Facebooks people love her, and her little fake temper tantrums, so do you?

Facebooks people love her, and her little fake temper tantrums, so do you?

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She believes that culture is black America's only problem, not race. She's still trying to salvage the melting pot ideology of America.

She's on Blaze.

A basic bitch conservative, if I've ever seen one.

I do enjoy watching her pretend to be mad.

>b-but de bwack guys are bigger dan me at school!

Oh Christ you fucking stormcucks are intolerable. It's a cultural issue.
(Pro tip: white nationalism is nigger tier culture)

I didn't believe in white privilege until I saw this dumb blonde cunt speak. She probably isn't even old enough to remember the OJ trial, let alone any real racism in this country. Watching her talk down to blacks and tell them they've got nothing to be mad about makes me angry desu. I would throw her to the wolves and say "We're actually sorry about this one, guys."

Who is this whore?

search: tomi lahren the blaze
They love her on FB. I see her stuff posted all the time. She gets really pissed during her monologues as if she means it, but you can tell she's going over the top to sell it.

>A basic bitch conservative, if I've ever seen one.

>I didn't believe in white privilege until I saw this dumb blonde cunt speak.

>Sorry about this one
Quit apologizing you left-wing cunt.

Well, I could use that mouth of her for sure.

>dumb bitch rails against shit she knows nothing about
>white privilege

wtf are you on about m8?

No idea who she be. But id drill all her holes

She has goals. Be a Fox News anchor.

Who the fuck is this?
Why the fuck should any one care.

So we only need to eradicate black "culture"?
Good luck arresting all the rappers and closing down World Star HipHop. The left will never let this happen, they will protect the very black "culture" that kills them. I guess their real fear is when black "culture" vanishes and nigs are still nogging and it turns out it was nature, not nurture, all along.


Why won't Sup Forums man up and be good enough for this Aryan qt?


>projecting this hard

fucking kek you burgers will do anything to justify the gradual destruction of your country. it sure as fuck wasn't 60% white 20 years ago.

if you're unwilling to accept that there are significant genetic differences between african coons and white europeans you're beyond saving and deserve to go down with the ship.

She's an entitled blonde whore that thinks that she deserves a white 10/10 Chad Thundercock that will date her and eventually marry her. She blames "men these days" for her not being able to find a "real man", despite it being obvious that her standoffish, cunt personality is what makes men run from her.

>gradual destruction
>votes Brexit
top kek

She's been dating a chad for a long time now, and I think they're about to get married.

Tomi is based, she can suck my dick anytime.

Nignogs BTFO


That didn't seem to be the case when I watched her video about "men these days" a little while back. She then went on different news programs talking about how she can't find no perfect Chad. That's the biggest problem young women face these days - Chad pumping and dumping them.

Daddy issues confirmed

what's top kek about voting to stop their destruction?

I posted it here

Find a flaw


Why are conservative women always so much attractive than Liberal / SJW Women?

*so much more attractive

Don't know for certain, but I'll guess because their focused audience is white males, and what white males want.
Attractive women that could easily be a stripper, while claiming to be a Christian conservative.

She's a soulless, retarded sell out, and every time she talks I want to shove my dick down her throat

I'm really not a misogynist, or not much of one anyway, but this girl is so hot and so idiotic, and she has that kind of moist, glistening, soft look to her that just oozes sex
too bad she didn't go into porn, she'd excel in high res

>voting to stop their destruction
>by voting for their destruction
autism truly has no limits...

>white males want. Attractive women that could easily be a stripper, while claiming to be a Christian conservative.


I'm really not a misogynist, or not much of one anyway, but this girl is so hot and so idiotic, and she has that kind of moist, glistening, soft look to her that just oozes sex
too bad she didn't go into porn, she'd excel in high res

I've been called a misogynist many times before, but I don't advocate women being sluts and whores. She's a fucking idiot, yeah, but misogynists are a varied bunch. If anything, you wanting her to go into porn is "empowering" her in some modern, fucked up, Brave New World context.

>the blaze

Brainless neocon piece of trash with a decent make up artist.

>Facebooks people love her

I fucked up the greentext. Just pretend I didn't even try to do that.

If you don't already know, just let it buzz over your head.

What I love is the idea of emptying the contents of my balls into her sweet tight asshole while rubbing her face into the fucking ground

Who is this semen demon






I want to pee in her butt

Id stick my dick so far into that ass, when I pull it out I will be claimed King Arthur.

>implying you wouldn't

nah you just like her for her personality im sure of it.

never heard of her

>her little fake temper tantrums

I skipped through one her videos posted here, your comment is an apt description.

Mad much, cuck?

I want to throat fuck her

Also she was cool when I saw the first one but she kept doing it so it became.... Yeah ok I get it u mad

>I want to throat fuck her

You, I like you, you know what's up.

these American meme-conservative women are absolute cancer.

She should be broadcasting about high school football and minor league baseball in fucking North Dakota or Nebraska or something like every other stupid good looking broadcast journalism degree holding twenty-something bitch.

It's always some permavirgin loser from /r9k/ whining about his sexual failure instead of commenting about things that actually matter

Shut up, you Greek loser. My comment was completely relevant to the topic at hand. Get the fuck out of here, I see you in numerous threads saying "permavirgin" when people criticize women. You need to move out of your mommy's basement and get a fucking job. I cringe hard every time I see you post, your autism radiates from my computer monitor. She's a blonde whore and you're a loser, nothing to do with /r9k/.

Shes cool. Better than Megan Kelly.

how does she look without makeup



>no make-up

are you fucking retarded?

she is a stunner though easy 9/10

>are you fucking retarded?


Why you gotta be so mean? Was just making a joke.
