The "Why Don't They Just Comply" Meme

Hey, Sup Forums. Black guy reporting.

In the wake of recent events involving the death of Alton Sterling at the hands of Baton Rouge police, I'd like to confront the whole "they should just comply" meme.

I'm a college-educated IT professional. I work an office job. But that doesn't stop the police from harassing me. Of the several times I've been wrongfully taken into custody, I've had my share of being manhandled by the police.

What didn't matter was how compliant I was, or how careful I was, or how polite I was.

No sane man wants to be slammed onto the hood of a police cruiser in front of his frightened children, only to have the case later dismissed against me because there was absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing: The police simply claimed that my behavior was "suspicious" on my way to check my mail in front of MY HOUSE--the one I bought in the suburbs--after my new neighbors saw me and reported my presence in "their" neighborhood.

To this day, I have never received so much as a traffic or parking ticket. I've never been convicted of a crime, nor cited as a suspect.

But that doesn't stop an angry police sergeant who's frothing at the mouth like an angry dog looking for confrontation.

My guess is that Sup Forums would rather blame stereotypical niggers and statistics than the PUBLIC SERVANTS who are PAID TO DO THEIR JOBS.

Other urls found in this thread:

i agree. the situation is really fucked up.

>What didn't matter was how compliant I was, or how careful I was, or how polite I was.
BULLSHIT. Cops leave notes for the judge.

-t. Half black court worker.

niggers gonna nig

you complied and you weren't shot

whats the problem here?

You don't belong in the USA get out if the situation is bothering you.
Or, make your people, the people that you will always be associated with and rightfully so, comply.

>things that didnt happen to this particular person

Rot in prison you fucking asshole

>I've been wrongfully accused of wrongdoing by the police
>only to have the case later dismissed against me because there was absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing
I see. So you're saying that you should let the judicial system work things out, instead of flipping your shit the moment a cop starts hassling you. Thanks, but white people already know this.

A part of their job is to catch potential criminals and racial profiling is absolutly justified.


You still haven't given a proper reason as to why you don't just comply. Also maybe you should be living with your nigger brothas and helping them improve, not fleeing to a white neighbourhood and expecting us to tolerate your thinly veiled hatred of whites.

>Cops leave notes for the judge.
BULLSHIT. The cops lied and said I was acting in a suspicious manner.

Once the judge checked my address and found the incident happened in front of my own home, he dropped the charges with prejudice.

Sorry you come from a race of violent chimps and police profile you because you are far more likely to be committing a crime then regular people.

Now fucking shut your bitch mouth and do something positive in the black community to get the image changed.

Even if every single thing you said was true, which I doubt, resisting arrest is the wrong answer and will get you killed or roughed up. Righteously so.

the fact still remains that he didnt do as the officers told him to do multiple times. you can pretend its never black peoples fault all you want but it was caught on camera

I don't believe you. I grew up south miami and while theres some shit cops for the most part they werent abusive like you see in all these videos. These are all isolated incidents and cops are not done evil race of sorry nazis. Cops aren't going around seeming blacks because they hate them. Act right and they won't fuck with you. I'm mixed race btw. When the cops show up just fucking stand still


>The cops manhandled me

Yeah, but you weren't shot to death, were freed and were able to sue for police wrong doing afterward instead of being shot to death.

THAT is why you comply.

stay woke brother

This desu

Blacks (like jews) just have a persecution complex. No males of any race have pleasant interactions with cops. Blacks just whine about it the most, even though they commit over 50 of all violent crime including murder. And yet, research shows that cops are more hesitant to shoot black suspects than white suspects:

Based on the amount of crime that black males commit, you're lucky that they all aren't rounded up and shot on that fact alone. Have some gratitude.

Why are you on Sup Forums

There is no proof your anecdote is truthful or that you are even a black man. Try appealing to emotion elsewhere.


>things that never happened

My family and I have been harassed ever since we moved to this neighborhood. It's as if we aren't supposed to be able to afford to live here.

But I live here because it's close to my job, and fuck me if I want a decent home and school district to raise my children in. I'm not trying to prove a point to anyone. I'm just a fucking American trying to do my job and raise my family.

Exactly my point was proven: Even when complying to social standards I am accused.

This is amazing.

Didn't happen, but another dead black man is one less crime committed fampai

Shit that never happened, the post.

I wonder if Blacks realize that the reason the Po-Po doesn't like Niggers is because for the past 2 decades the Black culture in America has been about thugs, crime and being retarded with a nice icing of hate the Po-Po.

Combine that with the spur of anti police crimes created by BLM that go as far as assassination attempts, and maybe just maybe cops now hate niggers and for a legitimate reason.

In my honest opinion rather than wasting a nigger. The police should do something similar to ambulance drivers that pick up thugs do, which is take the long way to the hospital so that they might bleed out. In case of the Police they can take 20 minutes longer if not an hour longer to respond to ghetto calls.

And then let's see what people think when cops kill someone attempting to resist arrest and reach for a gun.

How many of those times were you an armed felon who had recently threatened someone with a firearm and actively attempted to fight the police that were addressing you?

I completely agree that cops are racist and unnecessarily violent thugs. However, that doesn't happen in an echo chamber. It happens in part because shitbirds like Alton sterling
Create situations where a simple arrest turns into a life or death situation for the cops as well as the perp

Also you must have been compliant enough, you're still walking and talking. When you go toe to toe with a cop or go for the gun that goes beyond noncompliance

EXACTLY. If you do what your supposed to do and the cops use excessive force wax their ass in court!

You could always try Zimbabwe.

Wasn't this Sterling guy a pedophile?

Go back to Africa.
We don't like you here.

>the police simply claimed that my behavior was "suspicious" on my way to check my mail
>OP is literally claiming he was arrested on his own property whilst checking the mail
Question this.

And sage.

acting suspicious isnt a charge retard

I hear Liberia and Zimbabwe are look for IT professionals. You should move there. Check out the new high tech communication network they are perfecting.

This is why segregation is useful.
In a society with black cops you wouldn't have to deal with the racism of the whites and their unreasonable requests.
The multi ethnic model creates only unnecessary tensions.

So you admit that you've never chimped out and you're still alive to tell the tale.

This really gets my brain pondering.

Fuck you, you spoiled child, you live in the greatest country on Earth, globally speaking in the lap of absolute luxury with most of your fellow countryman abjectly kissing your arse for approval.

Fuck I'd exchange my pretty bungalow in a nice suburb here in the UK for a fucking van by the municipal dump in the US in a heartbeat. Imagine exchanging 30 million whining blackies with 30 million European Ameriboos. You'd never get us away from the shooting range.

Is Yorkshire tea widely available in Freedom-land?

Whats up with these jews today beeing somewhat based.

Yes I believe so. The cops did us a favor by killing him.

Beaner in AZ here..

I get stopped by the police lots too. I just talk like a white person and they let me go in short order, so not sure what your issue is.

Fuck off nigger

Things that never happened for 500, Alex.

Kike taqiya

I sympathize.

Sup Forums can not claim to subjectively understand what your reality looks like.

Well if your people weren't responsible for so many open and active crimes in America it wouldn't be the case. I think it's great that you want equality and have worked so hard to achieve it by doing everything possible to what a sense of normalcy is for the average middle class american. But dont get mad at white America because 13% of the population is responsible for so much crime in the country. That's a problem amongst the black community, not us. The second you guys start doing away with trashy culture is the second there won't be a need to profile blacks anymore.

T. Pew community psychologist and trend analysist

Maybe in Kikeistan, but their job in America is to catch criminals, criminal suspects, and individuals who do not comply with state or municipal law. Not individuals that "look like" potential criminals.

Actually, it does matter how compliant you are, because if you hadn't been compliant your ass would've gone to jail. Compliance isn't optional, if you do not comply with the police within the bounds of their authority, you're guilty of resisting arrest.

If a cop beats your ass with a baton when you're complying, you sue the department for a gorillion dollars and laugh all the way to the bank. If you DON'T comply, you get shot. It's an easy choice. Always comply, even if they are in the wrong.

I don't understand how this is difficult to understand. Are there dick cops? Yes. Is giving one of them a legal excuse to murder you a good idea? How does that follow logically? Sure, the police should be held to higher standards, but every time some dipshit dies because he resisted arrest and then a bunch of niggers riot, we get FURTHER from that goal rather than closer.

If the civil rights movement had been run by the same idiots who run BLM, blacks would never have gotten the vote, because any sane person seeing a bunch of screeching chimps throwing chairs at people and burning down neighborhoods would vote against it. Same thing here, Sup Forums is just more honest than most of the public. The fact is that when regular people see DINDU NUFFIN they do not gain sympathy for black people, they lose it.

Yeah it sucks but not complying will make everything worse

You should leave to your historic homelands, where a black man can feel free from the racial chains that keep a brother down, and truly live like KINGZ and QUEENZ your bright melanoid race really is.

Psyop to win your hearts and minds so they can cuck you some more.

The nigs they're encouraging to leave their home countries, they're sending straight to Scandinavia.

I've been getting more and more "racist" lately, annoyed with BLM, etc.

And the fact is that cops don't just kill black people in this manner, despite the left MSM's insistence on only reporting on the deaths that suit their narrative. You don't see media coverage when a cop executes a white man in cold blood, only when the victim is black.

But that doesn't change that this cop straight up murdered this nig.

Anyone who's defending this cop is as bad as an SJW. They're so committed to their ideology that they can't acknowledge when something occurs which doesn't suit THEIR narrative.

This black dude, whether he was non-compliant, stupid, a thug, or "deserved" it, was straight up murdered. The murderous cop was arrested, and he will be convicted.

There is always a reason if the cops take you in. Maybe you live in a high crime or drug area, do you do any kind of drugs? If not look at the people you hang out with if they are shady it reflects on you and can raise suspicion. Long story short if this is happening to you there is a reason and you need to examine your life and behavior.

Uh we have twinings. I drink the earl grey all the time it's pretty great. But I'm sure if you went to some speciality shop up could find it.

Was kinda born here. I work here.

I'm supposed to NOT COMPLAIN about being treated like a criminal where I pay taxes?

Fuck even Donald Trump complains about America...why doesn't he just take the next Trump shuttle back to Europe?

>acting suspicious isnt a charge retard
No kidding!

>Pic related
>Me with a couple of my patents

Sorry man, the world doesn't revolve around your special snowflake appeal.

Your race is a tumor to this country and you are rightly biggoted against. Tough luck being born black, but look at the statistics and you will know instantly why you are a target.

Blame nature, other blacks, "da man", whatever. But you are in that catagory and are basically a deemed a domestic threat by association.

It sucks, but its accurate to assume.

Who's tits?

>supporting mass immigration of any kind

Basically this. If you want to be mad at someone you should be mad at your "brothers".

Shut up nigger.

Your alive right Douche bag. Stay woke fool.

This. Police can be rough from time to time but they have no fucking clue who they are dealing with. For all they knew OP could have been and armed robber ready to chimp out

Nope, there's age discrimination - because old people commit less crime. There's gender discrimination - because women commit less crime. And, there's race discrimination - because whites commit less crime.
The point of the police is to effectively enforce the law but also to prevent crime, and they can use whatever statistical knowledge they have to maximise their success.
You can argue that cops shouldn't check people's pockets and cars at all, fine, but you can't argue that if they do check them, they can't check blacks more than whites.

>No sane man wants to be slammed onto the hood of a police cruiser in front of his frightened children,
I'm sure violently resisting will make this so much better.
I'm sure all those police officers that encounter belligerent niggers on a daily basis for what should be routine do not become more prejudiced against black people.

Its like you fucking niggers are the architects of your own oppression.

Fuck off, Berniecuck.

Listen up, nigger. Your race is 13% of America and commits an overwhelming amount of our crime. Police are suspicious of your black ass because you are way more likely than me or any other white guy (or asian guy) to be a criminal. Physical appearance is the easiest and most immediate identifier, and race is the most visible physical trait there is. If you have a problem with that, either fix the nigger population as a whole (good fucking luck) or move someplace where niggers either don't commit crimes disproportionately (good fucking luck) or are the majority and therefore don't get profiled (Africa).

Since those first two options are not possible and the third you won't do since I'm sure you LIKE living in a civilized country, you can deal with being profiled a little bit.

And as he said he was never convicted or shot, so they didn't 'catch someone who looks like a criminal', they checked him and moved on when they saw he's a law abiding citizen.

This thread and their contributors confirm that USA is a shithole to be avoided at all costs.

You don't belong here. The cops are just reminding you of that. White countries are for whites. Inevitably whites will cleanse the nig nog, jewish, arab, and hispanic filth ruining our civilizations. Fuck off nigger, go live in Africa where you belong.

I knew you guys weren't all bad. Can we trade all the dope dealing gangster beaners for some solid euros too?

There is extremely beneficial immigration in some cases. For an example, if germans had not been guilt-tripped to suicide, their immigration plans would be concerned at attracting back the german diasporas in brazil, russia, and other nations, where offshot groups of the same nationality had been wishing to return, yet lack the means.

For a true KINGZ to return to liberia or wherever such fantastic offshots of the human species (witch was historically all black, btw) originate from, would do wonders to that country. They would, with their culture of hard work and education gained from america, turn it into a true Israel.2

This, you didn't die. Cops will even manhandle other officers out of uniform.

Divide-and-conquer shills get out.

If law abiding citizens like OP are treated like criminals but crooked Hillary walks, what does that say about our values as Americans?

I'm black and I've dealt with racist cops. If you don't start acting like a fucking chimp then you won't get killed. Due to the amount of crimes niggers(not all blacks are niggers) commit you are more likely to be seen as a threat even if innocent. Just get over it. If you want to change it you can, by helping change black communities and reduce crime than we wouldn't look like and be presumed criminals so much.

when, what, 80%? of black men stop violently either robbing, raping or murdering at some point in their lives, then you get the benefit of being treated like a member of society, until then, take it up with your "brothers"

> Or, make your people, the people that you will always be associated with and rightfully so, comply.

exactly how?

Please help make lemons into lemonade.

Call the DOJ, put them on auto dialer, pay a neighbor hood kid a few bucks to call.
> pic related.

From everything that happened today, there is no reason not to convict her for perjury. She lied under oath at a congressional hearing.

That's a felony. They won't convict her on email. Fine, help me play 3D chess. Call them and ask why she's not under charges for blatant perjury.

It's your right as a tax payer. Get involved, Carpe Diem. Do something other than complain.

Shit just copy pasta the fuck out of my post, if you don't want to do anything else. If WE don't do this, who will?
#rigged system

Fuck you NIGGER

When youre part of a race that commits the majority of violent crimes, it's safe to assume the possibility of a chimpout is high.

>Hey, Sup Forums. Black guy reporting.
Irrelevant to the topic at hand - kill yourself nigger. Or better yet just don't comply with a police officer and get lawfully killed.

Black man here I have been stopped before too and I did what the officer said and every time he let me go so you are full of shit.

So you would rather resist and die?

>My case was dismissed after the judge checked the police report

Pull your pants up and quit sagging like a nigger.

Jews practice racial profiling in Israel. If it looks like a Palestinian, it's assumed to be a terrorist

What you don't seem to understand is if a cop lawfully tells you to do something you fucking do it. It doesn't matter if he beats your ass, that is what civil courts exist for, to get compensated for getting mistreated by a cop.

If a cop talks to me, I will say I am will willfully comply with your orders, place my hands behind my back and do not try to dissuade them. You can't talk your way out of anything with them so do not try. You listen and if they violate your rights you sue them in a civil court. That is how the system is set up. So fucking do it.

Do the Germans abroad want to live in Germany? They may have better business abroad, and they may like where they live, especially given the taxation and regulation levels.

Africans still strongly distrust African Americans for what they did to Liberia as well as their cultural degeneracy, and view them as little different than European colonists in this regard.

Go back to Africa nigger.

Black lives don't matter.

>the eternal Tyrone thinks american police is ''unfair''
kek, american negroes have the best treatment a nigger can have worldwide, maybe except one or another european country.
Check your privilege.

>blacks openly racist by excusing it with victim culture
>creates hostile environment for cops in predominately poor, black areas
>cops under perform by losing composure or by being too guarded

Racism is a significant cause of police not doing their jobs well, but blacks aren't the only ones on the receiving end of racial prejudice. You wanna fix police brutality? Fix the black community's racism, remove the victim culture, after that everything else will follow.

You should go chimp out in the streets and loot the inner cities to express your college education

So what you're saying is that the 99% of your ethnic group are giving you bad rep?

What kind of mind boggling mental gymnastics you have to go through to blame this on the evil cops?

Australia with the shitposting yet again.

t. nigger

Germans in Brazil have expressed interest in returning to germany, if accomodations would have been made for them, just as the Boers had signaled extreme interest in returning to europe if anyone would welcome them.

Liberia would welcome bright members of the Afro community to be the driving life force of their nation.

Big Brother whore called Sam Heuston.

Hey, Sup Forums. White guy reporting.

In the wake of recent events involving the death of Alton Sterling at the hands of Baton Rouge police, I'd like to confront the whole "they should just comply" meme.

I'm a college-educated IT professional. I work an office job. But that doesn't stop the police from harassing me. Of the several times I've been wrongfully taken into custody, I've had my share of being manhandled by the police.

What didn't matter was how compliant I was, or how careful I was, or how polite I was.

No sane man wants to be slammed onto the hood of a police cruiser in front of his frightened children, only to have the case later dismissed against me because there was absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing: The police simply claimed that my behavior was "suspicious" on my way to check my mail in front of MY HOUSE--the one I bought in the suburbs--after my new neighbors saw me and reported my presence in "their" neighborhood.

To this day, I have never received so much as a traffic or parking ticket. I've never been convicted of a crime, nor cited as a suspect.

But that doesn't stop an angry police sergeant who's frothing at the mouth like an angry dog looking for confrontation.

My guess is that Sup Forums would rather blame stereotypical niggers and statistics than the PUBLIC SERVANTS who are PAID TO DO THEIR JOBS.