Why is it that people who are uneducated and inexperienced tend to gravitate towards nationalism, while educated people who are well traveled are usually against it?
Why is it that people who are uneducated and inexperienced tend to gravitate towards nationalism...
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define educated.
>[Citation Needed]
Multicultural globalism is a failed experiment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting the welfare and interests of one's own people, culture, and nation above others.
This isn't about educated vs uneducated, this is about snooty, elitist, left-wing academics deciding they know what's right for everyone and decreeing everyone who doesn't agree with them is an uneducated, backwards, yokel.
t. PhD candidate, plasma physics.
>wealthy globalists don't see the advantage of national culture
You don't say! You mean they're against the one thing that stops them from having a dirty, little finger in every dirty, little pie?
"Educated" people often live in segregated bubbles where they imagine hypothetical dream-worlds.
Poorer people have a tendency to experience the reality that the rich force on them.
>I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.
>t. Einstein
Did you guys forget he was a commie kike?
I have a Masters degree in Quantitative Finance and I'm a nationalist
>listening to Einstein thoughts on politics
ironically Einstein was a Zionist
t. Masters degree in engineering
>It's not smart for a country to put itself first.
Yeah, tell me more about how you need to be told what to do in order to function correctly?
Albert Einstein was a jew and at the time of that statement the Jews had no homeland. He was just jealous that he had no nation to feel pride about.
Guess who was offered the position of Israel? It was Einstein you dumb fuck. He turned down the job but once the state of Israel was created he was an Israeli nationalist of sorts and was friends with their founding leadership.
Because the working class has street smarts, life experience, and common sense. Smart people are autistic and just let other people tell them what the acceptable opinion is.
I guess people have to see it with their own eyes.
I guarantee you, diversity will lead to genocide and civil war in europe, they are going for the kill of europeans and western civilization.
It will be like the favelas in brazil, the lying unelected politicians will be behind 3 dussin private security agents behind huge walls, as europe turns into a 3rd world brutal country.
Because "educated" people are wealthy and can isolate themselves from the negative effects of globalism and focus on virtue signaling in order to make themselves feel good.
>jew talking about nationalism
parasite's opinion discarded
Those 'educated' people tend to be just as stupid as nationalists, except rather than gravitate towards the leaders who claim to be working for the good of their country, they latch on to and listen to the liberal university teachers and their own friends-filled hug boxes to share equally stupid liberal propaganda while learning completely fucking useless degrees like 'media studies' and 'women's studies'.
They might be 'educated', but they're just as fucking stupid. Ignorance is not the same as intelligence and equally, knowledge is not the same as intelligence.
If there was no nationalism, you wouldn't have other countries to travel to you dumb cunt.
*the position of Israels first prime minister*
Because rich people live in gated communities
Poor people have to deal with their mistakes
Why is it that people who are effeminate and weak tend to gravitate towards liberalism, while strong people who have worked real jobs are usually against it?
People with good education usually have good jobs and too much to lose, so they keep a low profile and go with the political flow.
It's Western cultural opression thing, you can find plenty of educated people in say Israel, China or perhaps even Japan who are for nationalism. But here in West you get all the possible shit thrown at you for that kind of opinions, so people have learned to keep their heads down.
Nationalism is just a form of collectivism, and nearly all of the most 'educated' people in the world are collectivists, they're just have a globalist, socialist outlook as opposed to a nationalist one.
Most would shy away from Nationalism as they've been conditioned to hate it from birth.
>le evil nazis
>stupid inbred flag-wavers
And thus you create a cycle.
Anecdotally however, I'm well educated and well travelled by traditional standards and would call myself a nationalist, the traveling only fueled my belief, it's lets me see how good cultures can be in isolation, mixing them fucks it up for everyone.
It's just your emotional observation that's not based on actual reality.
Define nationalism first.
>street smarts
Education today is just something you buy. Not to say there aren't plenty of degrees that are legitimately difficult to get a PHD in. But if you are wealthy you can just buy a masters in """business""".
So basicly it is not surprising that people who only care about money don't like nationalism sense it puts the wellbeing of your home land before profit.
>The guys bombing the shit out of bangladesh
Your argument is invalid
What discipline?
I'm working on my Bachelor's in ME right now.
Also, educated people and scientists not so many decades ago were also for nationalism even in heart of Europe. Were they also bigoted idiots? Or maybe it's that they didn't have their culture indoctrinating them against it.
Because the educated and travelled people visit tourist hotspots or meet with similarly educated and travelled exchange students or business partners around the world, and so have an extremely skewered image of what other peoples are like because they only interact with the cream of the crop.
Meanwhile uneducated plebs simply see what the world that they live in every day is changing for the worse, and as they can't afford to move to the “good neighbourhoods” if the diversity comes knocking at their door, they resist this change.
>Privileges based on position and property
What exactly did he want it based on? Just look at "da projects" to get an idea of what happens when you have privileges divorced from property.
>Why is it that people who are uneducated and inexperienced tend to gravitate towards nationalism
Why do the working class pursue their own national, cultural and racial interests?
Because they don't have money and can't pack up and move when shit goes south in terms of demographics. They rely less on material goods and more on community and shared history for comfort and survival - not money.
>while educated people who are well traveled are usually against it?
Why do liberally educated people with trust funds not give a flying fuck for the working class and betray their own nation at the drop of a hat?
Simple. Because they have money and no need for community because in the globalist capitalist world they can simply latch on to another community when shit goes south. Fuck those yokels in their trailers, I have apple products, jew and nigger clothes, and plane tickets to keep me occupied. eh fellow cuck.
tune related.
>Implying modern curriculum counts as an education.
I don't believe in good jews, but I see no point in lying about this either. He was not a zionist in any reasonable definition of the term.
> Physics
> Engineering
According to the Humboldtian model of higher education you may or may not be highly educated.
You do not have to agree with it but "educated" has implications of quality, quantity and diversity.
> Why is it that poorer people who are detrimentally affected by Globalisation are against it while richer people who can travel the world are for it?
Why is OP such a retard?
... and to conclude - although some of the educated are against nationalism, but the truly wise know, that it is necessary and good...
((quote from other thread))
A good state is that one, where people understand each other (so they can unite) and understand their politicians (so they can judge and consider them) - hence we need nation-states.
How can I control and judge deeds and words of the politician, if I do not understand him? One than must bank on the bits and morsels, that journalists choose to translate and pick up... Then I will always vote better on the compatriot against the alien, and here the division is by the nation, which is the Language... Compatriot is someone, whom I understand, alien is someone, who I misapprehend.
because they have a hard time thinking for themselves and have little or no personal achievements. they therefore feel the need to live vicariously through something larger than themselves since its better than facing the reality that they are unemployable retards.
> uneducated and inexperienced
You mean children?
> Nope
They believe whatever you push on them. Thats why the left love politicizing them and always want to lower the voting age be fore they become too "educated" (critical of their education) and experienced.
Stupid bastards rob money, smart bastards steal your mind.
Albert Einstein was a jewish autist.
His statements are overhyped and nothing special.
The governing class of the western world, and the upper middle classes below them are warriors for an insane Kantian worldview that they are utterly resolved to impose on everyone else. They believe religious faith, cultural traditions, provincial and national loyalties and the very idea of ethnicity are idiotic concepts from a benighted past that must now be forgotten. The particular must, MUST, be annihilated; only the universal must remain, and this ‘universal’ is a unified anglophone global civilization of consumer capitalism, sexual libertinism and obliterated nature. Imagine the whole world united in a Manhattan ziggurat a la Ghostbusters. Imagine it as part hedge fund, part orgy, part Glee concert. Imagine peoples who resist being bombed and droned into submission with Kanye providing the mood music. Imagine Bill and Hillary as Zuul and the Marshallow Man. Imagine fighting these gnostic zealots with all the strength you’ve got because your back is to the wall and they’ll give you no quarter anyway.
But how does this explain the droves of unemployable retards that are anti-nationalist or the millionaires and billionaires that support nationalist causes?
Educated people are more brainwashed by the governement funded education system and live in nice houses in safe neighbourhoods
Uneducated people have to deal with immigrants fucking their shit up everyday
((Einstein)) listen am I saying the guy was stupid, no he made great strides in the fields of physics. But to imply because of that we should all listen too what he has to say on a political philosophy is ridiculous. Think for yourselves don't give in to what other, supposedly smarter people, tell you to think.
Why does anyone put any stock in the opinion of an idiot savant? Like Isaac Newton, he was good with numbers and physics, but the guy was a fucking robot.
Because the "educated" are brainwashed.
Here is Malema, leader of a radical commie party in SA, basically Mugabe 2.0, being cheered by the indoctrinated masses at Oxford: youtube.com
Here he is again singing about killing the boer: youtube.com
>“We are at war with whites who took our land and we now want it back. We want our land and we want our wealth; if you stand in our way we will crush you,” Malema said to cheers and applause.
It is not out of the realm of possibility that he could take power like Hitler, form a coalition with ANC, who he saps votes from, once they fall below the majority and fuck our shit up. The West would again watch on and perhaps even support our destruction, just so long as evil whites never win.
Zimbabwe II: Electric Boogaloo is coming, and we are powerless to stop it.
Do tell me what modern curriculua is missing. Every says that LE CURRENT GENERATION IS FUCKEN DUMB AS ROCKS. Why? What are they missing? Are they not well versed in physics, medicine, chemistry, and biology? Are they missing a crucial portion of welding? Or are you simply mad that they can just google whatever information instead of trudging down to the library?
Why is it that people who think their smart, really aren't.
>>Left-wing brainwashing
>>Unable to form their own opinions
>Searching for excuses for having an IQ below 80
>Trying to look on the bright side because being born a shit for brains sucks
fringe lunatics in general are worthless faggots and shouldn't warrant your attention. this goes for both tumblrinas and the flip side of that coin (e.g. Sup Forums)
They're well versed in liberalism. Even my math textbook reeks of fucking SJW bullshit.
My bio12 class mentions climate change every fucking paragraph. College is a fucking joke, and is most definitely indoctrination.
>Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in the 21st century being a measure of education and intelligence
Top kek
I have my undergraduate and graduate degree and I am not proud of them at all. They dumbed down education so much that a nigger could have earned what I earned.
My only proud achievements were the ability to gain employment, excel at said employment, and earn my promotions.
reality != Sup Forums memes
Because liberal Jew professors are the ones brainwashing the "educated" to the left. This much is obvious and has been going on since the 1960s in America.
Also Nationalist views are persecuted by these same people, so its a totally unbalanced education in politics and sociology.
Your statement is really uneducated.
The tiny elite which get proper education are irrelevant.
The vast majority of people who supposedly get a classical education are drowned in philosophical DEEP shit which confuses semantic diversion for insight and kike propaganda which poses as history.
Albert Ein(((((((((((((((((((((((((((STEIN)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
i wish i was as redpilled as you guys XD
because cuckers gonna cuck
Dumb nigger, global warming has nothing to do with SJW. Don't use the damn term if you don't know what it means.
>well traveled
your opinion is automatically garbage
>educated people
educated neither means intelligent (as can be seen in the hordes of brain dead millennials with some master in Indian basket weaving) nor does it mean wise. higher education for everyone only fosters arrogance and elitism. it turns people really into political statists. I mean 30 years old with the same views as they had with 18?
Because being educated in the current world and being young to middle aged, means that you were subjected to an education curriculum that consisted of multicultural ideals. Since people who pay into getting their education at the college level invest so heavily money-wise into it, they psychologically develop a crutch upon it. That crutch being that because they have spent so much money on this thing, everything in it has to be true, otherwise it cheapens the investment for them. People who have a great deal of undeserved pride are the most affected by this. They will do whatever it takes to keep this "reality" intact in their head. Undeserved pride among the young to the middle aged only seems to grow among the masses, every year.
Educated, yes. Well traveled, no. Unless you mean, "only saw the nice areas during a week long vacation, well traveled," which isn't well traveled at all.
The "educated" are also subject to dealing with loud feminists and others sjws that preach quite loudly, idealistic rubbish, and because of the setting, which is usually also ideal in that it's far enough away from the "urban" ghetto side of town, they have "ruby tinted glasses" on where they aren't seeing reality the same way others are. Especially today, the mob mentality demands conformity of everyone and because of BLM, people either snap out of it and see it for what it really is or they just double down on the denial to keep their false reality intact.
Hang around Schlomo, in the end not even your kike genes will help you ... you will be.
Fuck off you literal retard
People who are "educated and well traveled" are usually very wealthy, and thus don't have to deal with all the negative effects of diversity.
By the way, I can guarantee that if Einstein were alive today, he wouldn't care much for muslims.
but liberal insanity is not fringe anymore. you must be blind or just a self-absorbed centrist fence-sitter to say otherwise.
This. I am studying at university and I am a proud ethnic nationalist. "Education" usually means brainwashing nowadays.
I typically agree with this. The issue with what you're saying though is that street smarts is usually called common sense and I'd argue that most of the working class lacks that.
Id say that your trade workers, blue collar workers typically have common sense. Anyone who isn't a drunk that is.
Fully agree that people who wear suits are austisic as fuck, totally out of touch with the current real world issues.
Nobody is excusing retards. They usually vote for the politicians that give them free gibs.
The problem is the people who are supposed to be educated, but are completely disconnected to the world outside their bubbles and can't form their own opinions.
An abo with 62 iq knows more than stephen hawking when it comes to surviving in the forests and hunting kangoroos
A retard with no education knows more about shitty immigrants stealing you blind on the street than some cunt with colege degree who never got robbed because he only travels by car
i actually just regularly leave my house, have a job, and am generally not so completely disconnected from reality that i believe reality is actually like the panicked caricature that you read on this cesspool.
protip: get of your house and get a job faggot. SJW faggotry is almost exclusively confined to a select few college campuses and the internet. just like your faggot alt-right movement or whatever you want to call it.
I'm currently studying Engineering and come from one of the richest and most educated counties in the United States and I'm a Nationalist.
so your argument is correct because you have a job and you just assume everyone who doesnt share your views is a fat neet?
I'm well traveled as anyone else. My job literally takes me all over the world to study and research. And you know what? Every country is nice in it's own way. I love going there and getting tours from locals who love their country.
>MFW Everyone has important jobs.
>I watch birds
t. Ornithologist
I don't think anyone on the alt-right actually advocates not getting a job or contributing to society.
Educated people can think in term of deeper/complex principles because of abstraction and theoretical frame, but actually lack experience of reality to guide their pursue of greater innovative goals.
Non educated people think in term of actual reality with simpler principle, and lack abilities to see through their simple experience to set and achieve bigger innovative goal.
In general, all these people have a confirmation bias and the will to feel right, so they always will choose or even distort their perception of reality to match their beliefs.
People that reject the confirmation bias, prone to accept the refutation of an in-progress idea, often end not being able to clearly formulate any idea because there will always chase the more complex and complete version of it. There is always a leap of faith to do, even in science, to start expressing something.
tldr: smart people are able to understand a shallow version of the reality they experience, dumb people are not able to understand the more real version of reality they experience
Isn't measles the measles of mankind?
>Educated people can think in term of deeper/complex principles because of abstraction and theoretical frame
if you are talking of stem, maybe. everything else: maximum keck
Nice ID. The 62 IQ knows how to survive in the forest by eating mushrooms and drinking piss. The intelligent and educated person knows which berries are poisonous, what to use as medicine etc.
The retard with no education knows about the shitty immigrants but is too dumb to research which neighborhoods are too dangerous to walk alone at night.
>At the present juncture, the only force strong enough to resist this shock doctrine globalism-at-gunpoint crisis methodology is economic nationalism. Sure, nationalism is a drag, outmoded, and overly narrow in perspective. Many historical complaints can be legitimately set against it. In the long run, it is not the way to go for the planet or its inhabitants. But right now it is the only force strong enough to stand up to neo-liberal globalism. At the moment, as that wicked witch Maggie famously said, "There is no alternative." A movement of a few naive students have not been able to stand up to globalism, and neither have 1 million people occupying a nation's central square. Effective resistance to this global process -- an intentional run-down to the lowest common denominator of wealth, health, security, etc., and a run-up to the highest common denominator of pollution and ecological destruction, all in favor of corporate rights owned by a few people and enforced at the end of a gun -- without an effective global strategy and sustained global support, is merely wishful thinking, i.e., hope. Yet, we are are nowhere near that point of resistance yet, and with the aid of these moribund intellectuals, fecklessly yet sanctimoniously targeting one "monster" at a time, we may never get there. In my humble opinion, economic nationalism must be seen as a stepping stone away from centralized unaccountable globalism towards a more decentralized, economically just world. If I should be mistaken, I welcome any viable alternative strategies. Perhaps the feckless left will invite me to sign their petition!
The wealthy are part of the globalist tribe and it works for them. Even if they destroy a country with immigration, they can just move.
by the quality of your post I guess you belong into the piss-drinker group?
But Einstein was a Zionist who supported the formation of Israel.
He was also a self-proclaimed leftist- up until 1933 when he wrote Roosevelt encouraging him to research and build and atomic bomb to use on the Germans.
Nationalism may be the measles, but globalism is the cancer.
>albert (((einstein)))
>founding fathers
*self proclaimed pacifist
Wow, you shut me down with that 62 IQ of yours. Can't even structure a defense for your own stupidity, huh?
Protip for Europeans :
Don't go deep in debt on a house, have liquid assets cause there are good odds white flight will gut wherever you life.
Immigration faggotry can arise everywhere in western Europe and it only takes a couple % to crash the value of your home.
EZ shit OP: liberalism vs collectivism
Academics has you solely think about yourself and your specialization; entry-level jobs have you thinking about the working class, your place in it and how to prevent yourself from getting fucked.
There's also a ton of media that romanticize heroes and those that study tend to absorb more media.
I have a college degree, I have a well paying job and I know english so I consider myself educated. But I don't know "which mushrooms are poisonous". I could learn it in 10 minutes if I wanted to, but there is no point since I don't plan to spend time in australian forests any time soon.
Likewise, "educated" people have the hability to learn why globalism is bullshit, how equality is a lie and how multiculturalism destroys nations. But they choose not to. Uneducated people have no choice. They already live it everyday and they cannot avoid dangerous neighbourhoods because they live there.
Because nationalism involves a fundamental degree of arbitrariness that doesn't sit well with those used to logical thinking.
Furthermore, people who are well educated in one field are often rather uneducated in another.
This makes skimming arguments about how nations are arbitrary constructs very appealing to these people, because there is a grain of truth in there and it feels intuitive.
I say this as a nationalist, who accepts that to some degree the current location of my nation's borders are arbitrary (for reference, obviously I'm not talking about Great Britain in itself - an island provides a great natural border, but Great Britain is not a nation.) but ultimately that writing that off in favour of getting the broad generality right is more important.
Educated people are often bad at "Yes, it's arbitrary to do X, but there isn't a better option that we can viably implement" situations.
Whereas the uneducated take a much less complicated route to nationalism based on feeling an ad-hoc logical justification.
Ultimately, even though they are less-educated they bumble their way to a correct-ish answer.
To those on the left who oppose nationalism, raise the case of post imperial states - should they have stayed in empire because otherwise they were nasty nationalists? Should states have stayed shackled to Russia against their will? Should the USA have remained under British rule? Ireland?
It's easy to be against nationalism when your nation is the one holding down others.