Study shows 92% of niggers abandon coal-burners after pregnancy
statistics from study
good. they deserve it. and with a nigger kid there is significantly lower chance of finding another man.
no shit
At this point iam almost certain women are mentally ill
They see nothing wrong with being a single mother they believe it's perfectly fine. Thanks to feminism
Can you guys flood twitter and other social media liberal shits with these new FACTS so they get butthurt?
>Date a chimp
>get pimped
>100% said the father was black.
>5% of asian women have a black babby daddy who makes over $100,000
Damn dem asians.
My prayers go out to the son, poor Virtusignalus shouldn't pay for his parents' poor choices
That's the mother's income.
Oh.... Well never mind then.
I saw a vid of a German 16 year old, her dream was to be a single mother with a black son living in America.
As long as i belive the resoults are true, this research is invalid on the basis that they do not tell us how many mothers did they interview.
That's the problem I'm having with this study too. It's scientifically dishonest to only show the % in a quantitative research. Should've at least mentioned how many respondents the research had in total and broken down those percentages in corresponding numbers. As it stands she could've rounded up 40 random people from 1 geographic area and made these sweeping statements; not very good science.
1k and the study is going on
>almost none of the asians have more than one kid, 14%
>of those, seventy-five-fucking-percent report multiple fathers
holy shit
>marrying a TRUCK DRIVER
>marrying a NIGGER TRUCK DRIVER no less
she deserved it for being a stupid cunt
>This study examines the birth trends, family structure, economic standing, paternal relationships, and emotional stability of biracial children with African American fathers. For study implementation quantitative research methods were used. Questions were asked through a questionnaire that was administered to 1000 women spanning the united States that were equally ranging from 3 different racial groups; Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic. Participants were recruited through the internet, radio, and news. This study finds that 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance. The results of this study make it very clear that biracial children with African American fathers are fatherless on a scale much larger than the public may realize.
Thats an obstacle for a race you dingbat, cant you see the hay stacks?
Coalburners are THE most abject,disgusting,filthy humanoids there can be.
Touching nonhumans should be equal to becoming racially black.
Coal burning whores deserve what they get.
They deserve the worst. Fuck them all. I wouldn't care if they died.
We white people should really take the same approach. Men don't marry anymore because it's such an inconvenience and don't want to suffer some bitch for the rest of their lives, just have fun and impregnate them and then drop 'em. You're still free but the woman has a white child instead of some half-negro.
Negros are the least cucked of all races.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. The white cock must spread his seed all over the world. We have to breed the subhuman out of them.
And minorities LOVE the white dick.
Used to work for county social services, can confirm. County I worked in was 90% white too, yet everyday there would be several tired looking white women with 3 niglets screaming. Nigger father never in sight.
Not once during the 3 yrs I worked there did I ever see a black man with 3 half white niglets screaming.
Can you imagine the kind of white beta cuck loser that will eventually marry this woman and pay for "her wife's child"? You know it will happen too, it's as certain as the sky being blue. That's the worst part.
I'd do it. Literally have no chance of reproducing otherwise.
Why is Sup Forums obsessed with black men?
Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the word "cuck"?
Really makes you think.
You're the one who has a picture of a black dude groping a white girl saved on his computer. You don't really get to talk like that.
why imagine?
wtf is Germany's problem?
race mixing just makes life even more shit see: Latin America
but also the most retarded and violent
Why is media obsessed with promoting such things?
Really makes you think.
I love how badly nigger kids behave to their white mothers
like Charlize Theron and her adopted african kids
>s-s-seriously guys fuck a black chick we will turn them white
How do those people deal with the smell? Do black kids smell the same as grownups?
because breeding with niggers will make whites far more retarded and therefore easier to manipulate
in other words
I'm sure you get used to it eventually like with all smells you are around 24/7
Even a spic would be more responsible.
You gotta pay the coal toll, if you wanna get in this boy's hole
It's always the same niggers with German flags posting cuck pro racemixing propaganda
>defending race mixing by attacking Italians
White women just don't know how to discipline niglets, atleast not in public. Not to say all niggers do either, but the ones who do will scream at the niglets to sit the fuck down or there gonna beat their ass infront of everyone. Niggers who can't control their kids generally don't give a shit what there kids are doing, and if you say something to them they will chimp out on you and defend their kids behavior.
coalburners on the otherhand yell at the niglets to be good or they won't be allowed to play with something. They try bribing them. They give in on their vague threats. I'm pretty sure all single mother coalburners end up killing themselves, because I never saw any coalburners with teenage niggers and/or any over the age of 35.
Link us this video please.
> Study shows 92% of niggers abandon coal-burners after pregnancy
Please do not tell me that they actually needed a fucking stydy fjust to realise what sould be pretty obious.
>For women with multiple children...
Stats make it not racist.
Too bad that stat isn't 92% of niggers kill the coal burner before delivery.
Thanks bro. Honestly didn't know that by using the common sense that most of the people have (or some of them) is racist(ic?).
Good study.
>From the data amassed it can be suitably deduced that on average 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock, with Caucasian mothers leading in that percentage. 90% of women who have children out of wedlock with African American men will not end up marrying that man, where as 10% will wed, yet those that wed or do have their children in wedlock typically end up a single mother nonetheless due to divorce.
They're too deep in their shit to change their views based on facts, but the cognitive dissonance should still cause them some discomfort. Other people suffering makes me feel better about my crappy life in comparison. Please do this.
>Having to have a decent history made up for them by retarded white people and jews because they did nothing of note by themselves.
>Used as a tool to subvert nations because they're so retarded.
>Literally had their entire identity boiled down to "muh dick"
>Can't get women of other races without brainwashing the other races from birth
>Enslaved by everyone because they're only good for menial labour.
>Laughing stock of the world.
>Least cucked race.
Nice try, Tyrone
Bro, they have been in that shitpool for so long that they have never even realised that they might be wrong. They blindly belive in shit that doesnt exist. Spamming them with shit, no matter if it's accurate or not, makes no difference. They just use the usual means they have and try to argue (and fail) and after that they block you.
When the day is done, they just forget what has been said, throw all the facts to the bin (while believing all the shit that they believed before) and shut their eyes while they sink deeper to the bliss that denial offers them.
9mm is the answer. Just saying.
Pic not related but I know that Sup Forums just loves female beauty (except for the swedistan fags).
Underrated post
No one in the Facebook comment section recognizes that it was a African-European bicracial couple. Fascinating. I wonder where her parents are and what they think. Look at her posts, she would have made a great mother to a beautiful family, what a tragedy.
Is the father involved in the childs life?
NO: 97 %
LOL and black men have the dishonesty of bitching about racism. They are fucking subhumans man.
Also look at the pic for some startling stats. Black men fucking suck.
that's just their nature. in europe, without a father taking care of the children they would likely die out in the winter. in africa resources are more plentiful so the mother can usually handle things on her own.