Will we ever see a show this good again?

will we ever see a show this good again?

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what did he mean by this?

You spelled shit wrong.

this isnt r9k faggot you dont gotta be a special snowflake with your posts

it's the first image from google, genius
at least half of those are indeed the same guy though

there aren't any mistakes actually

Why can't netflix pick them up or something?
It's sad when on of the only original and creative shows get put down before it has even begun to peak

netflix is the most sjw cucked network out there right now

They would never pick up this literally hitler.

Let's face it, the show was utter trash. If it wasn't created (or shitted out) by a right wing edgelord then nobody would care. Sam Hyde is a failure. He probably had a lot of his friends saying "dude you're so funny wow you are the BEST ooh man how you so edgy?", and believed them. The fact that this was aired in the first place was a huge mistake from AS, not because of the political context, but simply because it was amateurish rubbish. It was like the work of a 14 year old high school student with a camera and a couple of friends and some vague ideas about right wing ideology. Mouthing David Duke? That was SO embarrassing. It was the behaviour of a young man not clever enough for satire and not brave enough for overt politicisation. Just kill yourself Sam. You'll be dead soon anyway, either from heart failure linked to your obesity, or AIDS from your tranny fucking and face poking.

You should be ashamed if you think this was a good comedy show. Just the same way that you should be ashamed if you think Nickelback is good rock music.

Why would Netflix want to revive a 0/10 trash show for retarded, edgy teens?

Netflix is quite varied, unlike your bigoted views.


this is as good as television gets

make way for true comedy kino
















lol obvious paid shill post

didnt read

You clearly did read it you obese tranny obsessed failure without health insurance.

this is pretty funny desu

because no one will watch again

lol as if you cant smell libcuck george soros shills just from the formatting alone

from a glance you arent worth the 3 cents per post they pay you

What happens?

Hi Joe (((Bernstein)))

I'm an English comedy fan, nothing more. Take deep breaths and lie down for a while. Don't let yourself get all worked up about me and put your fat heart at risk without health insurance in place first.

My back hurts

Don't worry, Tim. It's better to have a sore back than a SHOW THAT IS NEVER EVER EVER COMING BACK!

For god's sake, Sam. Have some dignity and let it die. Move on. You're just not meant to be rich and famous. Get a real job.

I agree. It's tragic to watch.

Oh well, maybe he can try again with a new liberal persona once all the Trump and Alt-right nonsense dies down and the grown ups are back in charge. He strikes me as the type of person that will change his views in order to follow the money. We'll see him again in 4 years as a liberal comedian if he survives that long without health insurance.

Stay away from those transexuals and lose some weight, Sam, you silly sausage!

>no goobers bit
They should have done a goobers bit
i luh me sum clork

sam isn't here you retards

Is Sam gay? Serious question

it aint't gay if you close your eyes and imagine a big n thicc sweaty girl. an ass is an ass after all

If you had your eyes closed and were imagining a "bigg n thicc sweaty girl" as you fucked a man in the ass (a man is somebody with male reproductive organs), and your mum walked in and saw you, then she would probably consider it pretty gay.

He let a tranny fuck his face/ass and he proposed to "her" multiple times

poor sam

No one watched it when it was on

They had to shill it to shit to get 4ch to watch it

The only reason I'm inclined to believe this is Sam shilling is that only an unemployed person would post the same thread 14 times in three and a half days.

Does he think samefagging will give him health insurance?

This is now a dubs thread.