What rights / privileges do women currently have / enjoy that men lack, Sup Forums?
Furthermore, why is Feminism mainstream, but Men's Rights Activism considered taboo?
What rights / privileges do women currently have / enjoy that men lack, Sup Forums?
Furthermore, why is Feminism mainstream, but Men's Rights Activism considered taboo?
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the same reason there are 50 posts a day here with an attractive woman. man is weak to woman. so weak....so very weak.
Because MRM are fucking pussies who cannot fight without honor if needed. Consider MGTOW instead. We don't need women. They are stupid traitors who are barely humans. But since we are men, we can't use their dishonest ways in our battle, so the only right way - shut them down completely. All we need is artificial womb and a lot of bioreactors for women's bodies.
The entirety of the feminine gender is based around gender-chores that signify leisure.
Make up, hair, clothing, shoes, cooking - these are all leisure activities.
at first glance i read the underlined text in that picture as the woman facing the trauma of only seeing her children on the 2 day long weekend, but she's complaining about only having 5 of those 7 days/week with them?
the divorce generation is so fucked by bad parenting
i sure miss packing up my gamecube every weekend and going to my dad's place
is our generation going to be more hesitant in getting married?
>it's another dailymail-clickbait thread that has been posted a hundred times this year and will still get 200+ replies
I worked at a family law firm for 10 years. Mostly divorce, some custody and post-judgment matters. For a while, the laws in my state (connecticut) skewed towards equality. I saw men getting alimony and child support - not nearly as often as women, but it happened.
But around 2014, a few old school judges left the bench and were replaced with ultra left womyn of color. I left last year, mostly because I got another job, but I couldn't stand listening to the stories these men had. It was sad. If the mother didn't want to respect the court order and just not give the dad visitation rights, the court allowed it without repercussion. But if the dad missed a child support payment - even if the mother didn't necessarily need it - the court would award the mother punitive damages, interest and court fees.
The system is fucked now more than ever. I used to have faith in the courts, but seeing second- hand how lousy they are really irked me.
There's no link actually
>he thinks Sup Forums doesn't consider MRM taboo as well
Did you honestly think that a board full of conservatives would give you an un-biased opinion about a movement that wants to let men be something other than wageslave providers for a 'loving family'?
Just look at this ponce >"Hur if you don't want to be the provider and want to have some actual fucking rights you're just a spineless pussy"
Brainwashed idiots.
More disturbing, however, was the attorneys for whom I worked. Many of them were self-proclaimed "third wave feminists" who would actually lose the case in purpose. Or they would make the male client feel bad about being a deadbeat for not seeing their kids when the mother refused court-ordered visitation. One attorney told a female client to lie about being abused. That client took the kids for full custody, and the father for 75% of his 401k, 100% of the fully-paid $450,000 house, and a lifetime of health insurance.