chimpout imminent
Other urls found in this thread:
>im a shitlib
>i made another thread
>hurr chimpouts can happen in the south
Wasn't he going for a gun? The store owner confirmed the perp had a gun in their pocket and cops told him to stop reaching before they shot him.
Theres literally nothing here....
I don't fucking care anymore. In fact, I wish more criminals were executed on the streets. We have grown soft on criminality, giving people too many second chances.
Sure, maybe this time it wasn't justified. But the experience learns that most of the time, it is. And I just don't care anymore. There are no headlines when Boers in SA are tortured to death in their own homes. There are no headlines when Islamic invaders murder people for shits and giggles. There are no headlines when leftists plants bombs and attack their opponents.
But there are headlines when members of the most criminal demographic in the US die during one of their many altercations with the police. I don't care. I don't give a fuck. They could be lining up entire ghettoes at this point, and I'd just shrug. I'm done. I'm full. I can no longer deal with this dichotomy of ONLY caring about the plight of non-whites. So I choose to be as callous as they are to my own race. And that means I don't care. In fact, I think it's a good thing. That's what they think when a Boer gets it, or a Euro native. So that's what I think of the outsider, now. The enemy. Good riddance.
Still execution style, we're not living in the world of The Last of Us. Still don't understand why more advanced nonlethal weapons are used by the police. I mean its 2016. And I'm not saying guns shouldn't be justified, just that police need a bigger toolset and a not so trigger happy culture
quads confirm nigger deserved it
This. Best thing I've read on Sup Forums in a long time.
>police need a bigger toolset and a not so trigger happy culture
Maybe the niggers need a less trigger-happy culture. What business did this dumbass have carrying a weapon? Why did he reach for it when it's 100% guaranteed to cause his death? Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Someone give this man a medal. This is how you deal with niggers.
Yeah man, we need more police protocol because niggers like to carry fucking guns in their waist band illegally.
Fucking kill yourself.
Just argued with my gf over this. I'm from SA with dutch lineage and she started saying how bad it is in the US. The guy had a gun.
It's not like he had a farm and had his family tortured and raped in front of him before a clubbing to death.
Or a stabbing (cuisin) on the street just because he is white and blonde.
>I mean its 2016
Don't do that unironically.
i'm glad there isnt in BLM in central florida
we luckily had no mobs when a local cop shot a kid an a painted up airsoft rifle.
>I mean its 2016.
That's not an argument.
They already tasered him AND tackled him AND warned him and he still went for the gun.
Fuck man, let's grab a beer sometime
That officer did nothing wrong
He was a well behaved gentleman who was simply trying get his life going back in the proper direction
He was also frequented the local church every Sunday
Hours before alton died he was out in the neighborhood spreading the word of jesus christ
Implying the nigger didn't deserve it. Good I'm glad it happened. Fuck niggers.
>it's 2016! Come on!
>Sup Forums is happy that a COMMUNAL SERVANT just abused his power to execute an American citizen in cold blood
>Just because his skin was black
>Sup Forums proceeds to ignore the fact that before black people were introduced to the US, regular working class whites were the ones who suffered the most from the establishment
I'm sure you faggots will be laughing when it's you lined up against the fire wall.
>B-b-but I thought I was white!?!?!?!?!
From a tactical perspective, the equation works like this: for every tool on your belt it increases your reaction time by about 1/5 of a second. Having access to too many tools can be a detriment to your survival. Besides OC, impact devices, a taser and a pistol, we are already at 4/5 of a second to utilize the correct tool with 100% efficiency. Get right asshole.
Did you think we'd be BTFO or something? Lmfao
The man reached for a gun. I see no problem with a summary execution. Had the nigger been capable of communicating like a human, he'd probably be alive.
I heard BLM interrupted some gay Orlando strong vigil.
screencaping this
The nigger had a gun and refused to stop reaching for it despite being told to do so. It's the nigger's fault. When you don't listen to the police, you can get shot.
Aquafresh is right. May Kek bless you for the rest of the day.
You honestly can't see if he's going for his gun or not.
I don't understand how people can form an opinion based on the video.
That wasn't in Florida though, it was at that shithole college in Missouri
I wish the cops would have killed you next to your pet nigger, cunt.
wtf i love Louisiana now
> leftists whine about guns nonstop
> suddenly try to defend a bad guy with an illegal gun
try again, leftist scum
Implying i wont be the one lining your leftist faggot ass up against the wall.
it's fucking messed up when america of all countries the citizens are most afraid of the people "protecting them" suddenly murdering them or ruining their lives. you're absolutely unrecognizable compared to a few decades ago
>deserving of sympathy
Hahahahahahaha, I can't wait till you're killed next to your chimp pets m8.
It's the fact that it's because he is black and there is this sort of forum on it that gets to me. There are bigger issues like the one you've said (police state etc) and no one can see that because it's all about either whitey holding the powerful black people down, or the retarded ape people getting whats due. It's always about race and it masks a much larger problem to both sides.
Yeah... Cops dont really bother me, much less scare me. And i carry a pistol with me every day. When you dont act like an ass, while carrying an illegal weapon, there is not a whole lot of fear to be had.
they could line 100 of them up to a wall at this point and I would call it fishy at this point
they cry wolf all the fucking time
I found the reddit faggot....
Its almost as if those people who commit crimes the most are treated like they will statistically commit more violent and insane crimes hmm
Holy fuck that was really horrible
How can Sup Forums defend this after watching the video?
>to the head
You really are special aren't you? there was no fucking bullet in his head moron
>I mean it's 2016.
Watch the video at .5 speed. The shots you hear are coming from the guy on the ground, not the police officer, there's no muzzle flash or recoil.
I think I love you
We need to go back to a time where everyone thought that way
Why make them carry expensive and mass amounts of gear? A gun can do all the functions of all the advanced equipment + save our lawmen in a genuine life and death situation
So is anything happening so far? Or will worse chimpouts happen tonight?
>I-I'm white so this won't happen to me
you can't even document an encounter with having a gun drawn at you. your freedoms are being taken each day wake up you idiot.
>dont act like an ass
it's getting more and more apparent that how you act has less bearing than what color your skin is.
too bad he wasn't running for president, then he could sell all the bootleg CDs and rape all the kids he wanted
The Orlando shooting Vigils in my area were fucking hilarious.
"The color of my skin does not define who I am, Who we are, we are all the same and we should all stand against racism and bigotry"
after this speech there was loud cheering.
I walk into CVS and buy an Arnold Palmer and walk back outside no more than 5 minutes later
"It's the Hetero white males fault that we are oppressed in this society, Blah blah blah hetero white males fault blah blah blah" followed by cheering.
I'm trying to understand these peoples fucking mental gymnastics.
>say no to Racism/Bigotry
>Death to Cis white males
you or them
letting him live and arresting him would mean another wastrel getting cycled through our shit prison system
Good, this nigger piece of shit was a Bloods member. I'm sure he didn't give a shit about "black lives" when he murdered or beat up or robbed his own people for a living.
Perhaps the day will come when we will all be able to enjoy the wholesome pro-White activity of putting a bullet in a nigs skull.
Holy shit user you're right what is going on here
>I mean it's 2016
Great argument.
>you can't even document an encounter with having a gun drawn at you.
I had a little blonde female sheriff's deputy shakily point a 12 gauge in my face while she ordered me to get on the ground.
I'm alive because white people are capable of complying. We dont take offense to a direct order from someone with a badge, and we know that defending a bruised ego isnt worth a 50/50 chance of being killed by the police.
Life is great when you arent a nigger.
It would be great if police in black neighborhoods went on strike for one day.
how can we defend it? he was a nigger.
> watch video
> nigger reaches for gun, gets lit up
> nothing to see here
> media can't possibly use this for agenda
> go to kike sites, look up story
> #AltonSterling
> name is already trending
> google already autocompletes name
> normies are flipping out
>it's getting more and more apparent that how you act has less bearing than what color your skin is
It should be getting more and more apparent that one's skin color has more bearing on how they act.
Actually that has happened many a time, where cops would refuse to govern black communities because there was too much crime there to deal with.
facts are racist
>White male
Pick one
were you armed?
you think it is normal to have gun drawn at you despite not being an immediate threat? you're life could've easily ended by some dick shouting you have a gun whether it was true or not. you're life could've ended there
you're messed in the head if you think this is okay in a first world country
>skin color has more bearing on how they act.
what is pygmalion effect. if you are going to an encounter treating someone hostile and violent before it even starts you can bring about that exact situation.
This desu faam
Five open threads about this. How about you do something productive today instead of copying other threads on the board?
Please help make lemons into lemonade.
Call the DOJ, put them on auto dialer, pay a neighbor hood kid a few bucks to call.
> pic related.
From everything that happened recently, there is no reason not to convict her for perjury. She lied under oath at a congressional hearing.
That's a felony. They won't convict her on email. Fine, help me play 3D chess. Call them and ask why she's not under charges for blatant perjury. No investigation needs to take place, all the foot work is fine besides bringing charges
It's your right as a tax payer. Get involved, Carpe Diem. Do something other than complain.
Shit just copy pasta the fuck out of my post, if you don't want to do anything else. If WE don't do this, who will?
#rigged system
Looks like gun was pointed, chimp starts grabbing for other officer's gun and had to be shot when he did that, stupidly with a gun pointed at his head.
From what I can see in the video it was not justified to shoot him on the spot. If they find out he was trying to pull his gun, fine, but until the it looks like an execution. However, innocent until proven otherwise.
The optics are really bad on this one, atleast with just the one video that doesn't even show the moment of the shooting.
I really don't mind a nigger getting shot, but I do have hard time arguing for this until they release the security cam tape hopefully showing the nigger reached for his gun.
Cops don't scare me at all, maybe they do in your fucking 3rd world corrupt shithole, but I regularly say hello to policemen on the street.
Then again I'm not a nigger that threatens people on the street with a gun and I certainly wouldn't be retarded enough to not comply and pull a gun out on an officer.
But hey maybe you wouldn't understand because it's part of your shitskin culture to act like an animal.
This is b8 and you're all falling for it.
pretty much this
Not even lethal weapons are guaranteed to stop some people. What are they going to do, taze him as he's reaching for his gun? Woops, the prongs missed and he now has a gun and killed two officers.
Fuck off faggots
Reaching for, possibly getting(vid doesn't show) a gun greenlights the headshot as self defense and protecting life of fellow officer
It's current year! Come on! Why can't the militarized police take a break with the ethnic cleansing? That's just unfair! Black people can do no harm!
You fucking moron. The police were called because he was waving a gun at people. When they showed up he refused to go down and tried to reach for his gun. What would your country of done? Wait let me guess drop your pants and let him fuck you in the ass.
>nigger being a nigger
>nigger being uncooperative with police
>nigger trying to pull a gun on police
>nigger gets shot after a long chain of bad decisions by no one but himself
so which city will the niggers burn to the ground over this one #BLACKLIFESMATTER
where there's a nigger we have a hammer. I mean a nail we have a hammer.
>are most afraid of the people "protecting them"
not afraid at all senpai
If it was an execution, why do it i. Public, and why even attempt to tackle or cuff?
groot nederland wanneer
they define racism as being inflicted by those with power (read: white people) against those who don't (read: all non-whites). so in their logic they're not being racist by the retarded contingent definition they've schemed up of racism. it's very basic victim-oriented posturing. being the victim in our liberal society grants you immediate social currency, so any rhetorical tactics they can use to cement themselves in the victim category are fair game. i don't agree with it whatsoever, but that's the rhetorical game being played.
he was not shot in the head
Tips top hat
10/10 post
They actually did try to taze him first. You can hear it at the beginning of the video
That was the biggest part of his body too. Mister big head is now dead.
know the difference
black lives do 'matter', but a niggers life isn't worth anything
> tasered
> keeps fighting
> tackled
> keeps fighting
> keeps fighting
> pistol aimed directly at fucking forehead
> keeps fighting
If he has a gun (legal or not) and is struggling, its safe to say he's reaching for his gun. That's what any reasonable person would think.
I know the Finns don't have a nigger problem so you problem don't encounter many. Some of them literally react like animals to normal encounters. They just can't handle civilization.
You know what's sad, if it was that officer who was shot by the nigger the media wouldn't be covering this and lefties would be jumping in joy.
Which just supports what I was saying
>were you armed?
I was and they responded to calls about gunshots. I was shooting on private property and they overreacted and showed up literally thinking we had machine guns. Gee how did I ever survive.
I dont want to hear what a fucking Flip has to say about what is and isnt civilized.
Subsidizing the black community is probably the worst thing that happened to them.
>That's what any reasonable person would think.
That's what I think too, but the general populace is not reasonable. I'm 99% the fault was with the nigger, but I just can't argue the fact with the current evidence, is all I'm saying.