Google are up to their old tricks, lads.
Google are up to their old tricks, lads
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i do not support Sup Forums retards but shit as this makes me rage
Where's the outrage
Why is nobody shaming NASA for hiring only whites
Thats fucked up
>Hipster faggot.
>Tranny (the pants)
is this a new meme?
Hahahahha fucking shit.
I love this shit that's going down on the west.
Remember multikulti and equality lads! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
good goy google is beyond saving
I like how the only white male is some beta cuck with problem glasses, and an ironic beard.
care to elaborate ?
Because deep down, we know that pseudoscientists like DeGrasse are just niggers who can't acomplish shit.
There's a huge incentive to get minorities and women into astronomy. There might not be many right now but that's why they try to promote diversity of it in things such as the google doodles.
They're basically just saying "Hey, we do a thing, you can do it too!"
Yeah there might be only white people on the team but that's not something they want. They want diversity, not "kick whitey out" just more colored people and women.
>he's a numale
Jesus google could you be more on the nose?
literally funded by jews u retard
>i do not support Sup Forums retards
>do not support
I've been seeing many posts with this exact same sentiment for over a week now. Its either a new meme, you are someone from reddit, or some news agency.
>Not supporting Google in the current year
Wow just wow
But when you fill an industry with coloreds and women, they tend to hire only other coloreds or women once they have the authority to do so, because Affirmative Action isn't for white men.
I dont know, probably a coincidence. I rarely post here or even visit Sup Forums, though some happening threads or other shit can be fun
DeGrasse does his job well.
He's like a major figurehead as a science communicator.
Think elementary school science teacher. You don't need to be top of the line smart to teach kids science!
Between the Trump tweet bringing in news ppl and other curious eyes, the /cfg/ threads bringing in the Berniebros, and the Sam Hyde stuff bringing in more newsy types and curious eyes, there's a whole bunch of new ppl around.
So beautiful.
Reality is better than fantasy. All this is just memes and fuckery.
>Using jewgle chrome
oh look a reverse-sjw thread
Neil DeGrasse is the ultimate example of black privilege
We have trillions of white and asian physicists
But be a blackie and BAM! instant fame and recognition, Redditors lining up to suck your dick and everything you do is praised like you are the best thing that ever happened to mankind.
Yeah, but people are unironically pretending he's on the same level as Hawking. Same with Bill Nye.
Good thing that top of the line breakthroughs do not gives a rats ass about affirmative action. Only if you can put in the resume to back up your ability for these teams.
And it just so happens most are white. Asians are more suited for strengthening a known fact (engineering). But discoveries have been mostly thanks to whitey. Thanks lads.
>I rarely post here or even visit Sup Forums
Exactly, what I was saying is true you fucking retard. LEAVE.
Why do they feel the need to say they don't agree on a fucking anonymous image board?
It's not about that you fucking idiot its about trying to change fucking history. If google had there way people who are interested in this subject will think all of these people were niggers and queer
Shill. They don't. They are the true racists....diversity for the goy. Google diversity for the tech industry.
Nah there's no privilege there imo, DeGrasse is actually very good for what he is.
He's not one of the best astrophysicists in the world or anything, he's just a spokesperson for astrophysicists to the layman minds. And he's very good at it. Similar to Bill Nye a couple of decades ago altho Nye was just general science.
>Black guy gets black chick pregnant
>Black guy rapes blonde chick
>Black guy goes to prison
>Hipster guy gets a sex change, kills herself
>Asian guy kills himself
>NASA hires 5 white guys to join redhead
>Lands Juno on Jupiter
NASA confirms redhead chicks are equal to white males.
Soon you will be one of those "Sup Forums retards", we all began here. Trust me.
>its about trying to change fucking history
how do you seriously say things like this and not realize how much you sound like the chronically offended sjw crowd? a fucking google doodle is "trying to change history"?
>Only white man is a numale hipster
How not surprising.
>google ceo is jew
so are any of ypou going to confront them about it or just cry in your safespace?
>Why do they feel the need to say they don't agree on a fucking anonymous image board?
Well to the new ppl that are around, they're likely not accustomed to Sup Forums culture. They're used to a world that isn't so anonymous, so qualifiers are needed to save face and feel better.
Whereas in reality, nearly all top men at NASA are so white they wear their sandals with socks.
I would say you might be right if it wasn't the fact they continuously do it. When you are continuously attacked it changes.
>Confront them
The leaf is right
>they just havent figured out that this is our altright hugbox
i'll bet you can see your internal organs with this thin of skin lol
Its basically an insult to black people because they are being treated like special snowflakes with things like this
Just like whitey isn't it? Keeping all the hard work and accomplishment for himself.
Though I'm surprised at not seeing more Asian faces there.
NASA's budget these days is too tight to afford wastage filling affirmative action quotas.
>ever right
Waaah cry more. It's good for kids to see a more diverse image.
Remember when Sup Forums was laughing at feminists being the portrayal of race in movies?
You'll be one of us. One of us.
You want to send apes into space again?
>blacks suck so bad google has to shoehorn them in so they don't cry
of course a leaf
Fuck off Ahmed.
More niggers and pakis will be in the image when niggers and pakis actually achieve something.
Spread this on social media pls
of course a meme, keep whining about the vicious google doodle attacks lol. can you imagine if any other race in history ever had to face such adversity?
There's a huge incentive to get ANYONE interested in astrophysics. It is the future and we need the best and brightest young minds in this field.
Regardless of color.
Right now one of the bigger, little known American imports are foreign scientists. But a newer trend has been for these foreigners to come here and study (since not enough interested or smart enough Americans in the programs) and then return to their homeland after graduating.
I don't know. That leaf's pretty fucking funny.
>implying this is the only reason
heres the whole team
jewgle doodle doesnt matter anyway, in reality white men will always be the leaders at NASA
I've been here since '08 faggot
I should be telling that shit to you
did you actually think so before Sup Forums told you to? i somehow doubt it
Much ado bout nothing again from pol
I didn't start here, I always hated niggers and gooks. I think it started in high school when i noted the gooks always stayed in gangs by themselves.
Also I was wondering why a woman at the mall had a nigger and white child when i was like 6
It had occurred to me on several occasions. Why not keep the old flag if the alternative was a leaf?
Actually the administrator of NASA is a nigger and the deputy administrator is a woman. These are the top positions at NASA.
oh the asshurt! no wonder you shitpost everywhere
>Sup Forums is one person with one ideology
Are you freaking kidding me? Don't you know that the main mission of NASA is now Muslim outreach?
At, you are at the start of the red pill my darling
wow, so far gone he even believes that Sup Forums memes were just thoughts that he had
it's ok, i know you need as many ways to not address the content of peoples posts as you can FUCKINGLEAFXD is just another play from that book lol
That's the big difference
Did it never occur to you? I mean, some flags feature temples, ships, things to be proud of. But yours, it features a leaf. A red leaf.
somebody is new
>things to be proud of
and your examples are temples and ships and presumably stars? lol
nah, been here since the start. how is Sup Forums not altright?
>Sup Forums is a hugbox
I don't think you know what hugbox means. Calling each other niggers and faggots is par for the course on Sup Forums and as far as I can tell the only mods are some kind of exhausted prudish old libertarians. It's all arguments (and bait)
The google doodle is obviously meant to show the team differently because a team of white people has now become somehow taboo/distasteful, it's absurd and you know it
How do you know the left is even supposed to represent the same people on the right? If I Google "Juno team" I get a link to a NASA page with like 50 people on it.
No idea how this stuff triggers you guys so easily.
i pretty much assumed this the instant i saw that doodle
Bad hot wheels needs to stroke out already.
>I don't think you know what hugbox means
it means a place where you all agree with each other and band together against dissenters so they'll leave you alone and you can purify your safespace once again lol
because they're fragile reverse-sjw's who want to believe that white people are the greatest race but can also be seriously damaged by a google doodle
>The Netherlands flag was officially adopted on February 19, 1937.
>At one time this tricolor flag was orange, white and blue, as those were the livery colors of William of Orange, a Dutch prince. In the 17th century, red replaced the orange as a flag color, because the orange dye used on the flag was unstable, and turned red after exposure to the sun.
you should probably learn to make a flag before you talk about other countries lol
And yet even we don't use a FUCKING LEAF
This seems like a good thing to me
Normally people would be complaining "there are too many white people in NASA"
Google paints a picture in peoples minds that NASA is diverse, distracting the public. Then they keep quiet.
no, you used the colours of some prince and changed them because your countrymen were too stupid to figure out dyes. clearly something to be proud of lol
>Sup Forums isn't a hugbox
Are you serious?
We call each other faggots with no venom in them. And if you ever tried arguing with people against the mainstream conservative ideas they'll call you things like "fucking slant eyed chinks nigger faggot".
And let's not pretend this isn't a hugbox. There's no diversity of opinions here. How often have you seen any liberal posts that aren't aussie bait? And any thread that doesn't claim how stupid liberals are is immediately ignored. Just yesterday a good Sup Forums logic thread pointing out the hypocrisy of Sup Forums was pruned with 30 posts and slightly less users.
There's only a small population of people like me who like getting angry who actually dissent.
Still not as stupid as putting a leaf on your flag. What the fuck were you thinking, Cucknada?
>How often have you seen any liberal posts that aren't aussie bait?
Don't be so mean to the Australians, Lee. They can't help but shitpost. It's in their blood.
Nyet, Sergei. You misunderstand. I say Australians are accidental valiant defenders of truth and debate.
Shit dude, ill take a talking sperm bucket if it motivates children and young adults to be as amazed by the universe as I was. Bill Nye is still one of my heros, and its nice to hear other people shut off their fucking phones and listen when Neil talks.
>There's only a small population of people like me who like getting angry who actually dissent.
Tipping over rubbish bins are we?
lol you're just mad because our flag was red on purpose. your flag's history is actually indicative of hilarious incompetence, while all you can say about ours is "A FUCKING LEEF XD"
>if any other race in history ever had to face such adversity?
the adversity of creating people all the technology in the world and then having to share it with sub human scum?
Seriously, though. A leaf. Someone must have sat there, at a meeting, and suddenly proclaimed "golly, we need a fucking leaf on our flag", and then all other Canadians cheered.
>Le wrong colurs xD
Leaf aquafresh alone
What do you call a canadian dog?
Leaf blower
they could've just asked india or ireland how they did it but instead they opted for just giving up and changing it to the thing it kept fucking up and turning out as
see? even when you take ten minutes to think about it you can only come up with another reworded FUCKINGMEAM