobody likes a chick who cries often.
I know, leave me alone.
A boy should never show emotion like a girl. Crying is for pussies. My son is being raised that pride is forever and to never be weak.
That'll make him kill himself. If you want him to become a stoic then it's best to take him to lots of tragic museums or something as a kid.
that's how I'm raising my wife's son.
kill the feminazi
Being manly is Glorious. If you are not glorious you can be a pussy and cry all day long.
untill he starts feeling overwhelmed by stressors
then what?
probably nothing as he wont tell you what's bothering him
This african kid should rather be happy to receive an injection.
>men are violent
Its like
Testosterone increases aggression
I remembered getting bullied to shit because I cried easily. Never again.
>Tell men to be more feminine
>Invest millions in anti bullying campaigns
>Suicide rates begin increasing instead ssince 2001
>Conclusion: It's because we aren't making them feminine enough
If the nigger can't cry as a child, the police will make him cry as adult.
Nice sources, legitimate statistics, and inferred causation there, buddy.
>He fell for the test meme
Men become aggressive when their hormones are imbalanced generally means they have low test
>"...this culture of hyper masculinity"
>every straight man today is gayer than faggots were 50 years ago
>All fifty states in the United States have passed school anti-bullying legislation, the first being Georgia in 1999
>From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among American ages 35 to 64 increased nearly 30 percent. The largest increases were among men in their fifties, with rates rising nearly 50 percent, to 30 per 100,000.
See, the REAL problem is that we just haven't funded antibullying enough, need mo' money for dem programs
Crying: The only way to express oneself!
Children cry because they are powerless over their environment and situations involving them, ditto for women.
Men were taught not to cry but to take action and control of their environment.
what's this buttery new Ulster meme?
feminazi is all men`s enemy
>From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among American ages 35 to 64 increased nearly 30 percent. The largest increases were among men in their fifties, with rates rising nearly 50 percent, to 30 per 100,000.
Why would any of those groups be affected by said anti-bullying laws? They're all long out of the kind of environments those apply to.
Manly men rule. I like clean smart women.
I welcome you to read through those articles to determine where suicide rates have decreased.
In fact, I welcome any evidence that antibullying legislation or "being more feminine" has done anything but exacerbate suicide rates.
and when his favorite stock car racer finishes first
Fucking cucks.
Remember my father crying only once in his lifetime - when my grandfather (his father) died.
My mother on the other hand would cry over some gazelle being eaten on national geographic or some character on her tv soaps getting married.
When men cry - you know some serious shit just happened.
>Ulster is British
Fuck off orange cunt
You just answered your own question bro
Well, its stupid to not let kids cry. Of course it depends on situation, dont teach kids that they will get what they want if they just cry but they can cry if they feel bad for some reason.
Kids are kids, they will cry, in fact you should probably have them checked out for some mental illness if they suddenly stop crying at a young age.
But when they get older they need to learn to stop crying. Do you know why men dislike crying? Because it is not productive.
Nice job blurring out the names on top retard
Lmao I mean if you want to keep shooting down men and giving them further emotional problems, go ahead. People that actually care for men will take the mantel while you post neckbeard crusader fanfiction art on Sup Forums