Why was Steve Bannon portrayed as the angel of death on SNL?

Why was Steve Bannon portrayed as the angel of death on SNL?

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Trump's so bad!

Here's a better question: Why would anybody watch SNL or care?

Their ratings go up higher the more they bash Trump.

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Because the goyim need to be taught that Trump = Hitler so next time they won't misbehave and vote against Soros' candidate

>from 40 viewers to a whole 50
wow, that's a lot more old boomer faggots that are tunning in.
too bad no one under the age of 30 watches it. and no one under the age of 20 knows what SNL even is

Ask the President of the United States of America.

*audience boos and hisses*
*audience cant control their laughter*


>Overall, “SNL” viewership for the season to date is up 19% in adults 18-49 (3.5 vs. 2.9 rating) and up 22% in total viewers (10.6 million vs. 8.7 million) over the comparable period in the 2015-16 season. This marks the show’s strongest ratings performance in 22 years, since the 1994-95 season, according to NBC.

>Trump cucks in charge of counting

>implying (((trump))) is on your side, goy



what did he mean by this?

>Soros' candidate
As if Mercer's candidate is any better.

>implying last nights speech didn't prove Trump is the best president this country has seen in decades
Maybe you should actually watch it. Bet the only thing you ShariaBlue people know about it is that a bunch of women wore white dresses.

Didnt he have a stroke?

What part of the speech implied he wasn't a Jewish or Soros puppet?

>this level of damage control

Trump's a kike, accept it you goyim animal

Kek I can't wait for you fags to get butthurt with trump being the best president America has ever seen.

Reminder that Hillary should've won


Do Trump supporters actually think he'll be a good president? Like, unironically?

Many of the posters on this website only experienced Bush and Obama.

He's the new Hoover.


Because he sucks

This, why do drumpfcucks actually want to help filthy niggers instead of keeping them on welfare? Fuck this place. City people voted for Hillary.

Because they're not conservative


Bannon literally has described himself as 'darth vader' and 'a leninist'.
it's just a quick step to 'angle of death'.

The good old days

Fun fact, this is what literally everyone has said about literally every cast of SNL since 1980. I even remember the big Rolling Stone article from like 94/95 saying SNL was dead right when Myers, Farley,Sandler,Spade and others were just getting started. 10 years ago everyone was going on about how awful Wiig, Forte, Aremison, Rudolph, Poelher and Sedakius were and now their considered classic. SNL is always dismissed when it airs and recognized as great years later.

SNL was always bad with occasional exceptions.

Baldwin is good

He wants to be Karl Rove so bad. He's no Karl Rove, nor is he a Cheney.

>a speech
>proves he's a great president